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1920-02-26Cabinet of Dr. CaligariWiene, Robert
1923-10-16Warning ShadowsRobison, Arthur
1924-04-17Sherlock Jr.Keaton, Buster
1926-11-06Exit SmilingTaylor, Sam
1927-09-23SunriseMurnau, Friedrich W.
1930-04-08EarthDovzhenko, Alexander
1931-01-30City LightsChaplin, Charles
1932-01-20Blood of a PoetCocteau, Jean
1932-05-06VampyrDreyer, Carl Theodor
1932-06-03I Was Born, But...Ozu, Yasujiro
1932-06-25Red-Headed WomanConway, Jack
1934-04-24AtalanteVigo, Jean
1935-06-0639 StepsHitchcock, Alfred
1936-02-05Modern TimesChaplin, Charles
1936-02-27Mr. Thank YouShimizu, Hiroshi
1938-10-07Lady VanishesHitchcock, Alfred
1939-01-27Idiot's DelightBrown, Clarence
1939-03-17MidnightLeisen, Mitchell
1939-08-11Wizard of OzFleming, Victor et al.
1940-03-21RebeccaHitchcock, Alfred
1941-03-21Sea WolfCurtiz, Michael
1941-08-26Ornamental HairpinShimizu, Hiroshi
1941-09-09Ladies in RetirementVidor, Charles
1941-10-03Maltese FalconHuston, John
1941-10-16Assassination of Père NoëlChristian-Jaque
1941-10-31I Wake Up ScreamingHumberstone, H. Bruce
1941-11-08SuspicionHitchcock, Alfred
1942-04-22SaboteurHitchcock, Alfred
1942-07-10Nuit fantastiqueL'Herbier, Marcel
1942-07-31Holiday InnSandrich, Mark
1942-11-26CasablancaCurtiz, Michael
1943-00-00Meshes of the Afternoon - Maya Deren - Alexander Hammid - silhouette - shadow - flower - wall - openingMeshes of the AfternoonDeren, Maya & Hammid, Alexander
1943-01-12Shadow of a DoubtHitchcock, Alfred
1943-04-08I Walked with a ZombieTourneur, Jacques
1943-04-14Goupi Mains RougesBecker, Jacques
1943-04-21Hand of the DevilTourneur, Maurice
1943-05-26Lumière d'étéGrémillon, Jean
1943-11-13Day of WrathDreyer, Carl Theodor
1944-10-11LauraPreminger, Otto
1945-09-09Dead of NightDearden, Basil et al.
1945-09-28Mildred PierceCurtiz, Michael
1945-10-31SpellboundHitchcock, Alfred
1945-11-14DetourUlmer, Edgar G.
1945-11-19Brief EncounterLean, David
1946-08-22Big SleepHawks, Howard
1946-09-25Beauty and the BeastCocteau, Jean
1946-11-01Matter of Life and DeathPowell, Michael & Pressburger, Emeric
1946-12-07Green for DangerGilliat, Sidney
1947-04-11Monsieur VerdouxChaplin, Charles
1947-04-24Black NarcissusPowell, Michael & Pressburger, Emeric
1947-05-25Ghost and Mrs. MuirMankiewicz, Joseph
1948-12-01Parents terriblesCocteau, Jean
1949-01-19Such a Pretty Little BeachAllégret, Yves
1949-01-20Letter to Three WivesMankiewicz, Joseph
1949-09-01Third ManReed, Carol
1949-09-13Late SpringOzu, Yasujiro
1950-02-23Stage FrightHitchcock, Alfred
1950-03-01OrphéeCocteau, Jean
1950-03-29Enfants terriblesMelville, Jean-Pierre
1950-08-10Sunset BoulevardWilder, Billy
1950-10-13All About EveMankiewicz, Joseph
1950-12-25Born YesterdayCukor, George
1951-02-07Diary of a Country PriestBresson, Robert
1951-04-15Juliette, or the Key of DreamsCarné, Marcel
1951-06-27Strangers on a TrainHitchcock, Alfred
1951-10-03Early SummerOzu, Yasujiro
1952-01-17Phone Call from a StrangerNegulesco, Jean
1952-02-225 FingersMankiewicz, Joseph
1952-10-01Flavor of Green Tea over RiceOzu, Yasujiro
1953-02-25Monsieur Hulot's Holiday - Les vacances de Monsieur Hulot - Jacques Tati - house - carMonsieur Hulot's HolidayTati, Jacques
1953-03-26Ugetsu monogatariMizoguchi, Kenji
1953-08-20Roman HolidayWyler, William
1953-11-03Tokyo StoryOzu, Yasujiro
1954-03-03Naked JungleHaskin, Byron
