A Aagesen, Hanne Ordet
Babak Ahmadpour in Where Is My Friend's Home? Aarons, Bonnie Mulholland Drive
Abadir, Aicha Pierrot le fou
Abakar, Abdéramane Dry Season
Abbasi, Rahim No Bears
Abe, Toru Tokyo Story
Abel, Walter Holiday Inn
Abercrombie, Ian Inland Empire
Abrahams, Martin Zabriskie Point
Abramova, Natasha Stalker
Abrams, Richard I Walked with a Zombie
Abril, Victoria The Moon in the Gutter
Ackerman, Liliana Wild Tales
Adam, Alfred Vivre sa vie
Adam, Ronald Green for Danger
Adams, Amy Arrival
Adams, Dorothy Laura
Adams, Kathryn Saboteur
Addams, James L'avventura
Addy, Wesley Seconds
Adlin, Georges Monsieur Hulot's Holiday
Adorf, Mario I Knew Her Well
Afkir, Walid Caché
Afonso, Yves Made in U.S.A
Aguirre, Cesar The Counselor
Ahmadpour, Ahmed Where Is My Friend's Home?
Ahmadpour, Babak Where Is My Friend's Home?
Ahn, Jae-hong The Day He Arrives
Aimos, Raymond Lumière d'été
Akhtar, Begum The Music Room
Albert, Eddie Roman Holiday
Albert, Mercedes Death of a Cyclist
Albertazzi, Giorgio Last Year at Marienbad
Alberti, Guido The Moon in the Gutter
Albertson, Frank Psycho
Albinus, Jens Dancer in the Dark
The Boss of It All
Alei, Darya No Bears
Alexander, Erika Get Out
Alexander, Richard Modern Times
Allan, Michael Dead of Night
Alonso, Emilio Death of a Cyclist
Alper, Murray The Maltese Falcon
Altman, Bruce Matchstick Men
Álvarez, Enrique García Simón of the Desert
Álvarez Bianchi, Guillermo The Exterminating Angel
Ameche, Don Midnight
Amiot, Paul Orphée
Andere, Jacqueline The Exterminating Angel
Anderson, John Psycho
Anderson, Judith Rebecca
Anderson, Michael J. Mulholland Drive
Anderson, Richard Seconds
Andersson, Bibi Wild Strawberries
Andersson, Harriet Cries and Whispers
André, Marcel Beauty and the Beast
Les parents terribles
Andréi, Frédéric Diva
Andrews, Dana Laura
Andrews, David Hannibal
Angel, Heather Suspicion
Angelini, Alejandro Wild Tales
Angulo, Álex Pan's Labyrinth
Ansari, Ayat Where Is My Friend's Home?
Aoki, Hohi Late Spring
Aoki, Tomio I Was Born, But...
The Burmese Harp
Aoyama, Sugisaku Ugetsu monogatari
Aratama, Michiyo Conflagration
The End of Summer
Arden, Eve Mildred Pierce
Aris, Jonathan The Martian
Årlin, Georg Cries and Whispers
Armetta, Henry Red-Headed Woman
Arnold, Edward Idiot's Delight
Arnold, Joan Holiday Inn
Arosenius, Per-Axel Topaz
Arvel, Léon Diary of a Country Priest
Asadi, Noghre The Wind Will Carry Us
Ashcroft, Peggy The 39 Steps
Ashton, Tracy Inland Empire
Ashton-Griffiths, Roger The Cook the Thief His Wife and Her Lover
Askarpour, Hamdollah Where Is My Friend's Home?
Asorey, Carlos The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Asselin, Philippe Au hasard Balthazar
Astaire, Fred Holiday Inn
Astar, Ben 5 Fingers
Astor, Mary Midnight
The Maltese Falcon
Atkins, Robert A Matter of Life and Death
Attal, Henri Les bonnes femmes
Vivre sa vie
Pierrot le fou
Attenborough, Richard A Matter of Life and Death
Aubert, Pierre Monsieur Hulot's Holiday
Aubier, Pascal Pierrot le fou
Auclair, Michel Beauty and the Beast
Aucoc, Adeline Les enfants terribles
Audran, Stéphane Les bonnes femmes
Le boucher
La rupture
Aufaure, Claude Baxter, Véra Baxter
Austin, Albert City Lights
Auteuil, Daniel Caché
Auzel, Maurice Pierrot le fou
Awashima, Chikage Early Summer
The Flavor of Green Tea over Rice
B Babai, Aziz Where Is My Friend's Home?
Ingrid Bergman in Casablanca Bacall, Lauren The Big Sleep
Bachchan, Jaya The Big City
Bacon, Irving Holiday Inn
Shadow of a Doubt
Monsieur Verdoux
Bacon, Shelby Holiday Inn
Bacqué, André The Hand of the Devil
Badalamenti, Angelo Blue Velvet
Mulholland Drive
Bae, Yoo-ram The Day He Arrives
Baek, Jong-hak The Day He Arrives
Baer, Harry Whity
Veronika Voss
Bag, Anil Devi
Bagdasarian, Ross Rear Window
Bahati, Fulani Inland Empire
Baik, Hyun-jhin The Day He Arrives
Bailey, Raymond Vertigo
Baillou, Alfred The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Baird, Anthony Dead of Night
Bakalyan, Dick Chinatown
Baker, Art Spellbound
Baker, Diane Marnie
Baker, Eddie City Lights
Baker, Elaine Whity
Bakka, Claude Made in U.S.A
Baldaccini, César Monsieur Hulot's Holiday
Baldwin, Adam Full Metal Jacket
Ballhaus, Helga Whity
Balpêtré, Antoine The Hand of the Devil
Diary of a Country Priest
Balsam, Martin Psycho
Ban, Hye-ra Burning
Banderas, Antonio Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown
Banier, François-Marie L'argent
Banionis, Donatas Solaris
Bannerjee, Haradhan The Big City
Bannerjee, Haren Pather Panchali
Bannerjee, Kanu Pather Panchali
Bannerjee, Karuna Pather Panchali
Bannerjee, Runki Pather Panchali
Bannerjee, Subir Pather Panchali
Baquero, Ivana Pan's Labyrinth
Barabas, Nikolett The Martian
Barbaud, Pierre Hiroshima mon amour
Barbaud, Pierre Last Year at Marienbad
Barbier, Jean-Joël Au hasard Balthazar
Bardem, Javier The Counselor
Bardette, Trevor The Big Sleep
Barkaï, Ali Bacha Dry Season
Barlow, Joy The Big Sleep
Barnet, Olga Solaris
Barr, Jean-Marc Breaking the Waves
Dancer in the Dark
The Boss of It All
Barranco, María Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown
Barrett, Edith Ladies in Retirement
I Walked with a Zombie
Barrie, Elaine Midnight
Barrymore, John Midnight
Barsotti, Carlo Italian for Beginners
Bart, Daniel Made in U.S.A
Bartell, Richard Spellbound
Bartoleschi, Valerio Red Desert
Barton, Margaret Brief Encounter
Bates, Barbara All About Eve
Bates, Charles Shadow of a Doubt
Bates, Florence Rebecca
A Letter to Three Wives
Bates, Jeanne Mulholland Drive
Bates, Michael A Clockwork Orange
Baur, Harry The Assassination of Père Noël
Baussy, Didier L'argent
Baviera, José The Exterminating Angel
Baxter, Alan Saboteur
Baxter, Anne All About Eve
Chase a Crooked Shadow
Bay, Frances Blue Velvet
Bazyar, Iman No Bears
Bean, Reathel Dancer in the Dark
Bean, Sean The Martian
Beatty, Robert 2001: A Space Odyssey
Beauchamp, Edmond Le beau Serge
Beavers, Louise Holiday Inn
Beccara, Mario Le boucher
Beck, Kimberly Marnie
Beckman, Henry Marnie
Beddoe, Don The Night of the Hunter
Beerblock, Maurice A Man Escaped
Bel Geddes, Barbara Vertigo
Beldam, Lia The Shining
Bell, Dolly Les bonnes femmes
Bell, James Holiday Inn
I Walked with a Zombie
Belmondo, Jean-Paul A Woman Is a Woman
Pierrot le fou
Ben Kassen, Mohamed The Battle of Algiers
Benedico, Augusto Fever Mounts at El Pao
The Exterminating Angel
Beneyton, Yves Weekend
Benga, Féral The Blood of a Poet
Bénichou, Maurice Caché
Benítez, Damián Wild Tales
Bennett, Bruce Mildred Pierce
Bennett, Marjorie Monsieur Verdoux
Bérendt, Rachel Diary of a Country Priest
Berenson, Marisa Barry Lyndon
Berger, Katya The Moon in the Gutter
Berger, Senta The Quiller Memorandum
Berghof, Herbert 5 Fingers
Bergman, Henry City Lights
Modern Times
Bergman, Ingrid Casablanca
Bergman, Lena Wild Strawberries
Cries and Whispers
Beristáin, Luis The Exterminating Angel
Berjot, Corinne The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Berkeley, Ballard Stage Fright
Berkoff, Steven A Clockwork Orange
The Passenger
Barry Lyndon
Berling, Peter Whity
Veronika Voss
Bernard, Jacques Les enfants terribles
Bernard, Paul Lumière d'été
Berner, Sara Rear Window
Berri, Claude Les bonnes femmes
Berthelsen, Anders W. Italian for Beginners
Bertin, Françoise Last Year at Marienbad
Bertin, Pierre Orphée
Les bonnes femmes
Bertin, Roland Diva
Berto, Juliet 2 or 3 Things I Know About Her
Bertolini, Vittorio La notte
Bessière, Jean The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Best, Edna The Ghost and Mrs. Muir
Bettany, Paul Dogville
Betz, Audrey Monsieur Verdoux
Bevans, Clem Saboteur
Beyshenaliyev, Bolot Andrei Rublev
Bhattacharya, Bijon The Cloud-Capped Star
Bhawal, Dwiju The Cloud-Capped Star
Bia, Ambroise The Passenger
Bierbichler, Josef Heart of Glass
Biesse, Jean-Pierre Made in U.S.A
Bindon, John Barry Lyndon
Binoche, Juliette Caché
Birkin, Jane Blow-Up
Birnbaum, Dan Mulholland Drive
Bischoff, Marc Run Lola Run
Bisset, Jacqueline La cérémonie
Biswas, Chhabi The Music Room
Bjelfvenstam, Björn Wild Strawberries
Björnstrand, Gunnar Wild Strawberries
Winter Light
Blades, Rubén The Counselor
Blain, Gérard Le beau Serge
Blanchar, Dominique L'avventura
Blanck, Dorothée Cléo from 5 to 7
Blanco, Cristina Wild Tales
Blanco, Tomas Whity
Blandick, Clara The Wizard of Oz
Blavette, Charles Lumière d'été
Bleibtreu, Hedwig The Third Man
Bleibtreu, Monica Run Lola Run
Bleibtreu, Moritz Run Lola Run
Blier, Bernard The Assassination of Père Noël
La nuit fantastique
Blin, Roger Orphée
Blystone, Stanley Modern Times
Blyth, Ann Mildred Pierce
Boa, Bruce Full Metal Jacket
Boccardo, Delia Nostalghia
Bogarde, Dirk The Servant
Bogart, Humphrey The Maltese Falcon
The Big Sleep
Bohringer, Richard Diva
The Cook the Thief His Wife and Her Lover
Boidin, Georges Vampyr
Bois, Curt Casablanca
Boisgel, Valérie Alphaville
Boland, Eddie Sunrise
Bolger, Latrina Inland Empire
Bolger, Ray The Wizard of Oz
Bompiani, Valentino La notte
Bond, Maya Mulholland Drive
Bond, Ward The Maltese Falcon
Bondarchuk, Natalya Solaris
Bonfigli, Gustavo Wild Tales
Bonnafoux, Guy The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Bonnaire, Sandrine La cérémonie
Booth, Roger Barry Lyndon
Borboni, Paola Roman Holiday
Bordán, Lili The Martian
Bordón, César Wild Tales
Borel, Adrien Diary of a Country Priest
Boreo, Emile The Lady Vanishes
Borg, Veda Ann Mildred Pierce
Borkowski, Alina The Eighth Day of the Week
Bose, Dilip Charulata
Bose, Gangapada The Music Room
Bosè, Lucia Death of a Cyclist
Nathalie Granger
Boselli, Aldo The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Bouillon, Jean-Claude Made in U.S.A
Bouquet, Michel La rupture
Bourgeois, Nathalie Nathalie Granger
Bourseiller, Antoine Cléo from 5 to 7
Bourseiller, Christophe 2 or 3 Things I Know About Her
Bourseiller, Marie 2 or 3 Things I Know About Her
Bowles, Peter Blow-Up
Boxer, John Frenzy
Boy, Ibrahima Black Girl
Boyer, Charles Red-Headed Woman
Boyer, Jean-Marie The Assassination of Père Noël
Brabo, Michèle Monsieur Hulot's Holiday
Bras, Albert Vampyr
Brassat, Jean Les carabiniers
Brasseur, Claude Band of Outsiders
Brasseur, Pierre Lumière d'été
Bravo, Antonio The Exterminating Angel
Simón of the Desert
Breeveld, Arnie The Cook the Thief His Wife and Her Lover
Breton, Michèle Weekend
Breuer, Siegfried The Third Man
Brialy, Jean-Claude Le beau Serge
A Woman Is a Woman
Cléo from 5 to 7
I Knew Her Well
Bricker, Pablo Wild Tales
Brignone, Lilla L'eclisse
Briguet, Michel L'argent
Brinkemo, Evelina Dogville
Briquet, Sacha Les bonnes femmes
Briscoe, Brent Mulholland Drive
Brissac, Virginia Monsieur Verdoux
Brissac, Virginia Shadow of a Doubt
Broadway, Vander Clyde The Blood of a Poet
Brobeck, Anna Dogville
Brochard, Jean The Assassination of Père Noël
Brodie, Don Detour
Brodrick, Susan Blow-Up
Brook, Claudio The Exterminating Angel
Simón of the Desert
Brook, Faith Suspicion
Chase a Crooked Shadow
Broström, Gunnel Wild Strawberries
Broutin, Christian The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Brown, Barbara Born Yesterday
Brown, Blair Dogville
Brown, Charles D. The Big Sleep
Brown, John Strangers on a Train
Brown, Vanessa The Ghost and Mrs. Muir
Browne, Roscoe Lee Topaz
Bruce, David The Sea Wolf
Bruce, Nigel Rebecca
Bruce, Sally Jane The Night of the Hunter
Brunoy, Blanchette Goupi Mains Rouges
Brunschwick, Laurent La rupture
Brunswig, Jacques The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Bryan, Peggy Dead of Night
