Here is an alphabetical list of actors and actresses in the films reviewed on The Cinematograph. Included are leading actors, supporting actors, memorable bit actors, and any actors who appear in more than one film. Non-speaking director cameos are not included.



Aagesen, HanneOrdet
Ahmed Ahmadpour - Where Is My Friend's Home? - close-up
Babak Ahmadpour in Where Is My Friend's Home?
Aarons, BonnieMulholland Drive
Abadir, AichaPierrot le fou
Abakar, AbdéramaneDry Season
Abbasi, RahimNo Bears
Abe, ToruTokyo Story
Abel, WalterHoliday Inn
Abercrombie, IanInland Empire
Abrahams, MartinZabriskie Point
Abramova, NatashaStalker
Abrams, RichardI Walked with a Zombie
Abril, VictoriaThe Moon in the Gutter
Ackerman, LilianaWild Tales
Adam, AlfredVivre sa vie
Adam, RonaldGreen for Danger
Adams, AmyArrival
Adams, DorothyLaura
Adams, KathrynSaboteur
Addams, JamesL'avventura
Addy, WesleySeconds
Adlin, GeorgesMonsieur Hulot's Holiday
Adorf, MarioI Knew Her Well
Afkir, WalidCaché
Afonso, YvesMade in U.S.A
Aguirre, CesarThe Counselor
Ahmadpour, AhmedWhere Is My Friend's Home?
Ahmadpour, BabakWhere Is My Friend's Home?
Ahn, Jae-hongThe Day He Arrives
Aimos, RaymondLumière d'été
Akhtar, BegumThe Music Room
Albert, EddieRoman Holiday
Albert, MercedesDeath of a Cyclist
Albertazzi, GiorgioLast Year at Marienbad
Alberti, GuidoThe Moon in the Gutter
Albertson, FrankPsycho
Albinus, JensDancer in the Dark
The Boss of It All
Alei, DaryaNo Bears
Alexander, ErikaGet Out
Alexander, RichardModern Times
Allan, MichaelDead of Night
Alonso, EmilioDeath of a Cyclist
Alper, MurrayThe Maltese Falcon
Altman, BruceMatchstick Men
Álvarez, Enrique GarcíaSimón of the Desert
Álvarez Bianchi, GuillermoThe Exterminating Angel
Ameche, DonMidnight
Amiot, PaulOrphée
Andere, JacquelineThe Exterminating Angel
Anderson, JohnPsycho
Anderson, JudithRebecca
Anderson, Michael J.Mulholland Drive
Anderson, RichardSeconds
Andersson, BibiWild Strawberries
Andersson, HarrietCries and Whispers
André, MarcelBeauty and the Beast
Les parents terribles
Andréi, FrédéricDiva
Andrews, DanaLaura
Andrews, DavidHannibal
Angel, HeatherSuspicion
Angelini, AlejandroWild Tales
Angulo, ÁlexPan's Labyrinth
Ansari, AyatWhere Is My Friend's Home?
Aoki, HohiLate Spring
Aoki, TomioI Was Born, But...
The Burmese Harp
Aoyama, SugisakuUgetsu monogatari
Aratama, MichiyoConflagration
The End of Summer
Arden, EveMildred Pierce
Aris, JonathanThe Martian
Årlin, GeorgCries and Whispers
Armetta, HenryRed-Headed Woman
Arnold, EdwardIdiot's Delight
Arnold, JoanHoliday Inn
Arosenius, Per-AxelTopaz
Arvel, LéonDiary of a Country Priest
Asadi, NoghreThe Wind Will Carry Us
Ashcroft, PeggyThe 39 Steps
Ashton, TracyInland Empire
Ashton-Griffiths, RogerThe Cook the Thief His Wife and Her Lover
Askarpour, HamdollahWhere Is My Friend's Home?
Asorey, CarlosThe Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Asselin, PhilippeAu hasard Balthazar
Astaire, FredHoliday Inn
Astar, Ben5 Fingers
Astor, MaryMidnight
The Maltese Falcon
Atkins, RobertA Matter of Life and Death
Attal, HenriLes bonnes femmes
Vivre sa vie
Pierrot le fou
Attenborough, RichardA Matter of Life and Death
Aubert, PierreMonsieur Hulot's Holiday
Aubier, PascalPierrot le fou
Auclair, MichelBeauty and the Beast
Aucoc, AdelineLes enfants terribles
Audran, StéphaneLes bonnes femmes
Le boucher
La rupture
Aufaure, ClaudeBaxter, Véra Baxter
Austin, AlbertCity Lights
Auteuil, DanielCaché
Auzel, MauricePierrot le fou
Awashima, ChikageEarly Summer
The Flavor of Green Tea over Rice


Babai, AzizWhere Is My Friend's Home?