1954-08-04Rear WindowHitchcock, Alfred
1955-01-10OrdetDreyer, Carl Theodor
1955-05-09Death of a CyclistBardem, Juan Antonio
1955-07-26Night of the HunterLaughton, Charles
1955-08-26Pather PanchaliRay, Satyajit
1956-08-29Burmese HarpIchikawa, Kon
1956-11-11Man EscapedBresson, Robert
1957-12-26Wild StrawberriesBergman, Ingmar
1958-01-16Chase a Crooked ShadowAnderson, Michael
1958-01-20Cairo StationChahine, Youssef
1958-05-09VertigoHitchcock, Alfred
1958-06-06Beau SergeChabrol, Claude
1958-08-19ConflagrationIchikawa, Kon
1958-08-26Eighth Day of the WeekFord, Aleksander
1958-10-10Music RoomRay, Satyajit
1959-05-08Hiroshima mon amourResnais, Alain
1959-08-26Night TrainKawalerowicz, Jerzy
1959-11-03Fires on the PlainIchikawa, Kon
1959-11-17Floating WeedsOzu, Yasujiro
1959-12-05Fever Mounts at El PaoBuñuel, Luis
1959-12-16PickpocketBresson, Robert
1960-02-19DeviRay, Satyajit
1960-03-10Plein soleilClément, René
1960-04-14Cloud-Capped StarGhatak, Ritwik
1960-04-22Bonnes femmesChabrol, Claude
1960-05-15L'avventura - Michelangelo Antonioni - Monica Vitti - Claudia - Lisca Bianca - StromboliAvventuraAntonioni, Michelangelo
1960-06-16PsychoHitchcock, Alfred
1961-01-24La notte - Michelangelo Antonioni - Monica Vitti - Valentina Gherardini - game - contest - checkerboard floor - muralNotteAntonioni, Michelangelo
1961-07-01Woman Is a WomanGodard, Jean-Luc
1961-08-29Last Year at Marienbad - L'année dernière à Marienbad - Alain Resnais - formal garden - baroque - Schloß Nymphenburg - shadowsLast Year at MarienbadResnais, Alain
1961-10-29The End of Summer - Kohayagawa-ke no aki - Yasujiro Ozu - Ganjiro Nakamura - Manbei Kohayagawa - garden - flowersEnd of SummerOzu, Yasujiro
1962-03-09Knife in the WaterPolański, Roman
1962-04-11Cléo from 5 to 7Varda, Agnès
1962-04-12EclisseAntonioni, Michelangelo
1962-05-16Exterminating AngelBuñuel, Luis
1962-08-28Vivre sa vieGodard, Jean-Luc
1963-02-09Winter LightBergman, Ingmar
1963-05-31CarabiniersGodard, Jean-Luc
1963-09-03ServantLosey, Joseph
1963-09-27Big CityRay, Satyajit
1964-04-17CharulataRay, Satyajit
1964-07-09MarnieHitchcock, Alfred
1964-07-29Band of OutsidersGodard, Jean-Luc
1964-09-07Red DesertAntonioni, Michelangelo
1964-12-18GertrudDreyer, Carl Theodor
1965-05-05AlphavilleGodard, Jean-Luc
1965-08-27Simón of the DesertBuñuel, Luis
1965-08-29Pierrot le fouGodard, Jean-Luc
1965-12-01I Knew Her WellPietrangeli, Antonio
1966-03-17Black GirlSembène, Ousmane
1966-05-15Au hasard BalthazarBresson, Robert
1966-05-16SecondsFrankenheimer, John
1966-08-31Battle of AlgiersPontecorvo, Gillo
1966-10-18PersonaBergman, Ingmar
1966-11-10Quiller MemorandumAnderson, Michael
1966-12-03Made in U.S.A.Godard, Jean-Luc
1966-12-05Time Walks Through the City - Time Passes Through the City - Laikas eina per miestą - Almantas Grikevičius - horseTime Walks Through the CityGrikevičius, Almantas
1966-12-16Andrei RublevTarkovsky, Andrei
1966-12-18Blow-UpAntonioni, Michelangelo
1967-03-172 or 3 Things I Know About HerGodard, Jean-Luc
1967-12-29WeekendGodard, Jean-Luc
1968-04-022001: A Space OdysseyKubrick, Stanley
1969-10-00Structure of CrystalZanussi, Krzysztof
1969-12-17TopazHitchcock, Alfred
1970-02-09Zabriskie PointAntonioni, Michelangelo
1970-02-27BoucherChabrol, Claude
1970-06-27Man Who Left His Will on FilmOshima, Nagisa
1970-08-26RuptureChabrol, Claude
1971-06-02WhityFassbinder, Rainer W.