Bryar, Paul The Night of the Hunter
Brygmann, Martin Italian for Beginners
Buelna, Enrique Mulholland Drive
Buquet, Jean The Assassination of Père Noël
Burke, Billie The Wizard of Oz
Burns, Lisa The Shining
Burns, Louise The Shining
Burr, Fritzi Chinatown
Burr, Raymond Rear Window
Burvant, Trey Get Out
Burton, Tony The Shining
Bush, Françoise Seconds
Bykov, Rolan Andrei Rublev
Byron, Kathleen A Matter of Life and Death
Black Narcissus
C Caan, James Dogville
Soumitra Chatterjee in Devi Cabral, Richard The Counselor
Caccamo, María Laura Wild Tales
Caccia, Roger La nuit fantastique
Cady, Frank Rear Window
Caffarel, José María The Passenger
Cage, Nicolas Matchstick Men
Cagnard, James Melancholia
Caille, Emilienne Cléo from 5 to 7
Calloway, Ashley Inland Empire
Camacho, Mark Arrival
Camaso, Claudio I Knew Her Well
Camax, Valentine Monsieur Hulot's Holiday
Campanella, Frank Seconds
Campbell, Ashley LeConte Get Out
Campbell, James The Passenger
Campbell, Judy Green for Danger
Campbell, Lindsay A Clockwork Orange
Canakis, Oreste The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Candoli, Conte Mulholland Drive
Cañedo, Roberto Fever Mounts at El Pao
Capriati, Stefano Whity
Carboni, Emanuela Pala Red Desert
Carew, Peter Blue Velvet
Carey, Joyce Brief Encounter
Carey, Macdonald Shadow of a Doubt
Carl, Raymond Monsieur Hulot's Holiday
Carlderón, Norma The Naked Jungle
Carleton, Claire Born Yesterday
Carlini, Paolo Roman Holiday
Carmet, Jean La rupture
Carminati, Tullio Roman Holiday
Carnège, André Orphée
Caro, Julia Delgado Death of a Cyclist
Carrey, Jim The Truman Show
Carrière, Mathieu India Song
Carroll, Leo G. Rebecca
Strangers on a Train
Carroll, Madeleine The 39 Steps
Carson, Frances Saboteur
Shadow of a Doubt
Carson, Jack Mildred Pierce
Carsten, Peter The Quiller Memorandum
Carstensen, Margit The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant
Cartlidge, Katrin Breaking the Waves
Carton, Pauline The Blood of a Poet
Casamajor, Roger Pan's Labyrinth
Casaravilla, Carlos Death of a Cyclist
Casares, María Orphée
Casas, Camila Sofía Wild Tales
Caspe, Brian The Martian
Cassan, Marguerite La rupture
Cassel, Jean-Pierre La rupture
La cérémonie
Casselberry, Ian Get Out
Cassidy, Joanna Blade Runner
Castañeda, Luis Aceves Fever Mounts at El Pao
Simón of the Desert
Castellanos, Vincent Mulholland Drive
Castelló, Florencio The Exterminating Angel
Castillo, Gloria The Night of the Hunter
Castle, John Blow-Up
Cauchetier, Raymond Cléo from 5 to 7
Caussimon, Jean-Roger Juliette, or the Key of Dreams
Cavanaugh, Hobart A Letter to Three Wives
Cayo, Fernando The Counselor
Cellier, Frank The 39 Steps
Cerval, Claude Le beau Serge
Cha, Mi-kyung Burning
Chabrol, Claude Le beau Serge
Chadwick, Sarah The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
Chagrin, Claude Blow-Up
Chagrin, Julian Blow-Up
Chahine, Youssef Cairo Station
Chakraborty, Tulsi Pather Panchali
Chakravarti, Khagesh Devi
Chamarat, Georges The Assassination of Père Noël
The Hand of the Devil
Chao, Pablo Wild Tales
Chapin, Billy The Night of the Hunter
Chaplin, Charles City Lights
Modern Times
Monsieur Verdoux
Chartier-Dessert, Lucas Arrival
Charton, Marcel Vivre sa vie
Chase, Helena Inland Empire
Chassel, Philippe The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Chastain, Jessica The Martian
Châtelet, Noëlle Baxter, Véra Baxter
Chatterjee, Anil Devi
The Cloud-Capped Star
The Big City
Chatterjee, Haren The Big City
Chatterjee, Soumitra Devi
Chdjari, Maria Where Is My Friend's Home?
Chekhov, Michael Spellbound
Chen, Shu The Martian
Cherrill, Virginia City Lights
Chesnakov, Alexis The Third Man
Chevalier, Louise La rupture
Chimona, Costas Dino Full Metal Jacket
Chionetti, Carlo Red Desert
Choi, Seung-ho Burning
Chomo, Nicole Monsieur Hulot's Holiday
Choudhury, Supriya The Cloud-Capped Star
Chowdhury, Arabinda Kumar Devi
Chowdhury, Arpan Devi
Christensen, Casper The Boss of It All
Christensen, Emil Hass Ordet
Christensen, Jesper Italian for Beginners
Christensen, Jesper Melancholia
Cilenti, Enzo The Martian
Clair, Nadège The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Clare, Mary The Lady Vanishes
Clark, Fred Sunset Boulevard
Clark, Harvey Red-Headed Woman
Clarke, Warren A Clockwork Orange
Clarkson, Patricia Dogville
Clauzel, Pierre Monsieur Hulot's Holiday
Clayton, Judy The Truman Show
Cleaver, Kathleen Zabriskie Point
Cler, André L'argent
Cler, Claude L'argent
Clévenot, Philippe Roselyne and the Lions
Clive, John A Clockwork Orange
Closas, Alberto Death of a Cyclist
Cloutier, Suzanne Juliette, or the Key of Dreams
Coates, Kade The Truman Show
Coburn, Charles Idiot's Delight
Coëdel, Lucien The Assassination of Père Noël
Coffey, Scott Mulholland Drive
Inland Empire
Coffinet, Anne-Marie The Moon in the Gutter
Colbert, Claudette Midnight
Colceri, Tim Full Metal Jacket
Colleano, Bonar A Matter of Life and Death
Collinge, Patricia Shadow of a Doubt
Colombo, Juan Pablo Wild Tales
Colpeyn, Louisa Band of Outsiders
Comolli, Jean-Louis Les carabiniers
Comte, Alix The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Conklin, Chester Modern Times
Connealy, Kevin Eyes Wide Shut
Connelly, Erwin Sherlock Jr.
Connelly, Jane Sherlock Jr.
Connery, Sean Marnie
Conrad, William The Naked Jungle
Conroy, Thom Seconds
Constantine, Eddie Cléo from 5 to 7
Conway, Tom I Walked with a Zombie
Cook, Brian W. Eyes Wide Shut
Cook, Clyde Ladies in Retirement
Cook Jr., Elisha The Maltese Falcon
I Wake Up Screaming
The Big Sleep
Cook, Ron The Cook the Thief His Wife and Her Lover
Cooke, Michael Mulholland Drive
Cooper, Gladys Rebecca
Coote, Robert A Matter of Life and Death
The Ghost and Mrs. Muir
Coquet, Fernand Made in U.S.A
Corbella, Vincenzo La notte
Corbet, Brady Melancholia
Corby, Ellen Vertigo
Córdova, Pancho The Exterminating Angel
Cordy, Annie La rupture
Corey, Jeff Seconds
Corey, Wendell Rear Window
Corne, Léonce Lumière d'été
Corrà, Bruna Death of a Cyclist
Corrado, Alex Hannibal
Correll, Mady Monsieur Verdoux
Corri, Adrienne A Clockwork Orange
Cortese, Rita Wild Tales
Cortez, Julia The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
Cosima, Renée Les enfants terribles
Cotten, Joseph Shadow of a Doubt
The Third Man
Cottin, Jacques Monsieur Hulot's Holiday
Cournot, Michel Weekend
Cowan, Jerome The Maltese Falcon
Craig, Wendy The Servant
Crain, Jeanne A Letter to Three Wives
Crane, Ward Sherlock Jr.
Cravens, Rutherford Get Out
Crawford, Broderick Born Yesterday
Crawford, Joan Mildred Pierce
Cregar, Laird I Wake Up Screaming
Crémieux, Henri Orphée
Creuze, Michel Le beau Serge
Crews, Laura Hope Idiot's Delight
Crews, Terry Inland Empire
Cribbins, Bernard Frenzy
Crider, Missy Mulholland Drive
Crisa, Erno Plein soleil
Cronyn, Hume Shadow of a Doubt
Crosby, Bing Holiday Inn
Crothers, Scatman The Shining
Croughwell, Charles Mulholland Drive
Cruise, Tom Eyes Wide Shut
Cruz, Penélope The Counselor
Culver, Roland Dead of Night
Cumming, Alan Eyes Wide Shut
Cummings, Robert Saboteur
Curchio, Gustavo Wild Tales
Curtis, Billy Saboteur
Curtis, Donald Spellbound
Curtis, Mickey Fires on the Plain
Ćwikliński, Jerzy Night Train
Cybulski, Zbigniew The Eighth Day of the Week
Night Train
Cyliakus, Maria Les enfants terribles
Cyrus, Billy Ray Mulholland Drive
D D'Aguilar, Thelma Chase a Crooked Shadow
Mbissine Thérèse Diop in Black Girl D'Amico, Marcus Full Metal Jacket
D'Onofrio, Vincent Full Metal Jacket
Da Silva, Howard The Sea Wolf
Dąbrowska, Helena Night Train
Dagover, Lil The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
Daicz, Alan Wild Tales
Daillencourt, Bernard The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Dale, Virginia Idiot's Delight
Holiday Inn
Dalio, Marcel Casablanca
Damon, Matt The Martian
Damon, Una The Truman Show
Dan, Julia Scarlett Arrival
Dan, Reiko The End of Summer
Danet, Jean Diary of a Country Priest
Daniels, Jeff The Martian
Dantés, Raúl Fever Mounts at El Pao
Dantine, Helmut Casablanca
Darc, Mireille Weekend
Darcy, Georgine Rear Window
Darget, Chantal Band of Outsiders
Darín, Ricardo Wild Tales
Darmon, Gérard Diva
Darnell, Linda A Letter to Three Wives
Darrieux, Danielle 5 Fingers
Darrin, Sonia The Big Sleep
Dasgupta, Uma Pather Panchali
Dassas, Stella Hiroshima mon amour
Dastagir, Sabu Black Narcissus
Dasté, Jean L'Atalante
Dasté, Marie-Hélène The Assassination of Père Noël
Date, Tadashi Floating Weeds
Davari, Amir No Bears
Davenport, Havis Rear Window
David, Mario Les bonnes femmes
La rupture
Davies, Jeremy Dogville
Davies, Phil Eyes Wide Shut
Davis, Bette All About Eve
Phone Call from a Stranger
Davis, Joel Spellbound
Davis, Julienne Eyes Wide Shut
Davis, Mackenzie The Martian
Davray, Dominique Cléo from 5 to 7
Davy, Jean The Hand of the Devil
Day, Josette Beauty and the Beast
Les parents terribles
Daydé, Bernard The Assassination of Père Noël
de Beauregard, Georges Cléo from 5 to 7
de Bray, Yvonne Les parents terribles
de Broca, Philippe Le beau Serge
de Bruijn, Lex Weekend
de Cordoba, Pedro Saboteur
de Cuir, Greg The Martian
de Gunzburg, Nicolas Vampyr
de Marchi, Laura Nostalghia
de Morelos, Patricia The Exterminating Angel
de Palma, Rossy Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown
de Poliolo, Dorothy L'avventura
de Sax, Guillaume The Hand of the Devil
de Silva, Germán Wild Tales
de Vilallonga, José Luis Cléo from 5 to 7
Déa, Marie Orphée
Dębski, Adam The Structure of Crystal
Deck, Andrea The Counselor
Dee, Frances I Walked with a Zombie
Defai, Khodabaksh Where Is My Friend's Home?
Defallah, Khayar Oumar Dry Season
Deglauy, Diana Wild Tales
del Campo, César The Exterminating Angel
del Castillo, Enrique The Exterminating Angel
Simón of the Desert
del Rio, Rebekah Mulholland Drive
Delahaye, Michel Alphaville
Delan, Claudio Wild Tales
Delaram, Narges No Bears
Delate, Brian The Truman Show
Delbard, Bernard Black Girl
Delboy, Marthe The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Delhumeau, Jean Paul A Man Escaped
Delon, Alain Plein soleil
Delorme, Danièle Cléo from 5 to 7
DeMille, Cecil B. Sunset Boulevard
Deneuve, Catherine Dancer in the Dark
Denne, Barry The Shining
Denny, Reginald Rebecca
Depardieu, Gérard Nathalie Granger
Baxter, Véra Baxter
The Moon in the Gutter
Deren, Maya Meshes of the Afternoon
Dermithe, Edouard Orphée
Les enfants terribles
Dern, Bruce Marnie
Dern, Laura Blue Velvet
Inland Empire
Deruaz, Chantal Diva
Des Barres, Michael Mulholland Drive
Desbois, Anne The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Desbordes, Jean The Blood of a Poet
Despeaux, Jean The Hand of the Devil
Deutsch, Ernst The Third Man
Develoux, Denis The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Devère, Arthur The Assassination of Père Noël
Goupi Mains Rouges
Juliette, or the Key of Dreams
Devere, Matt The Martian
Devi, Aparna Pather Panchali
Devi, Chunibala Pather Panchali
Devi, Padma The Music Room
Devi, Sefalika The Big City
Devi, Shanta Devi
Devirys, Rachel Les enfants terribles
Devos, Raymond Pierrot le fou
Dewey, Earle S. Shadow of a Doubt
Dewoyno, Władysław The Eighth Day of the Week
Dey, Gita The Cloud-Capped Star
Dey, Nilotpal Charulata
Dhiegh, Khigh Seconds
di Lampedusa, Angela Tomasi L'avventura
di Lemme, Miguel Wild Tales
Diaz, Cameron The Counselor
Dichamps, Fernand The Blood of a Poet
Dickerson, Erynn Inland Empire
Dickerson, George Blue Velvet
Dierkes, John The Naked Jungle
Dietrich, Marlene Stage Fright
Difai, Rafia Where Is My Friend's Home?