Ingrid Bergman - Casablanca - close-up
Ingrid Bergman in Casablanca
Bacall, LaurenThe Big Sleep
Bachchan, JayaThe Big City
Bacon, IrvingHoliday Inn
Shadow of a Doubt
Monsieur Verdoux
Bacon, ShelbyHoliday Inn
Bacqué, AndréThe Hand of the Devil
Badalamenti, AngeloBlue Velvet
Mulholland Drive
Bae, Yoo-ramThe Day He Arrives
Baek, Jong-hakThe Day He Arrives
Baer, HarryWhity
Veronika Voss
Bag, AnilDevi
Bagdasarian, RossRear Window
Bahati, FulaniInland Empire
Baik, Hyun-jhinThe Day He Arrives
Bailey, RaymondVertigo
Baillou, AlfredThe Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Baird, AnthonyDead of Night
Bakalyan, DickChinatown
Baker, ArtSpellbound
Baker, DianeMarnie
Baker, EddieCity Lights
Baker, ElaineWhity
Bakka, ClaudeMade in U.S.A
Baldaccini, CésarMonsieur Hulot's Holiday
Baldwin, AdamFull Metal Jacket
Ballhaus, HelgaWhity
Balpêtré, AntoineThe Hand of the Devil
Diary of a Country Priest
Balsam, MartinPsycho
Ban, Hye-raBurning
Banderas, AntonioWomen on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown
Banier, François-MarieL'argent
Banionis, DonatasSolaris
Bannerjee, HaradhanThe Big City
Bannerjee, HarenPather Panchali
Bannerjee, KanuPather Panchali
Bannerjee, KarunaPather Panchali
Bannerjee, RunkiPather Panchali
Bannerjee, SubirPather Panchali
Baquero, IvanaPan's Labyrinth
Barabas, NikolettThe Martian
Barbaud, PierreHiroshima mon amour
Barbaud, PierreLast Year at Marienbad
Barbier, Jean-JoëlAu hasard Balthazar
Bardem, JavierThe Counselor
Bardette, TrevorThe Big Sleep
Barkaï, Ali BachaDry Season
Barlow, JoyThe Big Sleep
Barnet, OlgaSolaris
Barr, Jean-MarcBreaking the Waves
Dancer in the Dark
The Boss of It All
Barranco, MaríaWomen on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown
Barrett, EdithLadies in Retirement
I Walked with a Zombie
Barrie, ElaineMidnight
Barrymore, JohnMidnight
Barsotti, CarloItalian for Beginners
Bart, DanielMade in U.S.A
Bartell, RichardSpellbound
Bartoleschi, ValerioRed Desert
Barton, MargaretBrief Encounter
Bates, BarbaraAll About Eve
Bates, CharlesShadow of a Doubt
Bates, FlorenceRebecca
A Letter to Three Wives
Bates, JeanneMulholland Drive
Bates, MichaelA Clockwork Orange
Baur, HarryThe Assassination of Père Noël
Baussy, DidierL'argent
Baviera, JoséThe Exterminating Angel
Baxter, AlanSaboteur
Baxter, AnneAll About Eve
Chase a Crooked Shadow
Bay, FrancesBlue Velvet
Bazyar, ImanNo Bears
Bean, ReathelDancer in the Dark
Bean, SeanThe Martian
Beatty, Robert2001: A Space Odyssey
Beauchamp, EdmondLe beau Serge
Beavers, LouiseHoliday Inn
Beccara, MarioLe boucher
Beck, KimberlyMarnie
Beckman, HenryMarnie
Beddoe, DonThe Night of the Hunter
Beerblock, MauriceA Man Escaped
Bel Geddes, BarbaraVertigo
Beldam, LiaThe Shining
Bell, DollyLes bonnes femmes
Bell, JamesHoliday Inn
I Walked with a Zombie
Belmondo, Jean-PaulA Woman Is a Woman
Pierrot le fou
Ben Kassen, MohamedThe Battle of Algiers
Benedico, AugustoFever Mounts at El Pao
The Exterminating Angel
Beneyton, YvesWeekend
Benga, FéralThe Blood of a Poet
Bénichou, MauriceCaché
Benítez, DamiánWild Tales
Bennett, BruceMildred Pierce
Bennett, MarjorieMonsieur Verdoux
Bérendt, RachelDiary of a Country Priest
Berenson, MarisaBarry Lyndon
Berger, KatyaThe Moon in the Gutter
Berger, SentaThe Quiller Memorandum