1971-12-19Clockwork OrangeKubrick, Stanley
1972-02-05SolarisTarkovsky, Andrei
1972-05-19FrenzyHitchcock, Alfred
1972-06-25Bitter Tears of Petra von KantFassbinder, Rainer W.
1972-08-00Nathalie GrangerDuras, Marguerite
1972-12-21Cries and WhispersBergman, Ingmar
1974-06-20ChinatownPolański, Roman
1975-02-28PassengerAntonioni, Michelangelo
1975-06-04India SongDuras, Marguerite
1975-12-11Barry LyndonKubrick, Stanley
1976-11-13Heart of GlassHerzog, Werner
1977-06-08Baxter, Véra BaxterDuras, Marguerite
1978-09-00Hypothesis of the Stolen PaintingRuiz, Raúl
1979-05-25StalkerTarkovsky, Andrei
1980-05-23ShiningKubrick, Stanley
1981-03-11DivaBeineix, Jean-Jacques
1982-02-18Veronika VossFassbinder, Rainer W.
1982-06-25Blade RunnerScott, Ridley
1983-05-12Moon in the GutterBeineix, Jean-Jacques
1983-05-16ArgentBresson, Robert
1983-05-17NostalghiaTarkovsky, Andrei
1986-05-09SacrificeTarkovsky, Andrei
1986-08-30Blue VelvetLynch, David
1987-02-01Where Is My Friend's Home?Kiarostami, Abbas
1987-06-17Full Metal JacketKubrick, Stanley
1988-03-14Women on the Verge of a Nervous BreakdownAlmodóvar, Pedro
1989-04-12Roselyne and the LionsBeineix, Jean-Jacques
1989-09-04Cook the Thief His Wife and Her LoverGreenaway, Peter
1993-00-00AntareenSen, Mrinal
1994-01-30Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the DesertElliott, Stephan
1995-08-30CérémonieChabrol, Claude
1996-05-13Breaking the WavesVon Trier, Lars
1998-06-01Truman ShowWeir, Peter
1998-08-20Run Lola RunTykwer, Tom
1999-07-13Eyes Wide ShutKubrick, Stanley
1999-09-06Wind Will Carry UsKiarostami, Abbas
2000-05-17Dancer in the DarkVon Trier, Lars
2000-12-08Italian for BeginnersScherfig, Lone
2001-02-09HannibalScott, Ridley
2001-05-16Mulholland DriveLynch, David
2003-05-19DogvilleVon Trier, Lars
2003-09-02Matchstick MenScott, Ridley
2005-05-14CachéHaneke, Michael
2006-05-27Pan's LabyrinthDel Toro, Guillermo
2006-09-01Dry SeasonHaroun, Mahamat-Saleh
2006-09-06Inland EmpireLynch, David
2006-09-21Boss of It AllVon Trier, Lars
2007-09-05In the City of SylviaGuerín, José Luis
2011-05-18MelancholiaVon Trier, Lars
2011-05-19Day He ArrivesHong, Sang-soo
2013-09-08EnemyVilleneuve, Denis
2013-10-03CounselorScott, Ridley
2014-05-17PasternakWild TalesSzifron, Damián
2015-09-11MartianScott, Ridley
2016-09-01ArrivalVilleneuve, Denis
2017-01-23Get OutPeele, Jordan
2018-05-16BurningLee, Chang-dong
2019-05-21ParasiteBong, Joon-ho
2022-09-09No BearsPanahi, Jafar

Release dates are from the Internet Movie Database