Diligent, Raphaël L'Atalante
Dinan, Albert Les bonnes femmes
Dineff, Dimitri Vivre sa vie
Dino, André Monsieur Hulot's Holiday
Le beau Serge
Diop, Mbissine Thérèse Black Girl
Diop, Omar Weekend
Djaoro, Youssouf Dry Season
Dobtcheff, Vernon India Song
Dol, Mona The Assassination of Père Noël
Dominique, Fritz The Truman Show
Donado, Walter Wild Tales
Donaldson, Ted Phone Call from a Stranger
Donat, Robert The 39 Steps
Donati, Nicole Black Girl
Dor, Karin I Knew Her Well
Dorani, Behzad The Wind Will Carry Us
Dormer, Natalie The Counselor
Dorziat, Gabrielle Les parents terribles
Dougherty, James The Martian
Douglas, Kirk A Letter to Three Wives
Douglas, Paul A Letter to Three Wives
Dourif, Brad Blue Velvet
Drachtman, Héctor Wild Tales
Drake, Claudia Detour
Drouot, Jean-Claude La rupture
du Mont, Sky Eyes Wide Shut
Dubois, André Monsieur Hulot's Holiday
Dubois, Marie A Woman Is a Woman
Duchateau, Renée Cléo from 5 to 7
Duchaussoy, Michel La rupture
Dudicourt, Marc Made in U.S.A
Duering, Carl A Clockwork Orange
Dullea, Keir 2001: A Space Odyssey
Dunaway, Faye Chinatown
Duncan, Lee Zabriskie Point
Dunn, Emma Ladies in Retirement
Dunn, George Zabriskie Point
Dunst, Kirsten Melancholia
Duperey, Anny 2 or 3 Things I Know About Her
Dupláa, Nancy Wild Tales
Durante, Catherine Les carabiniers
Durgel, Rosa Elena The Exterminating Angel
Düringer, Annemarie Veronika Voss
Dutoit, Roger Pierrot le fou
Dutt, Anjan Antareen
Duval, Daniel Caché
Duvall, Shelley The Shining
Duzenli, Melih Roselyne and the Lions
Dvorzhetsky, Vladislav Solaris
E Eastin, Steve Matchstick Men
Allan Edwall in Winter Light Ebbesen, Elsa Winter Light
Eckhausen, Sylvia Ordet
Eco, Umberto La notte
Eddy, Sonya Matchstick Men
Eder, Liselotte Veronika Voss
Edmiston, Alan I Walked with a Zombie
Edmund, Peter Full Metal Jacket
Edmunds, William Idiot's Delight
Edwall, Allan Winter Light
The Sacrifice
Edwards, Henry Green for Danger
Eginton, Madison Eyes Wide Shut
Ehrling, Monica Wild Strawberries
Ejiofor, Chiwetel The Martian
Ek, Anders Cries and Whispers
El Baroudi, Hassan Cairo Station
El Kader, Fusia The Battle of Algiers
Elias, Cyrus L'eclisse
Elliott, Cecil Chinatown
Ellison, James I Walked with a Zombie
Elmi, Roushan Karam The Wind Will Carry Us
Elsom, Isobel Ladies in Retirement
Monsieur Verdoux
The Ghost and Mrs. Muir
Emery, John Eyes Wide Shut
Emmerich, Noah The Truman Show
Endo, Tatsuo The End of Summer
Erlingsson, Benedikt The Boss of It All
Ermelli, Claudio Roman Holiday
Ermey, R. Lee Full Metal Jacket
Ertaud, Jacques A Man Escaped
Étaix, Pierre Pickpocket
Etiévant, Yvette Diary of a Country Priest
Eustache, Jean Weekend
Evans, Charles Monsieur Verdoux
Evans, Herbert Casablanca
Evanson, Edith Marnie
Evelyn, Judith Rear Window
Everett, Chad Mulholland Drive
Everett, Sean Mulholland Drive
F Fabbri, Jacques Diva
María Félix in Fever Mounts at El Pao Fabre, Saturnin La nuit fantastique
Fabrizi, Franco I Knew Her Well
Facio, Giannina Matchstick Men
The Counselor
Fackeldey, Gisela The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant
Fadden, Tom The Big Sleep
Faison, Frankie Hannibal
Faithfull, Marianne Made in U.S.A
Fallon, Siobhan Dancer in the Dark
Falt, Dennis Zabriskie Point
Farazpour, Hajar Where Is My Friend's Home?
Farcy, Bernard The Moon in the Gutter
Farrar, David Black Narcissus
Farrell, Paul A Clockwork Orange
Fassbender, Michael The Counselor
Fassbinder, Rainer Werner Whity
Fátyol, Kamilla The Martian
Faure, Raymond Orphée
Faure, Renée The Assassination of Père Noël
Favières, Guy Goupi Mains Rouges
Fax, Jesslyn Rear Window
Federspiel, Birgitte Ordet
Federspiel, Ejner Ordet
Fehér, Friedrich The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
Feld, Fritz Idiot's Delight
Félix, Enrique Álvarez Simón of the Desert
Félix, María Fever Mounts at El Pao
Ferch, Heino Run Lola Run
Fernández, Jesús Simón of the Desert
Fernandez, Wilhelmenia Wiggins Diva
Ferriz, Miguel Ángel Fever Mounts at El Pao
Ferro, Turi I Knew Her Well
Ferzetti, Gabriele L'avventura
Field, Todd Eyes Wide Shut
Fielding, Edward Rebecca
Fieschi, Jean-André Alphaville
Finch, Jon Frenzy
Finckh, Beate Run Lola Run
Fiore, Zita La nuit fantastique
Firbank, Ann The Servant
Fischler, Patrick Mulholland Drive
Fitzgerald, Barry The Sea Wolf
Fix, Paul Zabriskie Point
Flamand, Didier India Song
Fleetwood, Susan The Sacrifice
Fleming, Rhonda Spellbound
Flemyng, Robert The Quiller Memorandum
Floersheim, Patrick Diva
Florency, Jack Vivre sa vie
Fodrini, Graciela Wild Tales
Fondra, Helen Roman Holiday
Fontaine, Joan Rebecca
Fontaine, Robert Black Girl
Fontan, Gabrielle Juliette, or the Key of Dreams
Ford, Harrison Zabriskie Point
Blade Runner
Ford, Wallace Shadow of a Doubt
Forlani, Rémo Made in U.S.A
Forster, Kate Mulholland Drive
Forster, Robert Mulholland Drive
Forsythe, John Topaz
Fortunati, Ugo La notte
Foster, Barry Frenzy
Fouquet, Louise Juliette, or the Key of Dreams
Fourneau, Marc Ernest L'argent
Fowley, Douglas The Naked Jungle
Fox, James The Servant
Francione, Tan Hung Full Metal Jacket
Francis, Christine Sherlock Jr.
Francis, Clive A Clockwork Orange
Franco, Camila Wild Tales
François, Michel The Assassination of Père Noël
Francomme, Édouard Monsieur Hulot's Holiday
Franko, Ivan Earth
Franzén, Filippa The Sacrifice
Frasca, Marcelo Wild Tales
Fraser, Elisabeth Seconds
Frechette, Mark Zabriskie Point
Frega, Ángel Wild Tales
Frégis, Lucien Monsieur Hulot's Holiday
Freindlich, Alisa Stalker
Frémont, Marie-Claire Au hasard Balthazar
Fresnay, Pierre The Hand of the Devil
Fresson, Bernard Hiroshima mon amour
Frey, Sami Cléo from 5 to 7
Band of Outsiders
Fridell, Åke Wild Strawberries
Fridh, Gertrud Wild Strawberries
Friðriksson, Friðrik Þór The Boss of It All
Friedrich, Wilhelm Heart of Glass
Froboess, Cornelia Veronika Voss
Fronko, Deborah Melancholia
Frot, Dominique La cérémonie
Fuchsberger, Joachim I Knew Her Well
Fujikawa, Jerry Chinatown
Fujiki, Yu The End of Summer
Fujimatsu, Shotaro I Was Born, But...
Fukuda, Kenichi The Man Who Left His Will on Film
Fukuoka, Sukio The Man Who Left His Will on Film
Fuller, Samuel Pierrot le fou
Funaki, Yoichi Conflagration
Funakoshi, Eiji Fires on the Plain
Furdui, Dumitru Roselyne and the Lions
Furse, Judith Black Narcissus
Futaba, Kaoru Mr. Thank You
G Gabay, Claudine Baxter, Véra Baxter
Donald Glover in The Martian Gabel, Martin Marnie
Gabison, David La cérémonie
Gable, Clark Idiot's Delight
Gabriel, Betty Get Out
Gabriello, André The Hand of the Devil
Gadd, Renée Dead of Night
Gadon, Sarah Enemy
Gaël, Josseline The Hand of the Devil
Gagnon, Karen The Martian
Gaillard, Roger Les enfants terribles
Gainsbourg, Charlotte Melancholia
Galéa, Geneviève Les carabiniers
Gallagher, Richard Idiot's Delight
Gallardo, Lucy The Exterminating Angel
Gallaudet, John Holiday Inn
Gallini, Mo Mulholland Drive
Galvani, Graziella Pierrot le fou
Gambon, Michael The Cook the Thief His Wife and Her Lover
Gangopadhaya, Rama Pather Panchali
Gantzler, Peter Italian for Beginners
The Boss of It All
Ganz, Bruno The Counselor
Garaway, Bill Zabriskie Point
Garcia, Al Ernest City Lights
Modern Times
García, Luis Manuel Altamirano Wild Tales
García Álvarez, Enrique The Exterminating Angel
Garcia-Ville, Luce Last Year at Marienbad
Nathalie Granger
Gardner, Charlie The Martian
Gardner, Jimmy Frenzy
Garfield, John The Sea Wolf
Gargan, William I Wake Up Screaming
Garland, Judy The Wizard of Oz
Garrote, Andrea Wild Tales
Gaslini, Giorgio La notte
Gattegno, César Pickpocket
Gaup, Mikkel Breaking the Waves
Gavin, John Psycho
Gaye, Gregory Casablanca
Gaynor, Janet Sunrise
Gazda, Michał Night Train
Gazzara, Ben Dogville
Geer, Will Seconds
Gégauff, Paul Weekend
Gelardi, Lucrecia Wild Tales
Génin, René Goupi Mains Rouges
Juliette, or the Key of Dreams
Genn, Leo Green for Danger
Gentile, Diego Wild Tales
Geoffroy, Odile Vivre sa vie
Les carabiniers
George, Gladys The Maltese Falcon
George, Melissa Mulholland Drive
Gérard, Henriette Vampyr
Gérard, Marguerite Monsieur Hulot's Holiday
Geray, Steven Spellbound
Germon, Nane Beauty and the Beast
Gervasoni, Martín Wild Tales
Gerving, Claus Italian for Beginners
Ghanem, Hakim Roselyne and the Lions
Ghatak, Gita The Cloud-Capped Star
Gheri, Alvaro Les carabiniers
Ghobadi, Bahman The Wind Will Carry Us
Ghobadi, Shahpour The Wind Will Carry Us
Gholami, Nader Where Is My Friend's Home?