Berghof, Herbert5 Fingers
Bergman, HenryCity Lights
Modern Times
Bergman, IngridCasablanca
Bergman, LenaWild Strawberries
Cries and Whispers
Beristáin, LuisThe Exterminating Angel
Berjot, CorinneThe Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Berkeley, BallardStage Fright
Berkoff, StevenA Clockwork Orange
The Passenger
Barry Lyndon
Berling, PeterWhity
Veronika Voss
Bernard, JacquesLes enfants terribles
Bernard, PaulLumière d'été
Berner, SaraRear Window
Berri, ClaudeLes bonnes femmes
Berthelsen, Anders W.Italian for Beginners
Bertin, FrançoiseLast Year at Marienbad
Bertin, PierreOrphée
Les bonnes femmes
Bertin, RolandDiva
Berto, Juliet2 or 3 Things I Know About Her
Bertolini, VittorioLa notte
Bessière, JeanThe Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Best, EdnaThe Ghost and Mrs. Muir
Bettany, PaulDogville
Betz, AudreyMonsieur Verdoux
Bevans, ClemSaboteur
Beyshenaliyev, BolotAndrei Rublev
Bhattacharya, BijonThe Cloud-Capped Star
Bhawal, DwijuThe Cloud-Capped Star
Bia, AmbroiseThe Passenger
Bierbichler, JosefHeart of Glass
Biesse, Jean-PierreMade in U.S.A
Bindon, JohnBarry Lyndon
Binoche, JulietteCaché
Birkin, JaneBlow-Up
Birnbaum, DanMulholland Drive
Bischoff, MarcRun Lola Run
Bisset, JacquelineLa cérémonie
Biswas, ChhabiThe Music Room
Bjelfvenstam, BjörnWild Strawberries
Björnstrand, GunnarWild Strawberries
Winter Light
Blades, RubénThe Counselor
Blain, GérardLe beau Serge
Blanchar, DominiqueL'avventura
Blanck, DorothéeCléo from 5 to 7
Blanco, CristinaWild Tales
Blanco, TomasWhity
Blandick, ClaraThe Wizard of Oz
Blavette, CharlesLumière d'été
Bleibtreu, HedwigThe Third Man
Bleibtreu, MonicaRun Lola Run
Bleibtreu, MoritzRun Lola Run
Blier, BernardThe Assassination of Père Noël
La nuit fantastique
Blin, RogerOrphée
Blystone, StanleyModern Times
Blyth, AnnMildred Pierce
Boa, BruceFull Metal Jacket
Boccardo, DeliaNostalghia
Bogarde, DirkThe Servant
Bogart, HumphreyThe Maltese Falcon
The Big Sleep
Bohringer, RichardDiva
The Cook the Thief His Wife and Her Lover
Boidin, GeorgesVampyr
Bois, CurtCasablanca
Boisgel, ValérieAlphaville
Boland, EddieSunrise
Bolger, LatrinaInland Empire
Bolger, RayThe Wizard of Oz
Bompiani, ValentinoLa notte
Bond, MayaMulholland Drive
Bond, WardThe Maltese Falcon
Bondarchuk, NatalyaSolaris
Bonfigli, GustavoWild Tales
Bonnafoux, GuyThe Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Bonnaire, SandrineLa cérémonie
Booth, RogerBarry Lyndon
Borboni, PaolaRoman Holiday
Bordán, LiliThe Martian
Bordón, CésarWild Tales
Borel, AdrienDiary of a Country Priest
Boreo, EmileThe Lady Vanishes
Borg, Veda AnnMildred Pierce
Borkowski, AlinaThe Eighth Day of the Week
Bose, DilipCharulata
Bose, GangapadaThe Music Room
Bosè, LuciaDeath of a Cyclist
Nathalie Granger
Boselli, AldoThe Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Bouillon, Jean-ClaudeMade in U.S.A
Bouquet, MichelLa rupture
Bourgeois, NathalieNathalie Granger
Bourseiller, AntoineCléo from 5 to 7
Bourseiller, Christophe2 or 3 Things I Know About Her
Bourseiller, Marie2 or 3 Things I Know About Her
Bowles, PeterBlow-Up
Boxer, JohnFrenzy
Boy, IbrahimaBlack Girl
Boyer, CharlesRed-Headed Woman
Boyer, Jean-MarieThe Assassination of Père Noël
Brabo, MichèleMonsieur Hulot's Holiday