Ghosh, Bankim Charulata
Ghoshal, Shyamal Charulata
Gi, Ju-bong The Day He Arrives
Giamatti, Paul The Truman Show
Giannini, Giancarlo Hannibal
Gibbs, Nigel Matchstick Men
Gibson, Billie The Shining
Gibson, Moses Blue Velvet
Gibson, Thomas Eyes Wide Shut
Gifuni, Fabrizio Hannibal
Gil, Ariadna Pan's Labyrinth
Gilchrist, Connie A Letter to Three Wives
Gill, Inga Cries and Whispers
Gilles, Maurice L'Atalante
Gillespie, Emer The Cook the Thief His Wife and Her Lover
Giordano, Domiziana Nostalghia
Giovagnoli, Eliane Made in U.S.A
Girard, Danièle Band of Outsiders
Girard, Marcel Monsieur Hulot's Holiday
Girardot, Annie Caché
Gish, Lillian The Night of the Hunter
Gísladóttir, Guðrún The Sacrifice
Gist, Robert Strangers on a Train
Glaser, Vaughan Saboteur
Glass, Philip The Truman Show
Glazer, Cori Mulholland Drive
Gleason, James The Night of the Hunter
Gleason, Pat Detour
Glover, Bruce Chinatown
Glover, Donald The Martian
Głowacki, Roland Night Train
Glyn, Gruffudd The Martian
Go, Hyun-jung The Day He Arrives
Goba, Gary Eyes Wide Shut
Godard, Jean-Luc Cléo from 5 to 7
Goddard, Paulette Modern Times
Godet, Sylvain Made in U.S.A
Goldrup, Jim Zabriskie Point
Good, Abigail Eyes Wide Shut
Goodman, Hazelle Hannibal
Goodwin, Bill Spellbound
Gordon, Christine I Walked with a Zombie
Gori, Gorella Roman Holiday
Goring, Marius A Matter of Life and Death
Goto, Kazuo The Man Who Left His Will on Film
Gough, Lloyd Sunset Boulevard
Gover, Michael A Clockwork Orange
Grable, Betty I Wake Up Screaming
Gråbøl, Sofie The Boss of It All
Grabowski, Norman Zabriskie Point
Grace, Wayne Mulholland Drive
Graham, Marcus Mulholland Drive
Granach, Alexander Warning Shadows
Grandinetti, Darío Wild Tales
Grando, Miguel Ángel Platinado Wild Tales
Granger, Farley Strangers on a Train
Grant, Beth Matchstick Men
Grant, Cary Suspicion
Grant, Lee Mulholland Drive
Granval, Charles La nuit fantastique
Grapewin, Charley The Wizard of Oz
Graves, Peter The Night of the Hunter
Gravey, Fernand La nuit fantastique
Gray, Sally Green for Danger
Gréco, Juliette Orphée
Greco, Marco Hannibal
Green, Dick Blue Velvet
Green, Marika Pickpocket
Green, Richard Mulholland Drive
Green, Walter Au hasard Balthazar
Greenstreet, Sydney The Maltese Falcon
Gregg, Everley Brief Encounter
Grenfell, Joyce Stage Fright
Grey, Joel Dancer in the Dark
Grey, Virginia Idiot's Delight
Grimm, Daniel The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Grinko, Nikolai Andrei Rublev
Grinszpan, Paula Wild Tales
Groth, Ann Elisabeth Ordet
Grotti, Aldo Red Desert
Grüning, Ilka Casablanca
Gruszka, Karolina Inland Empire
Guðmundsdóttir, Björk Dancer in the Dark
Guegan, Anne Made in U.S.A
Guérault, William Le boucher
Guilbert, Jean-Claude Au hasard Balthazar
Guillain, Bruno The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Guillén, Fernando Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown
Guilmáin, Ofelia The Exterminating Angel
Guinan, Francis Hannibal
Guinness, Alec The Quiller Memorandum
Gülstorff, Max Warning Shadows
Güttler, Stefan Heart of Glass
Gwiazdowski, Tadeusz Night Train
Gyllenhaal, Jake Enemy
H Hackett, Jonathan Breaking the Waves
Setsuko Hara in Late Spring Hafner, Alex The Counselor
Haggiag, Brahim The Battle of Algiers
Hainia, Marcelle Goupi Mains Rouges
Haiwen, Yang The Martian
Hale, Jonathan Strangers on a Train
Haley, Jack The Wizard of Oz
Hall, Philip Baker Zabriskie Point
The Truman Show
Hallatt, May Black Narcissus
Halprin, Daria Zabriskie Point
Hamaguchi, Yoshihiro Fires on the Plain
Hamamura, Jun The Burmese Harp
Fires on the Plain
Hamilton, Gay Barry Lyndon
Hamilton, Margaret The Wizard of Oz
Hamilton, Murray Seconds
Hammid, Alexander Meshes of the Afternoon
Hampden, Walter All About Eve
5 Fingers
Hanabu, Tatsuo Floating Weeds
Hanamura, Norikatsu The Burmese Harp
Hanin, Pierre Pierrot le fou
Hannah, Daryl Blade Runner
Hannigan, Declan The Martian
Hansson, Maud Wild Strawberries
Hara, Setsuko Late Spring
Early Summer
Tokyo Story
The End of Summer
Harding, Elizabeth Chinatown
Hardwicke, Cedric Suspicion
Harewood, Dorian Full Metal Jacket
Harlow, Jean Red-Headed Woman
Harnisch, Wolf Roselyne and the Lions
Harper, Ben Inland Empire
Harper, Rand Rear Window
Harring, Laura Mulholland Drive
Inland Empire
Harris, Ed The Truman Show
Harris, Richard Red Desert
Harris, Theresa I Walked with a Zombie
Harrison, Rex The Ghost and Mrs. Muir
Hartley, Mariette Marnie
Harvey, Jack Blue Velvet
Harvey, Paul Spellbound
Hashemi, Naser No Bears
Hashimoto, Kazuo The Man Who Left His Will on Film
Hauer, Rutger Blade Runner
Hayama, Masao I Was Born, But...
Hayami, Teruyo I Was Born, But...
Hayashi, Kuniyasu I Was Born, But...
Hayat, David The Exterminating Angel
Haye, Helen The 39 Steps
Hayes, Bernadene Idiot's Delight
Hayward, Louis Ladies in Retirement
Heath, Dodie Seconds
Hedaya, Dan Mulholland Drive
Hedren, Tippi Marnie
Hedström, Tina Topaz
Heidari, Reihan The Wind Will Carry Us
Heidari, Reza No Bears
Heigh, Helene Monsieur Verdoux
Helmore, Tom Vertigo
Helpmann, Robert The Quiller Memorandum
Hemmings, David Blow-Up
Hencz, Jan Inland Empire
Henderson, Marcus Get Out
Hendry, Ian The Passenger
Henfrey, Janet The Cook the Thief His Wife and Her Lover
Hennie, Aksel The Martian
Henreid, Paul Casablanca
Hepburn, Audrey Roman Holiday
Herd, Richard Get Out
Herder, Andrzej Night Train
Herder, Lilli Warning Shadows
Herlin, Jacques The Moon in the Gutter
Hermann, Irm The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant
Hernández, Elodia The Exterminating Angel
Hernin-Helbaut, Claude The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Heston, Charlton The Naked Jungle
Heuring, Lori Mulholland Drive
Heydt, Louis Jean The Big Sleep
Hickman, Bill Zabriskie Point
Hicks, Michele Mulholland Drive
Hieronimko, Jan Vampyr
Higashiyama, Chieko Early Summer
Tokyo Story
Hijikata, Hiroshi The Burmese Harp
Hillerman, John Chinatown
Hilliard, Jr. Earl The Truman Show
Hills, Gillian Blow-Up
Himori, Shinichi Ornamental Hairpin
Hindrich, Heinz Roman Holiday
Hinds, Ciarán The Cook the Thief His Wife and Her Lover
Hinds, Nandu Chinatown
Hisseine, Aziza Dry Season
Hitchcock, Patricia Stage Fright
Strangers on a Train
Hjejle, Iben The Boss of It All
Hodiak, Keith Full Metal Jacket
Hofer, Johanna Veronika Voss
Hoffman, Gérard Vivre sa vie
Hoffman, Margaret Monsieur Verdoux
Hoffman, Thom Dogville
Hoffmann, Robert I Knew Her Well
Hogan, Siobhan Fallon Dogville
Holden, William Sunset Boulevard
Born Yesterday
Holguin, Daniel The Counselor
Holliday, Judy Born Yesterday
Holloway, Stanley Brief Encounter
Holm, Celeste All About Eve
Holmes, Mark The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
Holtz, Tenen Exit Smiling
Hong, James Chinatown
Blade Runner
Hong, Leanne Full Metal Jacket
Hopkins, Anthony Hannibal
Hopper, Dennis Blue Velvet
Hopper, Hedda Midnight
Sunset Boulevard
Horawianka, Barbara Night Train
Hörbiger, Paul The Third Man
Hörich, Nóra The Martian
Horikoshi, Kazuya The Man Who Left His Will on Film
Horino, Tad Mulholland Drive
Horne, Victoria The Ghost and Mrs. Muir
Hoshi, Hikaru Fires on the Plain
Floating Weeds
Housman, Arthur Sunrise
Hove, Anders The Boss of It All
Howard, Alan The Cook the Thief His Wife and Her Lover
Howard, Arliss Full Metal Jacket
Howard, Esther Detour
Howard, Kevyn Major Full Metal Jacket
Howard, Trevor Brief Encounter
Green for Danger
The Third Man
Howery, Lil Rel Get Out
Howes, Sally Ann Dead of Night
Hubczenko, Roman The Eighth Day of the Week
Hubrenne, Bernard Diary of a Country Priest
Hudson, Rock Seconds
Hunter, Bill The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
Hunter, J. Michael Blue Velvet
Hunter, Kim A Matter of Life and Death
Huppert, Isabelle La cérémonie
Hurt, John Melancholia
Huston, John Chinatown
Huston, Walter The Maltese Falcon
Hutchinson, Harry Blow-Up
Hyams, Leila Red-Headed Woman
Hyde-White, Wilfrid The Third Man
I Ibrahim, Djibril Dry Season
Ichikawa, Raizo Conflagration
Igawa, Kuniko Early Summer
Igawa, Togo Eyes Wide Shut
Iijima, Zentaro I Was Born, But...
Inaba, Yoshio Fires on the Plain
Infanti, Angelo La rupture
Infuhr, Teddy Spellbound
Irie, Yosuke Floating Weeds
Irons, Jeremy Inland Empire
Ishiguro, Tatsuya Fires on the Plain
Ishikawa, Kinichi The Flavor of Green Tea over Rice
Ishiwatari, Teruaki I Was Born, But...
Ishiyama, Ryuji Mr. Thank You
Isogai, Hiroshi The Man Who Left His Will on Film
Israil, Mohammed Devi
Issa, Garba Dry Season
Ito, Toshiaki The Burmese Harp
Ivanek, Zeljko Dancer in the Dark
Iwasaki, Emiko The Man Who Left His Will on Film
Iwataki, Ian Hannibal
J Jackson, Anne The Shining
Erland Josephson in The Sacrifice Jadah, Christian Arrival
Jade, Claude Topaz
Jager, Lucien The Blood of a Poet
Jamali, Ali Where Is My Friend's Home?
James, Brion Blade Runner
Jang, Won-hyeong Burning
Jarema, Władysław The Structure of Crystal
Järvet, Jüri Solaris
Jeans, Isabel Suspicion
Jeanson, Blandine Weekend
Jeayes, Allan Dead of Night
Jecchinis, Kieron Full Metal Jacket
Jeffries, Ray Breaking the Waves
Jelinek, Anne-Marie Black Girl
Jenkins, Megs Green for Danger
Jennings, DeWitt Exit Smiling
Jens, Salome Seconds
Jensen, Sara Indrio Italian for Beginners
Jenson, Roy Chinatown
Jeon, Jong-seo Burning
Jeon, Seok-chan Burning
Jeong, Ji-hyeong The Day He Arrives
Jewell, Estelle Shadow of a Doubt
Joano, Clotilde Les bonnes femmes
Johansson, Ulf Wild Strawberries
John, Rosamund Green for Danger
Johns, Mervyn Dead of Night
Johnsen, Kathleen Roselyne and the Lions
Johnson, Celia Brief Encounter
Johnson, Noel Frenzy
Jojot, Louis Weekend
Jones, Caleb Landry Get Out
Jones, Darby I Walked with a Zombie
Jones, Doug Pan's Labyrinth
Jones, Henry Vertigo
Jones, John Randolph Dogville
Jones, Julie Ann Get Out
Jones, Mal The Truman Show
Jørgensen, Ann Eleonora Italian for Beginners
Josephson, Erland Cries and Whispers
The Sacrifice
Joslyn, Allyn I Wake Up Screaming
Joyaut, Nathalie Au hasard Balthazar
Juan, Claude India Song
Junco, Tito The Exterminating Angel
Junco, Victor Fever Mounts at El Pao
Jurno, Faime Stalker
K Kaalund, Lars Italian for Beginners
Anna Karina in Vivre sa vie Kabyabyakarantirtha, Nagendranath Devi
Kagawa, Kyoko Tokyo Story
Kagawa, Ryosuke Ugetsu monogatari
Kahara, Natsuko Floating Weeds
Kahler, Wolf Barry Lyndon
Kaidanovsky, Alexander Stalker
Kalfon, Jean-Pierre Weekend
Kaliz, Armand Midnight
Kaluuya, Daniel Get Out
Kaoiyenpour, Kadiret Where Is My Friend's Home?
Kapadia, Dimple Antareen
Karen, James Mulholland Drive
Karewicz, Emil The Eighth Day of the Week
Karina, Anna A Woman Is a Woman
Cléo from 5 to 7
Vivre sa vie
Band of Outsiders
Pierrot le fou
Made in U.S.A
Karlin, Miriam A Clockwork Orange
Karlweis, Oskar 5 Fingers
Karoubi, Jimmy Pierrot le fou
Kassagi, Henri Pickpocket
Kassovitz, Peter Vivre sa vie
Kasuga, Shunji The Burmese Harp
Katims, Robert Mulholland Drive
Kato, Daisuke The End of Summer
Kato, Seiichi I Was Born, But...
Kato, Yoshiaki The Burmese Harp
Katsuragi, Yoko Late Spring
Kaufmann, Günther Whity
Veronika Voss
Kavani, Mina No Bears
Kawaguchi, Hiroshi Floating Weeds
Kawahara, Kanji Ornamental Hairpin
Kawasaki, Hiroko Ornamental Hairpin
Kean, Marie Barry Lyndon
Kearney, Joseph Mulholland Drive
Kearns, Billy Plein soleil
Keaton, Buster Sherlock Jr.
Sunset Boulevard
Keaton, Joe Sherlock Jr.
Kebbell, Toby The Counselor
Keener, Catherine Get Out
Kelleher, Tim Matchstick Men
Kelley, Sheila Matchstick Men
Kellie, Daniel The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
Kelly, Grace Rear Window
Kelly, Judy Dead of Night
Kelly, Mike The Martian
Kerbash, Samia The Battle of Algiers
Kerjean, Germaine Goupi Mains Rouges
Kerr, Deborah Black Narcissus
Kestner, Boyd Hannibal
Keyes, Evelyn Ladies in Retirement
Khalil, Abdel Aziz Cairo Station
Khan, Ustad Waheed The Music Room
Khani, Agakhan Karadach Where Is My Friend's Home?
Khanpour, Ehsan Ahmad No Bears
Kidman, Nicole Eyes Wide Shut
Kiely, Pat Arrival
Kier, Udo Breaking the Waves
Dancer in the Dark
Kilian, Victor Spellbound
Kim, Bo-kyung The Day He Arrives
Kim, Eui-sung The Day He Arrives
Kim, Sang-joong The Day He Arrives
Kim, Shin-rok Burning
Kim, Soo-kyung Burning
Kindahl, Jullan Wild Strawberries
King, Cleo Dogville
Kinskey, Leonid Casablanca
Kinski, Nastassja The Moon in the Gutter
Inland Empire
Kitabayashi, Tanie Conflagration
Kjellqvist, Tommy The Sacrifice
Klein-Rogge, Rudolf The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
Klöckner, Brunhilde Heart of Glass
Klossowski, Pierre Au hasard Balthazar
Knapp, Charles Chinatown
Knaup, Herbert Run Lola Run
Knight, Esmond Black Narcissus
Knox, Alexander The Sea Wolf
Chase a Crooked Shadow
Knudsen, Kolbjörn Winter Light
Knudsen, Peggy The Big Sleep
Knutzon, Lars Gertrud
Ko, Eddy The Martian
Kobayashi, Keiju The End of Summer
Kodo, Kokuten Early Summer
Kofujita, Shoichi I Was Born, But...
Kogure, Michiyo The Flavor of Green Tea over Rice
Kolthoff, Sonja Topaz
Koma, Diouc Caché
Kononov, Mikhail Andrei Rublev
Kopel, Gil Full Metal Jacket
Korber, Serge Cléo from 5 to 7
Kornel, Héléna Last Year at Marienbad
Körner, Diana Barry Lyndon
Kortner, Fritz Warning Shadows
Kosaka, Kyôko Made in U.S.A
Koshiba, Takashi The Burmese Harp
Kosono, Yoko The Flavor of Green Tea over Rice
Kostic, Vladica Dancer in the Dark
Kostin, Evgeniy Stalker
Koyal, Bholanath Devi
Kranz, Fran Matchstick Men
Krasenko, Vasiliy Earth
Krause, Peter The Truman Show
Krauss, Werner The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
Kristiansen, Cay Ordet
Król, Joachim Run Lola Run
Krook, Margaretha Persona
Krueger, Lorraine Idiot's Delight
Kruger, Alma Saboteur
Krüger, Bum The Eighth Day of the Week
Krüger, Hardy Barry Lyndon
Kruger, Otto Saboteur
Kumari, Roshan The Music Room
Kun, Magda Dead of Night
Kusuhara, Eiji Eyes Wide Shut
Kuwano, Michiko Mr. Thank You
Kyo, Machiko Ugetsu monogatari
Floating Weeds
Kyris, Marco Matchstick Men
L La Morte, Silvina Wild Tales
Beatrice Lillie in Exit Smiling Labarthe, André S. Vivre sa vie
Labro, Philippe Made in U.S.A
Labry, Pierre Goupi Mains Rouges
Lacey, Catherine The Lady Vanishes
The Servant
Lackteen, Frank The Sea Wolf
Lacourt, René Monsieur Hulot's Holiday
Ladd, Diane Chinatown
Inland Empire
Ladd, Jordan Inland Empire
Ladmiral, Nicole Diary of a Country Priest
Lafarge, François Au hasard Balthazar
Laffan, Pat Barry Lyndon
Lafitte, Xavier In the City of Sylvia
Lafont, Bernadette Le beau Serge
Les bonnes femmes
Laforêt, Marie Plein soleil
Lagrange, Valérie Weekend
Lahiri, Tulsi The Music Room
Lahr, Bert The Wizard of Oz
Laird, Jenny Black Narcissus
Lambertini, Dominique The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Lambertini, Pascal The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Lampreave, Chus Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown
Lanchester, Elsa Ladies in Retirement
Landis, Carole I Wake Up Screaming
Lane, Priscilla Saboteur
Lang, Caroline L'argent
Lang, Christa Alphaville
Lange, Hope Blue Velvet
Lanier, Jean Last Year at Marienbad
Lapeyre, Bruno L'argent
Lapikov, Ivan Andrei Rublev
Larkey, Caren L. Get Out
Larquey, Pierre The Hand of the Devil
LaSalle, Martin Pickpocket
Latham, Louise Marnie
Latimore, Frank Plein soleil
Latorre, Waleska The Martian
Latzko, Pierre The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Lau, Wesley Zabriskie Point
Launer, S. John Marnie
Laurent, Mélanie Enemy
Laurie, John The 39 Steps
Lawrence, Barbara A Letter to Three Wives
Lawrence, John D. Seconds
Laydu, Claude Diary of a Country Priest
Le, Ngoc Full Metal Jacket
Le Carpentier, Jacques Roselyne and the Lions
Le Clainche, Charles A Man Escaped
Le Coq, Bernard Caché
Le Vigan, Robert The Assassination of Père Noël
Goupi Mains Rouges
Leake, Barbara Dead of Night
Léaud, Jean-Pierre Alphaville
Pierrot le fou
Made in U.S.A
Leaver, Philip The Lady Vanishes
Lebeau, Madeleine Casablanca
Lebel, Jean-Patrick 2 or 3 Things I Know About Her
Lecomte, Gérard Lumière d'été
Lecourtois, Daniel La rupture
LeDeaux, Marie Saboteur
Lederer, Francis Midnight
Ledoux, Fernand The Assassination of Père Noël
Goupi Mains Rouges
Ledoyen, Virginie La cérémonie
Lee, Anna The Ghost and Mrs. Muir
Lee, Auriol Suspicion
Lee, Bernard The Third Man
Lee, Bong-ryun Burning
Lee, Florence City Lights
Lee, Joong-ok Burning
Lee, Soo-jeong Burning
Lefebvre, Louis L'Atalante
Legrand, Michel Cléo from 5 to 7
Leguizamo, John The Counselor
Leiber, Fritz Monsieur Verdoux
Leigh, Janet Psycho
Leigh-Hunt, Barbara Frenzy
Lemaire, Martine Diary of a Country Priest
Lemeri, Raymond Black Girl
Lemeri, Suzanne Black Girl
León, Loles Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown
Leonard, Jovonie Inland Empire
Leonard, Queenie Ladies in Retirement
Lesaffre, Roland Juliette, or the Key of Dreams
LeSaint, Edward Modern Times
Leterrier, François A Man Escaped
Lettinger, Rudolf The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
Leveridge, Lynn Ann Matchstick Men
Lévesque, Marcel La nuit fantastique
Lumière d'été
Lévy, Raoul 2 or 3 Things I Know About Her
Lewis, Robert Monsieur Verdoux
Leymarie, Pierre Pickpocket
Lillie, Beatrice Exit Smiling
Limas, Jim Adhi Diva
Linari, Juan Santiago Wild Tales
Lindblom, Gunnel Wild Strawberries
Winter Light
Linder, Cec Zabriskie Point
Lindgren, Tilde Dogville
Lindig, Julia Run Lola Run
Lindström, Jörgen Persona
Linka, Peter The Martian
Linney, Laura The Truman Show
Lion, Margo La rupture
Liotta, Ray Hannibal
Liss, Federico Wild Tales
Liu, Yang The Martian
Livesey, Roger A Matter of Life and Death
Livingston, Margaret Sunrise
Lloyd, Danny The Shining
Lloyd, Doris Exit Smiling
Lloyd, Norman Saboteur
Lo Verso, Enrico Hannibal
Locke, Jennifer Inland Empire
Lockhart, Gene The Sea Wolf
Lockwood, Gary 2001: A Space Odyssey
Lockwood, Margaret The Lady Vanishes
Łodyński, Józef Night Train
Lohman, Alison Matchstick Men
Lom, Herbert Chase a Crooked Shadow
Lomelí, Luis The Exterminating Angel
Lommel, Ulli Whity
Łomnicki, Tadeusz The Eighth Day of the Week
Longo, Tony Mulholland Drive
Lonsdale, Michael India Song
López de Ayala, Pilar In the City of Sylvia
López Ottonello, María Rosa Wild Tales
López, Chel The Exterminating Angel
Lopez, Perry Chinatown
Lopez, Sal Full Metal Jacket
López, Sergi Pan's Labyrinth
Lorenz, Juliane Veronika Voss
Lorin, Gérard Last Year at Marienbad
Lorne, Marion Strangers on a Train
Lorraine, Louise Exit Smiling
Lorre, Peter The Maltese Falcon
Lowe, Leslie Eyes Wide Shut
Loyá, Xavier The Exterminating Angel
Lubosch, Ute Run Lola Run
Lucas, Peter J. Inland Empire
Lucas, Wilfred Modern Times
Lukas, Paul The Lady Vanishes
Lundquist, Göran Wild Strawberries
Lundqvist, Evelina Dogville
Lupino, Ida The Sea Wolf
Ladies in Retirement
Luppi, Federico Pan's Labyrinth
Luttazzi, Lelio L'avventura
Luu, Thuy An Diva
Luzi, Maria Pia La notte
Lyashenko, Luka Earth
Lyhne, Mia The Boss of It All
Lynn, Jeffrey A Letter to Three Wives
M Ma, Tzi Arrival
Jean Marais in Les parents terribles MacDonald, Edmund Detour
MacDonald, J. Farrell Sunrise
MacGregor, Eduardo Simón of the Desert
MacGregor, Hector Stage Fright
Machado, Pablo Wild Tales
Machowski, Ignacy Night Train
MacInnes, Angus Eyes Wide Shut
Mack, James T. Red-Headed Woman
MacLachlan, Kyle Blue Velvet
MacLane, Barton The Maltese Falcon
MacQuarrie, Murdock Modern Times
Maculan, Tim Matchstick Men
Macy, William H. Inland Empire
Madoc, Philip The Quiller Memorandum
Madsen, Alex Nyborg Italian for Beginners
Magee, Patrick The Servant
A Clockwork Orange
Barry Lyndon
Magidow, Aaron Seconds
Magrini, Gitt La notte
Maiden, Rita Made in U.S.A
Maïga, Aïssa Caché
Mairesse, Valérie The Sacrifice
Majchrzak, Krzysztof Inland Empire
Makedonsky, Lester Caché
Maksimova, Yelena Earth
Malanowicz, Zygmunt Knife in the Water
Malatesta, Fred Modern Times
Malawski, Zygmunt Night Train
Malberg, Anna Gertrud
Malberg, Henrik Ordet
Malleson, Miles The 39 Steps
Dead of Night
Stage Fright
Malone, Dorothy The Big Sleep
Malone, Jadyn Arrival
Mandel, Rena Vampyr
Manfredi, Nino I Knew Her Well
Mangone, Lucila Wild Tales
Mann, Claude India Song
Mann, Hank City Lights
Modern Times
The Maltese Falcon
Mannheim, Lucie The 39 Steps
Manson, Héléna The Assassination of Père Noël
Mansouri, Masood The Wind Will Carry Us
Mantell, Joe Chinatown
Mánver, Kiti Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown
Mara, Kate The Martian
Marais, Jean Beauty and the Beast
Les parents terribles
Marchal, Georges Lumière d'été
Marchand, Corinne Cléo from 5 to 7
Marchand, Lucienne Cléo from 5 to 7
Marcus, James A Clockwork Orange
Marescotti, Ivano Hannibal
Margaritis, Gilles L'Atalante
Marken, Jane Lumière d'été
Such a Pretty Little Beach
Marlowe, Hugh All About Eve
Marlowe, Jo Ann Mildred Pierce
Marquet, Daniel Monsieur Hulot's Holiday
Marquet, Henri Monsieur Hulot's Holiday
Marriott, Moore Green for Danger
Mars, Marjorie Brief Encounter
Marsan, Guido A. La notte
Marsh, Garry Dead of Night
Marsh, Jean Frenzy
Marsh, Joan Idiot's Delight
Martin, Jean The Battle of Algiers
Martin, Melvyn Les enfants terribles
Martínez, Oscar Wild Tales
Marull, María Wild Tales
Mascolo, Dionys Nathalie Granger
Mascolo, Valerie Nathalie Granger
Masé, Marino Les carabiniers
Masokha, Pyotr Earth
Mason, James 5 Fingers
Mason, Laura Saboteur
Massari, Lea L'avventura
Massé, Xavier The Exterminating Angel
Massey, Anna Frenzy
Massey, Raymond A Matter of Life and Death
Masterson, Faye Eyes Wide Shut
Mastroianni, Marcello La notte
Mathys, Émile Les enfants terribles
Mathou, Jacques Roselyne and the Lions
Matsumoto, Koji Ornamental Hairpin
Mattes, Eva The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant
Mature, Victor I Wake Up Screaming
Maude, Joan A Matter of Life and Death
Mauloy, Georges The Assassination of Père Noël
Maura, Carmen Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown
Maurey, Nicole Diary of a Country Priest
Maurice, Bernard Monsieur Hulot's Holiday
Maury, Jean-Louis Les bonnes femmes
Max, Edwin A Matter of Life and Death
May, Ada Monsieur Verdoux
Mazzacurati, Rosy La notte
Mazzeo, Luis Wild Tales
McCall, Phil Breaking the Waves
McCowen, Alec Frenzy
McDonald, Francis The Sea Wolf
McDowell, Malcolm A Clockwork Orange
McElhone, Natascha The Truman Show
McGill, Bruce Matchstick Men
McGuire, Kathryn Sherlock Jr.