Bras, AlbertVampyr
Brassat, JeanLes carabiniers
Brasseur, ClaudeBand of Outsiders
Brasseur, PierreLumière d'été
Bravo, AntonioThe Exterminating Angel
Simón of the Desert
Breeveld, ArnieThe Cook the Thief His Wife and Her Lover
Breton, MichèleWeekend
Breuer, SiegfriedThe Third Man
Brialy, Jean-ClaudeLe beau Serge
A Woman Is a Woman
Cléo from 5 to 7
I Knew Her Well
Bricker, PabloWild Tales
Brignone, LillaL'eclisse
Briguet, MichelL'argent
Brinkemo, EvelinaDogville
Briquet, SachaLes bonnes femmes
Briscoe, BrentMulholland Drive
Brissac, VirginiaMonsieur Verdoux
Brissac, VirginiaShadow of a Doubt
Broadway, Vander ClydeThe Blood of a Poet
Brobeck, AnnaDogville
Brochard, JeanThe Assassination of Père Noël
Brodie, DonDetour
Brodrick, SusanBlow-Up
Brook, ClaudioThe Exterminating Angel
Simón of the Desert
Brook, FaithSuspicion
Chase a Crooked Shadow
Broström, GunnelWild Strawberries
Broutin, ChristianThe Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Brown, BarbaraBorn Yesterday
Brown, BlairDogville
Brown, Charles D.The Big Sleep
Brown, JohnStrangers on a Train
Brown, VanessaThe Ghost and Mrs. Muir
Browne, Roscoe LeeTopaz
Bruce, DavidThe Sea Wolf
Bruce, NigelRebecca
Bruce, Sally JaneThe Night of the Hunter
Brunoy, BlanchetteGoupi Mains Rouges
Brunschwick, LaurentLa rupture
Brunswig, JacquesThe Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Bryan, PeggyDead of Night
Bryar, PaulThe Night of the Hunter
Brygmann, MartinItalian for Beginners
Buelna, EnriqueMulholland Drive
Buquet, JeanThe Assassination of Père Noël
Burke, BillieThe Wizard of Oz
Burns, LisaThe Shining
Burns, LouiseThe Shining
Burr, FritziChinatown
Burr, RaymondRear Window
Burvant, TreyGet Out
Burton, TonyThe Shining
Bush, FrançoiseSeconds
Bykov, RolanAndrei Rublev
Byron, KathleenA Matter of Life and Death
Black Narcissus


Caan, JamesDogville
Soumitra Chatterjee - Devi
Soumitra Chatterjee in Devi
Cabral, RichardThe Counselor
Caccamo, María LauraWild Tales
Caccia, RogerLa nuit fantastique
Cady, FrankRear Window
Caffarel, José MaríaThe Passenger
Cage, NicolasMatchstick Men
Cagnard, JamesMelancholia
Caille, EmilienneCléo from 5 to 7
Calloway, AshleyInland Empire
Camacho, MarkArrival
Camaso, ClaudioI Knew Her Well
Camax, ValentineMonsieur Hulot's Holiday
Campanella, FrankSeconds
Campbell, Ashley LeConteGet Out
Campbell, JamesThe Passenger
Campbell, JudyGreen for Danger
Campbell, LindsayA Clockwork Orange
Canakis, OresteThe Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Candoli, ConteMulholland Drive
Cañedo, RobertoFever Mounts at El Pao
Capriati, StefanoWhity
Carboni, Emanuela PalaRed Desert
Carew, PeterBlue Velvet
Carey, JoyceBrief Encounter
Carey, MacdonaldShadow of a Doubt
Carl, RaymondMonsieur Hulot's Holiday
Carlderón, NormaThe Naked Jungle
Carleton, ClaireBorn Yesterday
Carlini, PaoloRoman Holiday
Carmet, JeanLa rupture
Carminati, TullioRoman Holiday
Carnège, AndréOrphée
Caro, Julia DelgadoDeath of a Cyclist
Carrey, JimThe Truman Show
Carrière, MathieuIndia Song
Carroll, Leo G.Rebecca
Strangers on a Train
Carroll, MadeleineThe 39 Steps
Carson, FrancesSaboteur
Shadow of a Doubt
Carson, JackMildred Pierce
Carsten, PeterThe Quiller Memorandum
Carstensen, MargitThe Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant
Cartlidge, KatrinBreaking the Waves
Carton, PaulineThe Blood of a Poet
Casamajor, RogerPan's Labyrinth
Casaravilla, CarlosDeath of a Cyclist
Casares, MaríaOrphée
Casas, Camila SofíaWild Tales
Caspe, BrianThe Martian
Cassan, MargueriteLa rupture
Cassel, Jean-PierreLa rupture
La cérémonie
Casselberry, IanGet Out
Cassidy, JoannaBlade Runner
Castañeda, Luis AcevesFever Mounts at El Pao
Simón of the Desert
Castellanos, VincentMulholland Drive
Castelló, FlorencioThe Exterminating Angel
Castillo, GloriaThe Night of the Hunter
Castle, JohnBlow-Up
Cauchetier, RaymondCléo from 5 to 7
Caussimon, Jean-RogerJuliette, or the Key of Dreams
Cavanaugh, HobartA Letter to Three Wives
Cayo, FernandoThe Counselor
Cellier, FrankThe 39 Steps
Cerval, ClaudeLe beau Serge
Cha, Mi-kyungBurning
Chabrol, ClaudeLe beau Serge
Chadwick, SarahThe Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
Chagrin, ClaudeBlow-Up
Chagrin, JulianBlow-Up
Chahine, YoussefCairo Station
Chakraborty, TulsiPather Panchali
Chakravarti, KhageshDevi
Chamarat, GeorgesThe Assassination of Père Noël
The Hand of the Devil
Chao, PabloWild Tales
Chapin, BillyThe Night of the Hunter
Chaplin, CharlesCity Lights
Modern Times
Monsieur Verdoux
Chartier-Dessert, LucasArrival
Charton, MarcelVivre sa vie
Chase, HelenaInland Empire
Chassel, PhilippeThe Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Chastain, JessicaThe Martian
Châtelet, NoëlleBaxter, Véra Baxter
Chatterjee, AnilDevi
The Cloud-Capped Star
The Big City
Chatterjee, HarenThe Big City
Chatterjee, SoumitraDevi
Chdjari, MariaWhere Is My Friend's Home?
Chekhov, MichaelSpellbound
Chen, ShuThe Martian
Cherrill, VirginiaCity Lights
Chesnakov, AlexisThe Third Man
Chevalier, LouiseLa rupture
Chimona, Costas DinoFull Metal Jacket
Chionetti, CarloRed Desert
Choi, Seung-hoBurning
Chomo, NicoleMonsieur Hulot's Holiday
Choudhury, SupriyaThe Cloud-Capped Star
Chowdhury, Arabinda KumarDevi
Chowdhury, ArpanDevi
Christensen, CasperThe Boss of It All
Christensen, Emil HassOrdet
Christensen, JesperItalian for Beginners
Christensen, JesperMelancholia
Cilenti, EnzoThe Martian
Clair, NadègeThe Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Clare, MaryThe Lady Vanishes
Clark, FredSunset Boulevard
Clark, HarveyRed-Headed Woman
Clarke, WarrenA Clockwork Orange
Clarkson, PatriciaDogville
Clauzel, PierreMonsieur Hulot's Holiday
Clayton, JudyThe Truman Show
Cleaver, KathleenZabriskie Point
Cler, AndréL'argent
Cler, ClaudeL'argent
Clévenot, PhilippeRoselyne and the Lions
Clive, JohnA Clockwork Orange
Closas, AlbertoDeath of a Cyclist
Cloutier, SuzanneJuliette, or the Key of Dreams
Coates, KadeThe Truman Show
Coburn, CharlesIdiot's Delight
Coëdel, LucienThe Assassination of Père Noël
Coffey, ScottMulholland Drive
Inland Empire
Coffinet, Anne-MarieThe Moon in the Gutter
Colbert, ClaudetteMidnight
Colceri, TimFull Metal Jacket
Colleano, BonarA Matter of Life and Death
Collinge, PatriciaShadow of a Doubt
Colombo, Juan PabloWild Tales
Colpeyn, LouisaBand of Outsiders
Comolli, Jean-LouisLes carabiniers
Comte, AlixThe Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Conklin, ChesterModern Times
Connealy, KevinEyes Wide Shut
Connelly, ErwinSherlock Jr.
Connelly, JaneSherlock Jr.