McIntire, John Psycho
McKinney, Mira Modern Times
McNaughton, Gus The 39 Steps
McQueen, Butterfly Mildred Pierce
Mead, Richard Mulholland Drive
Medveczky, Balázs The Martian
Meisner, Günter The Quiller Memorandum
Roselyne and the Lions
Mejding, Bent Italian for Beginners
Melford, Jill The Servant
Melvin, Murray Barry Lyndon
Menzer, Ernest A Woman Is a Woman
Band of Outsiders
Made in U.S.A
Merchant, Vivien Frenzy
Meredith, Burgess Idiot's Delight
Merino, Ángel The Exterminating Angel
Simón of the Desert
Méritz, Michèle Le beau Serge
Merkel, Una Red-Headed Woman
Merlet, Valentin La cérémonie
Merrall, Mary Dead of Night
Merrill, Gary All About Eve
Phone Call from a Stranger
Merrill, Peter Full Metal Jacket
Merwicer, Daniel Wild Tales
Messine, Monique Vivre sa vie
Meyer, Hans Pierrot le fou
Meyer, Hans Roselyne and the Lions
Mezzogiorno, Vittorio The Moon in the Gutter
Michael, Ralph Dead of Night
Michi, Maria La rupture
Middlemass, Frank Barry Lyndon
Mieritz, Louise The Boss of It All
Mihashi, Tatsuya The Burmese Harp
Mikhaylov, Vladimir Earth
Mikuni, Rentaro The Burmese Harp
Miles, Sarah The Servant
Miles, Vera Psycho
Miller, Ann Mulholland Drive
Miller, Charlotta Melancholia
Miller, Claire Melancholia
Miller, Claude 2 or 3 Things I Know About Her
Miller, Elizabeth Lee The Blood of a Poet
Mills, Edwin Monsieur Verdoux
Mills, Gary Landon Full Metal Jacket
Mills, Mort Psycho
Mimura, Hideko Ornamental Hairpin
Min, Bok-gi Burning
Mine, Sanpei The Burmese Harp
Mirren, Helen The Cook the Thief His Wife and Her Lover
Misharin, Aleksandr Solaris
Mishima, Masao Late Spring
Missirini, Giuliano Red Desert
Mitani, Sachiko Tokyo Story
Mitchum, Robert The Night of the Hunter
Mito, Mitsuko Ugetsu monogatari
Mitra, Anil Devi
Mitsui, Koji Floating Weeds
Miyaguchi, Seiji Early Summer
Miyahara, Tokuhei The Burmese Harp
Miyake, Kuniko Late Spring
Early Summer
The Flavor of Green Tea over Rice
Tokyo Story
Mobasseri, Vahid No Bears
Mochizuki, Yuko The Flavor of Green Tea over Rice
The End of Summer
Modine, Matthew Full Metal Jacket
Mohammed, Nick The Martian
Molfino, Margarita Wild Tales
Monnet, Gabriel The Moon in the Gutter
Roselyne and the Lions
Monod, Roland A Man Escaped
Monroe, Marilyn All About Eve
Montemurri, Davide Last Year at Marienbad
Montesco, Ofelia The Exterminating Angel
Montesinos, Guillermo Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown
Montgomery, Monty Mulholland Drive
Monthil, Marcelle The Assassination of Père Noël
Montsoret, Roger 2 or 3 Things I Know About Her
Moon, Sung-keun Burning
Moore, Julianne Hannibal
Moore, Muriel The Truman Show
Mora, Jane Vampyr
Moradi, Akbar Where Is My Friend's Home?
Morán, Patricia The Exterminating Angel
Morange, Martial Diary of a Country Priest
Moreau, Jean-Jacques Diva
Moreau, Jeanne La notte
A Woman Is a Woman
Nathalie Granger
Morell, André Stage Fright
Barry Lyndon
Morgan, Eula Monsieur Verdoux
Morgan, Frank The Wizard of Oz
Mori, Kikue Ugetsu monogatari
Mori, Masayuki Ugetsu monogatari
Mori, Mitsuhiro Tokyo Story
Morishige, Hisaya The End of Summer
Moritzen, Henning Cries and Whispers
Morley, David Barry Lyndon
Morris, Aubrey A Clockwork Orange
Morris, Chester Red-Headed Woman
Morris, Tom Mulholland Drive
Morse, David Dancer in the Dark
Moruzzi, Franco The Battle of Algiers
Moseinco, Pablo Wild Tales
Moss, Bertha The Exterminating Angel
Mouafi, Biman Where Is My Friend's Home?
Moullet, Patrice Les carabiniers
Movin, Lisbeth Day of Wrath
Mowbray, Alan I Wake Up Screaming
Moxzer, Jieno I Walked with a Zombie
Moyá, Carlos Wild Tales
Mueller-Stahl, Armin Veronika Voss
Mukherjee, Gyanesh The Cloud-Capped Star
Mukherjee, Kamu Charulata
Mukherjee, Madhavi The Big City
Mukherjee, Purnendu Devi
Mukherjee, Shailen Charulata
Mukherjee, Suku Charulata
Muller, Paul Plein soleil
Müller, Sepp Heart of Glass
Mulvehill, Charles The Passenger
Mura, Corinna Casablanca
Murase, Zen Early Summer
Tokyo Story
Musa, Daniel The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Muse, Clarence Shadow of a Doubt
Myers, Harry Exit Smiling
City Lights
Mynster, Karen-Lise Italian for Beginners
Mysłowicz, Jan The Structure of Crystal
N N'Goua, Hadjé Fatimé Dry Season
Leon Niemczyk in Night Train Nademsky, Nikolai Earth
Naderi, Ali Reza The Wind Will Carry Us
Nag, Harimohan Pather Panchali
Nagaoka, Teruko Tokyo Story
Naito, Taketoshi The Burmese Harp
Nakadai, Tatsuya Conflagration
Nakahara, Keishichi The Burmese Harp
Nakamura, Ganjiro Conflagration
Floating Weeds
The End of Summer
Nakamura, Nobuo Tokyo Story
Nakamura, Tamao Conflagration
Nakata, Tsutomu Floating Weeds
Nanbu, Shozo Ugetsu monogatari
Nance, Jack Blue Velvet
Nandy, Tarapada Devi
Naniwa, Chieko The End of Summer
Napier, Alan Marnie
Narboni, Jean 2 or 3 Things I Know About Her
The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Nash, David Andrew The Truman Show
Nash, Marilyn Monsieur Verdoux
Natheaux, Louis Modern Times
Nazarov, Yuriy Andrei Rublev
Neal, Tom Detour
Neckels, Bruce Zabriskie Point
Nedell, Bernard Monsieur Verdoux
Negro, Giorgio La notte
Neiiendam, Sigrid Day of Wrath
Nell, Krista Pierrot le fou
Nell, Nathalie Baxter, Véra Baxter
Nelli, Barbara I Knew Her Well
Nelson, Barry The Shining
Nelson, Diane Mulholland Drive
Nère, Christiane La nuit fantastique
Neri, Francesca Hannibal
Neri, Tommaso The Battle of Algiers
Nero, Franco I Knew Her Well
Neudorfer, Sonja Veronika Voss
Nicholson, Jack Chinatown
The Passenger
The Shining
Nielsen, Gerda Ordet
Niemczyk, Leon The Eighth Day of the Week
Knife in the Water
Night Train
Inland Empire
Nierman, Jean-Philippe Made in U.S.A
Nihonyanagi, Hiroshi Early Summer
Nikulin, Yuri Andrei Rublev
Nilsson, Anna Q. Sunset Boulevard
Ninchi, Ave Plein soleil
Les bonnes femmes
Nishimura, Ko The Burmese Harp
Nishimura, Seiji I Was Born, But...
Nishiwaki, Tomiko Early Summer
Niven, David A Matter of Life and Death
Noble, Shaun Black Narcissus
Noiret, Philippe Topaz
Nolan, Doris The Servant
Nomura, Akio I Was Born, But...
Nordwall, Yngve Wild Strawberries
Norée, Eva Wild Strawberries
Noro, Line Goupi Mains Rouges
Norris, Dean The Counselor
Norville, Herbert Full Metal Jacket
Novak, Kim Vertigo
Nozoe, Hitomi Floating Weeds
Núñez, Osmar Wild Tales
O O'Brien, Ben The Martian
Laurence Olivier in Rebecca O'Brien, George Sunrise
O'Brien, Mark Arrival
O'Casey, Ronan Blow-Up
O'Connell, Jack L'avventura
O'Hara, Jenny Matchstick Men
O'Malley, Rex Midnight
O'Neal, Mark The Martian
O'Neal, Ryan Barry Lyndon
O'Ross, Ed Full Metal Jacket
O'Sullivan, Arthur Barry Lyndon
Oakland, Simon Psycho
Oganesyan, Bagrat Solaris
Ogorodnikova, Tamara Solaris
Ohsugi, Tsuneo Ornamental Hairpin
Ok, Ja-yeon Burning
Okada, Eiji Hiroshima mon amour
Olbrychski, Daniel The Structure of Crystal
Oldenburg, Susanne Italian for Beginners
Oldman, Gary Hannibal
Oliva, Nadia Haro The Exterminating Angel
Oliver, Charles The Lady Vanishes
Oliver, Larry Born Yesterday
Olivier, Laurence Rebecca
Olmos, Edward James Blade Runner
Olofsson, Helga Dogville
Olsen, Gary The Cook the Thief His Wife and Her Lover
Olsen, Moroni Mildred Pierce
Olson, Nancy Sunset Boulevard
Olsson, Gunnar Wild Strawberries
On, Ley Black Narcissus
Onetto, María Wild Tales
Opher, James Hannibal
Ordon, Lech The Eighth Day of the Week
Ormond, Julia Inland Empire
Oroszlán, Szonja The Martian
Osaka, Shiro Tokyo Story
Osakura, Yoko The Flavor of Green Tea over Rice
Oshima, Tomoyo The Man Who Left His Will on Film
Otsuka, Masayoshi Ornamental Hairpin
Ottieri, Ottiero La notte
Otto, Frank Born Yesterday
Outari, Iran Where Is My Friend's Home?
Owe, Baard Gertrud
Owen, Alun The Servant
Owen, Garry Mildred Pierce
Oyama, Yasuhiko Get Out
Ozawa, Eitaro Ugetsu monogatari
P Page, Joy Casablanca
Gérard Philipe in Such a Pretty Little Beach Palau, Pierre The Hand of the Devil
Paletti, Ugo The Battle of Algiers
Paley, Chantal The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Palmer, Belinda Chinatown
Palmero, Danielle Made in U.S.A
Panahi, Jafar No Bears
Pangborn, Franklin Exit Smiling
Panjeei, Bakhtiyar No Bears
Paquin, Nicole A Woman Is a Woman
Parain, Brice Vivre sa vie
Parédès, Jean The Assassination of Père Noël
La nuit fantastique
Parély, Mila Beauty and the Beast
Park, Soo-min The Day He Arrives
Parker, Cecil The Lady Vanishes
Parker, Eleanor The Naked Jungle
Parlo, Dita L'Atalante
Parrish, Robert Sunrise
City Lights
Parvaneh, Mohammad Reza Where Is My Friend's Home?