Connery, SeanMarnie
Conrad, WilliamThe Naked Jungle
Conroy, ThomSeconds
Constantine, EddieCléo from 5 to 7
Conway, TomI Walked with a Zombie
Cook, Brian W.Eyes Wide Shut
Cook, ClydeLadies in Retirement
Cook Jr., ElishaThe Maltese Falcon
I Wake Up Screaming
The Big Sleep
Cook, RonThe Cook the Thief His Wife and Her Lover
Cooke, MichaelMulholland Drive
Cooper, GladysRebecca
Coote, RobertA Matter of Life and Death
The Ghost and Mrs. Muir
Coquet, FernandMade in U.S.A
Corbella, VincenzoLa notte
Corbet, BradyMelancholia
Corby, EllenVertigo
Córdova, PanchoThe Exterminating Angel
Cordy, AnnieLa rupture
Corey, JeffSeconds
Corey, WendellRear Window
Corne, LéonceLumière d'été
Corrà, BrunaDeath of a Cyclist
Corrado, AlexHannibal
Correll, MadyMonsieur Verdoux
Corri, AdrienneA Clockwork Orange
Cortese, RitaWild Tales
Cortez, JuliaThe Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
Cosima, RenéeLes enfants terribles
Cotten, JosephShadow of a Doubt
The Third Man
Cottin, JacquesMonsieur Hulot's Holiday
Cournot, MichelWeekend
Cowan, JeromeThe Maltese Falcon
Craig, WendyThe Servant
Crain, JeanneA Letter to Three Wives
Crane, WardSherlock Jr.
Cravens, RutherfordGet Out
Crawford, BroderickBorn Yesterday
Crawford, JoanMildred Pierce
Cregar, LairdI Wake Up Screaming
Crémieux, HenriOrphée
Creuze, MichelLe beau Serge
Crews, Laura HopeIdiot's Delight
Crews, TerryInland Empire
Cribbins, BernardFrenzy
Crider, MissyMulholland Drive
Crisa, ErnoPlein soleil
Cronyn, HumeShadow of a Doubt
Crosby, BingHoliday Inn
Crothers, ScatmanThe Shining
Croughwell, CharlesMulholland Drive
Cruise, TomEyes Wide Shut
Cruz, PenélopeThe Counselor
Culver, RolandDead of Night
Cumming, AlanEyes Wide Shut
Cummings, RobertSaboteur
Curchio, GustavoWild Tales
Curtis, BillySaboteur
Curtis, DonaldSpellbound
Curtis, MickeyFires on the Plain
Ćwikliński, JerzyNight Train
Cybulski, ZbigniewThe Eighth Day of the Week
Night Train
Cyliakus, MariaLes enfants terribles
Cyrus, Billy RayMulholland Drive


D'Aguilar, ThelmaChase a Crooked Shadow
Mbissine Thérèse Diop - Black Girl - close-up
Mbissine Thérèse Diop in Black Girl
D'Amico, MarcusFull Metal Jacket
D'Onofrio, VincentFull Metal Jacket
Da Silva, HowardThe Sea Wolf
Dąbrowska, HelenaNight Train
Dagover, LilThe Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
Daicz, AlanWild Tales
Daillencourt, BernardThe Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Dale, VirginiaIdiot's Delight
Holiday Inn
Dalio, MarcelCasablanca
Damon, MattThe Martian
Damon, UnaThe Truman Show
Dan, Julia ScarlettArrival
Dan, ReikoThe End of Summer
Danet, JeanDiary of a Country Priest
Daniels, JeffThe Martian
Dantés, RaúlFever Mounts at El Pao
Dantine, HelmutCasablanca
Darc, MireilleWeekend
Darcy, GeorgineRear Window
Darget, ChantalBand of Outsiders
Darín, RicardoWild Tales
Darmon, GérardDiva
Darnell, LindaA Letter to Three Wives
Darrieux, Danielle5 Fingers
Darrin, SoniaThe Big Sleep
Dasgupta, UmaPather Panchali
Dassas, StellaHiroshima mon amour
Dastagir, SabuBlack Narcissus
Dasté, JeanL'Atalante
Dasté, Marie-HélèneThe Assassination of Père Noël
Date, TadashiFloating Weeds
Davari, AmirNo Bears
Davenport, HavisRear Window
David, MarioLes bonnes femmes
La rupture
Davies, JeremyDogville
Davies, PhilEyes Wide Shut
Davis, BetteAll About Eve
Phone Call from a Stranger
Davis, JoelSpellbound
Davis, JulienneEyes Wide Shut
Davis, MackenzieThe Martian
Davray, DominiqueCléo from 5 to 7
Davy, JeanThe Hand of the Devil
Day, JosetteBeauty and the Beast
Les parents terribles
Daydé, BernardThe Assassination of Père Noël
de Beauregard, GeorgesCléo from 5 to 7
de Bray, YvonneLes parents terribles
de Broca, PhilippeLe beau Serge
de Bruijn, LexWeekend
de Cordoba, PedroSaboteur
de Cuir, GregThe Martian
de Gunzburg, NicolasVampyr
de Marchi, LauraNostalghia
de Morelos, PatriciaThe Exterminating Angel
de Palma, RossyWomen on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown
de Poliolo, DorothyL'avventura
de Sax, GuillaumeThe Hand of the Devil
de Silva, GermánWild Tales
de Vilallonga, José LuisCléo from 5 to 7
Déa, MarieOrphée
Dębski, AdamThe Structure of Crystal
Deck, AndreaThe Counselor
Dee, FrancesI Walked with a Zombie
Defai, KhodabakshWhere Is My Friend's Home?