Pascaud, Nathalie Monsieur Hulot's Holiday
Pasco, Isabelle Roselyne and the Lions
Passalia, Antonio Le boucher
La rupture
Paterson, Pat Idiot's Delight
Paterson, Vincent Dancer in the Dark
Patey, Christian L'argent
Patrick, Lee The Maltese Falcon
Mildred Pierce
Paull, Morgan Blade Runner
Pavel, Paul Vivre sa vie
Pavlidis, Carlos Roselyne and the Lions
Pavlova, Tatyana I Knew Her Well
Pawley, William Red-Headed Woman
Payen, Loye Cléo from 5 to 7
Peace, Joshua Enemy
Pearce, Guy The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
Peck, Gregory Spellbound
Roman Holiday
Pedersoli, Javier Wild Tales
Pedrazzini, Fiorella Wild Tales
Pélégri, Jean Pickpocket
Pellegrino, Mark Mulholland Drive
Peña, Michael The Martian
Pérault, Louis Monsieur Hulot's Holiday
Percy, Esmé Dead of Night
Pérès, Marcel The Assassination of Père Noël
Goupi Mains Rouges
Pérez, Jeanne Le beau Serge
Perez, Rosie The Counselor
Périer, François Orphée
Perioli, Marika Made in U.S.A
Perkins, Anthony Psycho
Perrier, Jean-François La cérémonie
Peterson, Dorothy Saboteur
Petré, Gio Wild Strawberries
Petri, Nina Run Lola Run
Petrik, Pavel Earth
Petrucci, Giovanni L'avventura
Philipe, Gérard Such a Pretty Little Beach
Juliette, or the Key of Dreams
Fever Mounts at El Pao
Phong, Nguyen Hue Full Metal Jacket
Picardi, Cesarino Miceli I Knew Her Well
Piccoli, Michel Topaz
Picken, Leighton The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
Pickford, Jack Exit Smiling
Pickler, Fred Blue Velvet
Pierdel, André Monsieur Hulot's Holiday
Pierson, Raymond The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Pinal, Silvia The Exterminating Angel
Simón of the Desert
Pinard, Lancelot I Walked with a Zombie
Pinciroli, Renato L'avventura
Pinon, Dominique Diva
The Moon in the Gutter
Pinter, Harold The Servant
Piper, Frederick The 39 Steps
Pistor, Ludger Run Lola Run
Pitoëff, Sacha Last Year at Marienbad
Pitt, Brad The Counselor
Platen, Karl Warning Shadows
Platte, Rudolf Veronika Voss
Pleitgen, Frederik The Martian
Pleshette, John The Truman Show
Plowden, Roger 5 Fingers
Pniowsky, Abigail Arrival
Podalydès, Denis Caché
Pointer, Priscilla Blue Velvet
Poirot, Gérard Les carabiniers
Polesello, Franca I Knew Her Well
Poliakoff, Alexis Made in U.S.A
Pollack, Sydney Eyes Wide Shut
Połomska, Barbara The Eighth Day of the Week
Pommereulle, Daniel Weekend
Pons, Henri Lumière d'été
Pons, Isabelle Made in U.S.A
Ponto, Erich The Third Man
Porraz, Jean-Luc Diva
Post, Tim Enemy
Postec, Robert Cléo from 5 to 7
Potente, Franka Run Lola Run
Potter, Betty A Matter of Life and Death
Pouzenc, Philippe Made in U.S.A
Power, Hartley Dead of Night
Roman Holiday
Pozzi, Marcelo Wild Tales
Prechtel, Volker Heart of Glass
Presle, Micheline La nuit fantastique
Price, Vincent Laura
Prip, Henrik The Boss of It All
Prowse, David A Clockwork Orange
Pujszo, Mariusz Roselyne and the Lions
Purinton, Miles Dogville
Pyke, Hy Blade Runner
Q Qualen, John Casablanca
Quasimodo, Salvatore La notte
Quéant, Gilles Last Year at Marienbad
Vivre sa vie
Quigley, Godfrey A Clockwork Orange
Barry Lyndon
R Raab, Kurt Whity
Chishu Ryu in Floating Weeds Rabal, Francisco L'eclisse
Radford, Basil The Lady Vanishes
Dead of Night
Radley, Ken The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
Rafferty, Tommy The Big Sleep
Ragas, Roef Breaking the Waves
Rahsepar, Frangis The Wind Will Carry Us
Rains, Claude Casablanca
Rambal, Enrique The Exterminating Angel
Ramirez, Édgar The Counselor
Ramon, Mitsusaburo Ugetsu monogatari
Rampling, Charlotte Melancholia
Randell, Ron Whity
Randolph, Donald Topaz
Randolph, Elsie Frenzy
Randolph, John Seconds
Rasp, Fritz Warning Shadows
Ratoff, Gregory All About Eve
Raush, Irma Andrei Rublev
Rawlings, Margaret Roman Holiday
Rawlins, Adrian Breaking the Waves
Ray, Niranjan The Cloud-Capped Star
Raye, Martha Monsieur Verdoux
Raymond, Bill Dogville
Raymond, Cyril Brief Encounter
Raymond, Ted The Truman Show
Raynaud, Jean The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Raynor, Sheila A Clockwork Orange
Reading, Bertice The Moon in the Gutter
Rebbot, Sady Vivre sa vie
Redgrave, Michael The Lady Vanishes
Dead of Night
Redgrave, Vanessa Blow-Up
Redwood, Vicky The Big City
Rees, John The Quiller Memorandum
Reeves, Sabrina Arrival
Reid, Frances Seconds
Reiguera, Francisco Simón of the Desert
Rémy, Albert Goupi Mains Rouges
Renaud, Madeleine Lumière d'été
Renner, Jeremy Arrival
Rennie, Michael Phone Call from a Stranger
5 Fingers
Reno, Jean The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Renoir, Rita Red Desert
Revel, Maurice Les enfants terribles
Rex, Eugen Warning Shadows
Rexiane, Marcelle The Hand of the Devil
Rey, Daniel Mulholland Drive
Reynolds, Cecil Modern Times
Reynolds, Marjorie Holiday Inn
Rheims, Lili Red Desert
Ribeiro, Catherine Les carabiniers
Ricci, Renzo L'avventura
Ricciardi, Mirella L'eclisse
Richard, Nathalie Caché
Richards, Addison Spellbound
Monsieur Verdoux
Richardson, Marie Eyes Wide Shut
Ridgely, John The Big Sleep
Ridges, Stanley The Sea Wolf
Rietty, Robert Hannibal
Riffel, Rena Mulholland Drive
Rifkin, Richard The Martian
Rigby, Emma The Counselor
Risterucci, Vincent L'argent
Ritter, Thelma A Letter to Three Wives
All About Eve
Rear Window
Riva, Emmanuelle Hiroshima mon amour
Rivas, Erica Wild Tales
Riveros, Enrique The Blood of a Poet
Riveyre, Jean Diary of a Country Priest
Rizzo, Alfredo Roman Holiday
Roach, Pat Barry Lyndon
Robain, Jean-Marie Les enfants terribles
Robert, Yves Juliette, or the Key of Dreams
Cléo from 5 to 7
Roberts, Bob A Matter of Life and Death
Roberts, Nancy Black Narcissus
Robertson, Robert Breaking the Waves
Robin, Dany Topaz
Robinson, Edward G. The Sea Wolf
Robinson, Madeleine Lumière d'été
Such a Pretty Little Beach
Robson, Flora Black Narcissus
Robson, May Red-Headed Woman
Rochefort, Julien La cérémonie
Rockwell, Sam Matchstick Men
Roddan, Allison Monsieur Verdoux
Rode, Ebbe Gertrud
Rode, Nina Pens Gertrud
Rödel, Tony The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Rogers, John Chinatown
Rogers, Kasey Strangers on a Train
Rohde, Armin Run Lola Run
Roland, Victoria Wild Tales
Rolla, Micheline Monsieur Hulot's Holiday
Rollin, Georges Goupi Mains Rouges
Roman, Ruth Strangers on a Train
Romand, Anny Diva
Romanoff, Katia La rupture
Romay, Alicia Death of a Cyclist
Romer, Jean Saboteur
Romero, Isidro The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Ron, Noemí Wild Tales
Ronet, Maurice Plein soleil
Roose, Thorkild Day of Wrath
Root, Stephen Get Out
Roquevert, Noël The Hand of the Devil
Rory, Rossana L'eclisse
Rosar, Annie The Third Man
Rosemond, Clinton I Walked with a Zombie
Rosing, Bodil Sunrise
Ross, Willie The Cook the Thief His Wife and Her Lover
Rossellini, Isabella Blue Velvet
Rossiter, Leonard 2001: A Space Odyssey
Barry Lyndon
Rostom, Hind Cairo Station
Roth, Tim The Cook the Thief His Wife and Her Lover
Rothe, Bendt Gertrud
Rougeul, Jean The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Rouhi, Mohammad Hossein Where Is My Friend's Home?
Rouleau, Raymond The Assassination of Père Noël
Rouvel, Catherine La rupture
Roy, Gitali Charulata
Rud, Ove Ordet
Rud, Susanne Ordet
Rudel, Roger Le boucher
Rudolph, Lars Run Lola Run
Runacre, Jenny The Passenger
Ruspoli, Esmeralda L'avventura
Russell, Paul The Cook the Thief His Wife and Her Lover
Ruud, Sif Wild Strawberries
Ryan, Edmon Topaz
Ryan, Jason The Martian
Ryan, Madge A Clockwork Orange
Ryan, Tim Detour
Rye, Preben Lerdorff Day of Wrath
Ryen, Richard Casablanca
Ryu, Chishu I Was Born, But...
Ornamental Hairpin
Late Spring
Early Summer
The Flavor of Green Tea over Rice
Tokyo Story
Floating Weeds
The End of Summer
S Saburi, Shin The Flavor of Green Tea over Rice
Stefania Sandrelli in I Knew Her Well Saint-Simon, Lucile Les bonnes femmes
Saito, Bill Matchstick Men
Saito, Tatsuo I Was Born, But...
Ornamental Hairpin
Sakall, S.Z. Casablanca
Sakamoto, Takeshi I Was Born, But...
Ornamental Hairpin
Sakura, Mutsuko Tokyo Story
Floating Weeds
Salerno, Enrico Maria I Knew Her Well
Salimi, Masoameh The Wind Will Carry Us
Salvage, Mark Whity
Sampedro, Matilde Muñoz Death of a Cyclist
Sanders, Dirk Pierrot le fou
Sanders, George Rebecca
The Ghost and Mrs. Muir
All About Eve
The Quiller Memorandum
Sanderson, William Blade Runner
Sandford, Stanley Modern Times
Sandoz, Gérard Roselyne and the Lions
Sandrelli, Stefania I Knew Her Well
Sanford, Erskine Spellbound
Sano, Asao Fires on the Plain
Sano, Shuji Early Summer
Santoveña, Hortensia Simón of the Desert
Sanyal, Tathagata Antareen
Sargsyan, Sos Solaris
Sarkar, Kali The Music Room
Sarkar, Prasenjit The Big City
Sato, Michio I Was Born, But...
Saulnier, Eric The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Savage, Ann Detour
Savage, Dominic Barry Lyndon
Savident, John A Clockwork Orange
Sawamura, Ichisaburo Ugetsu monogatari
Sawiris, Jackie Eyes Wide Shut
Sazanka, Kyu Fires on the Plain
The End of Summer
Sbaraglia, Leonardo Wild Tales
Scal, Dolly Pickpocket
Schaake, Katrin Whity
The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant
Schade, Doris Veronika Voss
Schanz, Heidi The Truman Show
Scheitz, Clemens Heart of Glass
Schildkraut, Joseph Idiot's Delight
Schipper, Sebastian Run Lola Run
Schlumberger, Eric Vivre sa vie
Schlumberger, Guylaine Vivre sa vie
Schmiedt, Angel The Truman Show
Schmiedt, Nastassja The Truman Show
Schmitz, Sybille Vampyr
Schnass, Jorg Roselyne and the Lions
Schneider, Edith The Quiller Memorandum
Schneider, Maria The Passenger
Schneider, Romy Plein soleil
Schorpion, Frank Arrival
Schroeder, Barbet Les carabiniers
Schroeder, David Mulholland Drive
Schueller, Peter The Martian
Schumann, Erik Veronika Voss
Schutz, Maurice Vampyr
Goupi Mains Rouges
Schygulla, Hanna Whity
The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant
Scipion, Roger Made in U.S.A
Ściwiarski, Janusz The Eighth Day of the Week
Scott, Alan Cléo from 5 to 7
Scott, Helen Weekend
Scott, Zachary Mildred Pierce
Segal, George The Quiller Memorandum
Seigner, Louis Goupi Mains Rouges
Selzer, Milton Marnie
Sembène, Ousmane Black Girl
Sémonin, Laurence Roselyne and the Lions
Semyonov, Yulian Solaris
Sene, Momar Nar Black Girl
Sengupta, Pinaki The Music Room
Sensharma, Subrata Charulata
Sepúlveda, José Death of a Cyclist
Serbedzija, Rade Eyes Wide Shut
Sergeyev, Nikolai Andrei Rublev
Serpico, Terry Hannibal
Serrano, Julieta Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown
Servais, Jean Such a Pretty Little Beach
Fever Mounts at El Pao
Sessions, Almira Monsieur Verdoux
Séverin, Gaston Diary of a Country Priest
Sevigny, Chloë Dogville
Sewruk, Aleksander Night Train
Seymour, Cara Dancer in the Dark
Seyrig, Delphine Last Year at Marienbad
India Song
Baxter, Véra Baxter
Shandor, Stéphane The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Sharp, Anthony A Clockwork Orange
Sharp-Bolster, Anita Saboteur
Shaver, Andrew Arrival
Shaw, Janet Shadow of a Doubt
Shaw, Peter Hannibal
Shaw, Vinessa Eyes Wide Shut
Shawqi, Farid Cairo Station
Shayne, Konstantin Vertigo
Shearer, Harry The Truman Show
Shearer, Norma Idiot's Delight
Sheffield, Reginald Suspicion
Shiga, Matsuko Early Summer
Shiiya, Kenji The Man Who Left His Will on Film
Shim, Shauna Dogville
Shimazu, Masahiko Floating Weeds
The End of Summer
Shiraishi, Naomi The Man Who Left His Will on Film
Shirakawa, Yumi The End of Summer
Shirosawa, Isao Early Summer
Shkurat, Stepan Earth
Sigman, Mariano Wild Tales
Silva, Geno Mulholland Drive
Sim, Alastair Green for Danger
Stage Fright
Sim, Gerald Frenzy
Simmons, Jean Black Narcissus
Simon, Michel L'Atalante
Simpson, Peggy The 39 Steps
Singer, Geraldine Get Out
Sinoël, Jean The Assassination of Père Noël
Sipperly, Ralph Sunrise
Siyahi, Javad No Bears
Sjöberg, Gunnar Wild Strawberries
Sjöstrand, Per Wild Strawberries
Sjöström, Victor Wild Strawberries
Skarsgård, Alexander Melancholia
Skarsgård, Stellan Breaking the Waves
Dancer in the Dark
Skaruch, Witold Night Train
Skiba, Sonja Heart of Glass
Skimenti, Vincent The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Skjær, Henry Ordet
Skoczylas, Włodzimierz The Eighth Day of the Week
Skogsberg, Per Wild Strawberries
Slater, Blair The Truman Show
Smith, C. Aubrey Rebecca
Smith, Gerald Oliver Casablanca
Smith, Liz The Cook the Thief His Wife and Her Lover
Snipes, Jon Jon Blue Velvet
Sobieski, Leelee Eyes Wide Shut
Sofaer, Abraham A Matter of Life and Death
The Naked Jungle
Sohrabi, Farzad The Wind Will Carry Us
Solari, Laura Roman Holiday
Soler, Andrés Fever Mounts at El Pao
Soler, Domingo Fever Mounts at El Pao
Soler, Emilio Wild Tales
Soleymani, Yousef No Bears
Solimani, Teba Where Is My Friend's Home?
Solntseva, Yuliya Earth
Solo, Manolo Pan's Labyrinth
Solonitsyn, Anatoly Andrei Rublev
Soltani, Lida The Wind Will Carry Us
Song, Seon-mi The Day He Arrives
Soo, Papillon Full Metal Jacket
Soriano, Raymond The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Sothern, Ann A Letter to Three Wives
Spengler, Volker Veronika Voss
Speroni, Roberta La notte
Spinx, Jeronimo Get Out
Spira, Françoise Last Year at Marienbad
Spradlin, G.D. Zabriskie Point
Spruell, Sam The Counselor
Spurr, Cameron Melancholia
St. John, Howard Born Yesterday
Strangers on a Train
Stafford, Frederick Topaz
Stafford, Jon Full Metal Jacket
Stamp, Terence The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
Stan, Sebastian The Martian
Stanfield, LaKeith Get Out
Stanislawski, Marian Inland Empire
Stanton, Harry Dean Inland Empire
Staquet, Georges Band of Outsiders
Pierrot le fou
Starosta, Diego Wild Tales
Steele, Bob The Big Sleep
Steele, Tom Zabriskie Point
Steenburgen, Mary Inland Empire
Steentoft, Elsebeth Italian for Beginners
Stehli, Edgar Seconds
Stein, Sammy Modern Times
Steinmetz, Herbert Veronika Voss
Stéphane, Nicole Les enfants terribles
Stephenson, Henry Red-Headed Woman
Steppat, Ilse The Eighth Day of the Week
Stevens, Craig Phone Call from a Stranger
Stevens, Warren Phone Call from a Stranger
Stewart, Ewan The Cook the Thief His Wife and Her Lover
Stewart, James Rear Window
Stewart, Sally The Lady Vanishes
Stockwell, Dean Blue Velvet
Stone, Lewis Red-Headed Woman
Stone, Paula Idiot's Delight
Stone, Philip A Clockwork Orange
Barry Lyndon
The Shining
Stormare, Peter Dancer in the Dark
Stössel, Ludwig Casablanca
Støvelbæk, Anette Italian for Beginners
Stovitz, Ken Blue Velvet
Straight, Beatrice Phone Call from a Stranger
Strøbye, Axel Gertrud
Strong, Leonard The Naked Jungle
Stubing, Solvi I Knew Her Well
Stuhlbarg, Michael Arrival
Subor, Michel Topaz
Sugai, Ichiro Early Summer
Sugawara, Hideo I Was Born, But...
Sugawara, Michisumi Floating Weeds
Sugimura, Haruko Late Spring
Early Summer
Tokyo Story
Floating Weeds
The End of Summer
Sugita, Yasushi Fires on the Plain
Sullivan, Sean 2001: A Space Odyssey
Sundquist, Folke Wild Strawberries
Sutherland, Kiefer Melancholia
Svare, Steen Italian for Beginners
Svashenko, Semyon Earth
Svierkier, Anna Day of Wrath
Swanson, Gloria Sunset Boulevard
Sweeney, Bob Marnie
Świderski, Jan The Eighth Day of the Week
Swift, Clive Frenzy
Sylvester, William 2001: A Space Odyssey
Sylwan, Kari Cries and Whispers
Szabó, László Les bonnes femmes
Vivre sa vie
Pierrot le fou
Made in U.S.A
Szmigielówna, Teresa Night Train
T Ta, Duc Hu Full Metal Jacket
Ingrid Thulin in Winter Light Tabourin, Béatrice L'argent
Taggart, Rita Mulholland Drive
Tagore, Sharmila Devi
Takahashi, Toyo Late Spring
Early Summer
Tokyo Story
Floating Weeds
Takarada, Akira The End of Summer
Takizawa, Osamu Fires on the Plain
Talazac, Odette The Blood of a Poet
Tamiroff, Akim Alphaville
Tanaka, Haruo Floating Weeds
Tanaka, Kinuyo Ornamental Hairpin
Ugetsu monogatari
Tanizaki, Jun Late Spring
Tansley, Derek The Servant
Tarn, Michael A Clockwork Orange
Tati, Jacques Monsieur Hulot's Holiday
Taylor, Don The Truman Show
Taylor, Holland The Truman Show
Taylor, Kirk Full Metal Jacket
Taylor, Pauline A Clockwork Orange
Taylor, Rod Zabriskie Point
Taylor, Ron The Truman Show
Taylor, Vaughn Psycho
Tazawa, Nae Inland Empire
Tearle, Godfrey The 39 Steps
Terada, Kayoko Ornamental Hairpin
Terra, Renato I Knew Her Well
Terreno, Patrizia Nostalghia
Terry, John Full Metal Jacket
Teykh, Georgiy Solaris
Thate, Hilmar Veronika Voss
Theroux, Justin Mulholland Drive
Inland Empire
Thiollier, Jean-Damien The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Thomas, Geoffrey The Martian
Thompson, Wendy Green for Danger
Thorndike, Sybil Stage Fright
Thulin, Ingrid Wild Strawberries
Winter Light
Cries and Whispers
Thunberg, Olof Winter Light
Tiémélé, Jean-Baptiste The Passenger
Tiemroth, Lene Italian for Beginners
Tierney, Gene Laura
The Ghost and Mrs. Muir
Tilvern, Alan Chase a Crooked Shadow
Toake, Hisao The Flavor of Green Tea over Rice
Tokyo Story
Todd, Richard Stage Fright
Chase a Crooked Shadow
Toeche-Mittler, Karin Last Year at Marienbad
Tognazzi, Ugo I Knew Her Well
Togo, Haruko The End of Summer
Tohidi, Sadika Where Is My Friend's Home?
Tollaire, August Red-Headed Woman
Tomei, Adam The Truman Show
Tonai, Tomoko The Burmese Harp
Tono, Eijiro Tokyo Story
Toomey, Regis Spellbound
The Big Sleep
Topić, Velibor The Counselor
Toso, Otello Death of a Cyclist
Towers, Jim The Truman Show
Towne, Katharine Mulholland Drive
Travers, Henry Shadow of a Doubt
Travers, Linden The Lady Vanishes
Treherne, Roger A Man Escaped
Tremaine, Kathleen The Lady Vanishes
Trowbridge, Charles Mildred Pierce
Truppel, Ricardo Wild Tales
Tsogtsaikhan, Narantsogt The Martian
Tsubouchi, Yoshiko Late Spring
Tsuji, Kiyoko The Man Who Left His Will on Film
Tsukasa, Yoko The End of Summer
Tsukida, Masaya Fires on the Plain
Tsukiji, Mayumi Mr. Thank You
Tsukioka, Yumeji Late Spring
Tsuno, Tetsuro The Man Who Left His Will on Film
Tsuruta, Koji The Flavor of Green Tea over Rice
Tsushima, Keiko The Flavor of Green Tea over Rice
Tulli, Marco Roman Holiday
Turkel, Joe The Shining
Blade Runner
Tuttle, Lurene Psycho
Tyler, Ian Full Metal Jacket
Tyzack, Margaret 2001: A Space Odyssey
A Clockwork Orange
U Uchida, Asao The End of Summer
Liv Ullmann in Cries and Whispers Ueda, Kichijiro Ugetsu monogatari
Uehara, Ken Mr. Thank You
Ullmann, Liv Persona
Cries and Whispers
Umecka, Jolanta Knife in the Water
Urabe, Kumeko Floating Weeds
Uria, Horacio Nin Wild Tales
Usami, Jun Late Spring
Ushio, Mantaro Fires on the Plain
Floating Weeds
Ussing, Olaf Day of Wrath
V Vainstein, Abián Wild Tales
Monica Vitti in L'avventura Valderi, Xenia Red Desert
Valese, Matteo Italian for Beginners
Valk, Frederick Dead of Night
A Matter of Life and Death
Valli, Alida The Third Man
Valmy, André Such a Pretty Little Beach
Van den Elsen, Sylvie L'argent
Van Dreelen, John Topaz
Van Oldenbarneveld, Lucy Arrival
Vandenberg, Dominique Inland Empire
Varden, Evelyn Phone Call from a Stranger
The Night of the Hunter
Varden, Norma Casablanca
Strangers on a Train
Varennes, André The Hand of the Devil
Varennes, Jacques Orphée
Vaughn, Judson The Truman Show
Vavassori, Carlos Alberto Wild Tales
Vay, Horacio Wild Tales
Vayo, Ramiro Wild Tales
Vaz Dias, Selma The Lady Vanishes
Vea, César Pan's Labyrinth
Veidt, Conrad The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
Velázquez, Diego Wild Tales
Vendell, Véronique I Knew Her Well
Verdú, Maribel Pan's Labyrinth
Verno, Jerry The 39 Steps
Vernon, Howard Alphaville
Vernon, John Topaz
Vernon, Richard The Servant
Vickers, Martha The Big Sleep
Vigneault, Sonia Arrival
Vignon, Virginie Weekend
Vigus, Larry Matchstick Men
Villa, Mónica Wild Tales
Vincent, Romo The Naked Jungle
Višnjić, Goran The Counselor
Vissières, Charles Such a Pretty Little Beach
Vitali, Leon Barry Lyndon
Eyes Wide Shut
Vitold, Michel La nuit fantastique
Vitti, Monica L'avventura
La notte
Red Desert
Vizner, Jaroslav Roselyne and the Lions
Vlady, Marina 2 or 3 Things I Know About Her
Voe, Sandra Breaking the Waves
Volkmann, Elisabeth Veronika Voss
von Alten, Ferdinand Warning Shadows
von Borsody, Suzanne Run Lola Run
von Deek, Wilhelm Last Year at Marienbad
von Eltz, Theodore The Big Sleep
von Lehndorff, Veruschka Blow-Up
von Stroheim, Erich Sunset Boulevard
von Sydow, Max Wild Strawberries
Winter Light
The Quiller Memorandum
von Trier, Lars The Boss of It All
von Twardowski, Hans Heinrich The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
von Wangenheim, Gustav Warning Shadows
Vukotic, Milena The Moon in the Gutter
W Wakao, Ayako Floating Weeds
Naomi Watts in Mulholland Drive Walder, Ernst The Quiller Memorandum
Waldron, Charles The Big Sleep
Walker, Arthur I Walked with a Zombie
Walker, Robert Strangers on a Train
Walsh, Kay Stage Fright
Walsh, M. Emmet Blade Runner
Walshe, Pat The Wizard of Oz
Walters, Melora Matchstick Men
Warner, Henry Byron Sunset Boulevard
Warnick, Allan Chinatown
Wasfy, Naima Cairo Station
Watkins, Leonard Blue Velvet
Watson, Emily Breaking the Waves
Watson, William Zabriskie Point
Watson, Wylie The 39 Steps
Watts, Naomi Mulholland Drive
Inland Empire
Wayne, Naunton The Lady Vanishes
Dead of Night
Weaving, Hugo The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
Webb, Clifton Laura
Webb, Jack Sunset Boulevard
Webb, Rita Frenzy
Weimer, Liliana Wild Tales
Welch, Elisabeth Dead of Night
Welden, Ben The Big Sleep
Welles, Orson The Third Man
Welsh, Finlay Breaking the Waves
Wengraf, John 5 Fingers
Werle, Barbara Seconds
Werner, Gabriel Last Year at Marienbad
West, Ford Sherlock Jr.
Westcott, Helen Phone Call from a Stranger
Westmoreland, Stoney Matchstick Men
Weyher, Ruth Warning Shadows
Whaley Jr., Eddie Black Narcissus
Whitaker, Forest Arrival
Whitaker, Gary Melancholia
Whitelaw, Billie Frenzy
Whitford, Bradley Get Out
Whitty, May The Lady Vanishes
Wiazemsky, Anne Au hasard Balthazar
Wicki, Bernhard La notte
Wifstrand, Naima Wild Strawberries
Wiig, Kristen The Martian
Wilamowski, Kazimierz Night Train
Wilding, Michael Stage Fright
Wilkins, Martin I Walked with a Zombie
Wilkins, Reg Blow-Up
Willes, Peter Idiot's Delight
Williams, Allison Get Out
Williams, Harcourt Roman Holiday
Williams, Melvin I Walked with a Zombie
Willy, Suzy Monsieur Hulot's Holiday
Wilmot, John Get Out
Wilson, Dooley Casablanca
Wilson, Johnny Zabriskie Point
Wilson, Josephine The Lady Vanishes
Wiman, Ann-Marie Wild Strawberries
Windheim, Marek Holiday Inn
Winnicka, Lucyna Night Train
Winston, Irene Rear Window
Winters, Shelley Phone Call from a Stranger
The Night of the Hunter
Winton, Jane Sunrise
Withers, Googie The Lady Vanishes
Dead of Night
Wittman, Nick The Martian
Wójcik, Zbigniew The Eighth Day of the Week
Wölck, Rikke Italian for Beginners
Wolfe, Ian Saboteur
Wollter, Sven The Sacrifice
Wonacott, Edna May Shadow of a Doubt
Wong, Benedict The Martian
Wood, Natalie The Ghost and Mrs. Muir
Woolley, Monty Midnight
Worms, René Orphée
Wright, Teresa Shadow of a Doubt
Wrzesińsk, Barbara The Structure of Crystal
Wulff, Randall Mulholland Drive
Wyllie, Meg Marnie
Wyman, Jane Stage Fright
Wyndham, Robert Dead of Night
Wynn, Keenan Phone Call from a Stranger
Wyprächtiger, Hans Veronika Voss
X Xuxing, Xue The Martian
Y Yacef, Saadi The Battle of Algiers
Shoji Yasui in The Burmese Harp Yamamura, So Tokyo Story
Yanagi, Eijiro The Flavor of Green Tea over Rice
Yankovsky, Oleg Nostalghia
Yanne, Jean Weekend
Le boucher
Yasui, Shoji The Burmese Harp
Yeun, Steven Burning
Yokoyama, Jun Ornamental Hairpin
Yoo, Ah-in Burning
Yoo, Jun-sang The Day He Arrives
Yoshikawa, Mitsuko I Was Born, But...
Yoshino, Kenji The Man Who Left His Will on Film
Young, Burt Chinatown
Young, Dee Dee Seconds
Young, Nedrick Seconds
Young, Scott Alexander The Martian
Young, Sean Blade Runner
Yui, Munenobu Ornamental Hairpin
Yusufoglu, Sinan No Bears
Z Zabriskie, Grace Inland Empire
Rosel Zech in Veronika Voss Zadek, Peter Veronika Voss
Zapiór, Jerzy Night Train
Zardi, Dominique Pickpocket
Les bonnes femmes
A Woman Is a Woman
Pierrot le fou
La rupture
Żarnecki, Andrzej The Structure of Crystal
Zbiróg, Józef Inland Empire
Zech, Rosel Veronika Voss
Ziemann, Sonja The Eighth Day of the Week
Zinn, Jeff Zabriskie Point
Zintel, Zygmunt Night Train
Zwerling, Darrell Chinatown
Zylberberg, Julieta Wild Tales