Defallah, Khayar OumarDry Season
Deglauy, DianaWild Tales
del Campo, CésarThe Exterminating Angel
del Castillo, EnriqueThe Exterminating Angel
Simón of the Desert
del Rio, RebekahMulholland Drive
Delahaye, MichelAlphaville
Delan, ClaudioWild Tales
Delaram, NargesNo Bears
Delate, BrianThe Truman Show
Delbard, BernardBlack Girl
Delboy, MartheThe Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Delhumeau, Jean PaulA Man Escaped
Delon, AlainPlein soleil
Delorme, DanièleCléo from 5 to 7
DeMille, Cecil B.Sunset Boulevard
Deneuve, CatherineDancer in the Dark
Denne, BarryThe Shining
Denny, ReginaldRebecca
Depardieu, GérardNathalie Granger
Baxter, Véra Baxter
The Moon in the Gutter
Deren, MayaMeshes of the Afternoon
Dermithe, EdouardOrphée
Les enfants terribles
Dern, BruceMarnie
Dern, LauraBlue Velvet
Inland Empire
Deruaz, ChantalDiva
Des Barres, MichaelMulholland Drive
Desbois, AnneThe Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Desbordes, JeanThe Blood of a Poet
Despeaux, JeanThe Hand of the Devil
Deutsch, ErnstThe Third Man
Develoux, DenisThe Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Devère, ArthurThe Assassination of Père Noël
Goupi Mains Rouges
Juliette, or the Key of Dreams
Devere, MattThe Martian
Devi, AparnaPather Panchali
Devi, ChunibalaPather Panchali
Devi, PadmaThe Music Room
Devi, SefalikaThe Big City
Devi, ShantaDevi
Devirys, RachelLes enfants terribles
Devos, RaymondPierrot le fou
Dewey, Earle S.Shadow of a Doubt
Dewoyno, WładysławThe Eighth Day of the Week
Dey, GitaThe Cloud-Capped Star
Dey, NilotpalCharulata
Dhiegh, KhighSeconds
di Lampedusa, Angela TomasiL'avventura
di Lemme, MiguelWild Tales
Diaz, CameronThe Counselor
Dichamps, FernandThe Blood of a Poet
Dickerson, ErynnInland Empire
Dickerson, GeorgeBlue Velvet
Dierkes, JohnThe Naked Jungle
Dietrich, MarleneStage Fright
Difai, RafiaWhere Is My Friend's Home?
Diligent, RaphaëlL'Atalante
Dinan, AlbertLes bonnes femmes
Dineff, DimitriVivre sa vie
Dino, AndréMonsieur Hulot's Holiday
Le beau Serge
Diop, Mbissine ThérèseBlack Girl
Diop, OmarWeekend
Djaoro, YoussoufDry Season
Dobtcheff, VernonIndia Song
Dol, MonaThe Assassination of Père Noël
Dominique, FritzThe Truman Show
Donado, WalterWild Tales
Donaldson, TedPhone Call from a Stranger
Donat, RobertThe 39 Steps
Donati, NicoleBlack Girl
Dor, KarinI Knew Her Well
Dorani, BehzadThe Wind Will Carry Us
Dormer, NatalieThe Counselor
Dorziat, GabrielleLes parents terribles
Dougherty, JamesThe Martian
Douglas, KirkA Letter to Three Wives
Douglas, PaulA Letter to Three Wives
Dourif, BradBlue Velvet
Drachtman, HéctorWild Tales
Drake, ClaudiaDetour
Drouot, Jean-ClaudeLa rupture
du Mont, SkyEyes Wide Shut
Dubois, AndréMonsieur Hulot's Holiday
Dubois, MarieA Woman Is a Woman
Duchateau, RenéeCléo from 5 to 7
Duchaussoy, MichelLa rupture
Dudicourt, MarcMade in U.S.A
Duering, CarlA Clockwork Orange
Dullea, Keir2001: A Space Odyssey
Dunaway, FayeChinatown
Duncan, LeeZabriskie Point
Dunn, EmmaLadies in Retirement
Dunn, GeorgeZabriskie Point
Dunst, KirstenMelancholia
Duperey, Anny2 or 3 Things I Know About Her
Dupláa, NancyWild Tales
Durante, CatherineLes carabiniers
Durgel, Rosa ElenaThe Exterminating Angel
Düringer, AnnemarieVeronika Voss
Dutoit, RogerPierrot le fou
Dutt, AnjanAntareen
Duval, DanielCaché
Duvall, ShelleyThe Shining
Duzenli, MelihRoselyne and the Lions
Dvorzhetsky, VladislavSolaris


Eastin, SteveMatchstick Men
Allan Edwall - Winter Light - close-up
Allan Edwall in Winter Light
Ebbesen, ElsaWinter Light
Eckhausen, SylviaOrdet
Eco, UmbertoLa notte
Eddy, SonyaMatchstick Men
Eder, LiselotteVeronika Voss
Edmiston, AlanI Walked with a Zombie
Edmund, PeterFull Metal Jacket
Edmunds, WilliamIdiot's Delight
Edwall, AllanWinter Light
The Sacrifice
Edwards, HenryGreen for Danger
Eginton, MadisonEyes Wide Shut
Ehrling, MonicaWild Strawberries
Ejiofor, ChiwetelThe Martian
Ek, AndersCries and Whispers
El Baroudi, HassanCairo Station
El Kader, FusiaThe Battle of Algiers
Elias, CyrusL'eclisse
Elliott, CecilChinatown
Ellison, JamesI Walked with a Zombie
Elmi, Roushan KaramThe Wind Will Carry Us
Elsom, IsobelLadies in Retirement
Monsieur Verdoux
The Ghost and Mrs. Muir
Emery, JohnEyes Wide Shut
Emmerich, NoahThe Truman Show
Endo, TatsuoThe End of Summer
Erlingsson, BenediktThe Boss of It All
Ermelli, ClaudioRoman Holiday
Ermey, R. LeeFull Metal Jacket
Ertaud, JacquesA Man Escaped
Étaix, PierrePickpocket
Etiévant, YvetteDiary of a Country Priest
Eustache, JeanWeekend
Evans, CharlesMonsieur Verdoux
Evans, HerbertCasablanca
Evanson, EdithMarnie
Evelyn, JudithRear Window
Everett, ChadMulholland Drive
Everett, SeanMulholland Drive


Fabbri, JacquesDiva
María Félix - Fever Mounts at El Pao
María Félix in Fever Mounts at El Pao
Fabre, SaturninLa nuit fantastique
Fabrizi, FrancoI Knew Her Well
Facio, GianninaMatchstick Men
The Counselor
Fackeldey, GiselaThe Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant
Fadden, TomThe Big Sleep
Faison, FrankieHannibal
Faithfull, MarianneMade in U.S.A
Fallon, SiobhanDancer in the Dark
Falt, DennisZabriskie Point
Farazpour, HajarWhere Is My Friend's Home?
Farcy, BernardThe Moon in the Gutter
Farrar, DavidBlack Narcissus
Farrell, PaulA Clockwork Orange
Fassbender, MichaelThe Counselor
Fassbinder, Rainer WernerWhity
Fátyol, KamillaThe Martian
Faure, RaymondOrphée
Faure, RenéeThe Assassination of Père Noël
Favières, GuyGoupi Mains Rouges
Fax, JesslynRear Window
Federspiel, BirgitteOrdet
Federspiel, EjnerOrdet
Fehér, FriedrichThe Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
Feld, FritzIdiot's Delight
Félix, Enrique ÁlvarezSimón of the Desert
Félix, MaríaFever Mounts at El Pao
Ferch, HeinoRun Lola Run
Fernández, JesúsSimón of the Desert
Fernandez, Wilhelmenia WigginsDiva
Ferriz, Miguel ÁngelFever Mounts at El Pao
Ferro, TuriI Knew Her Well
Ferzetti, GabrieleL'avventura
Field, ToddEyes Wide Shut
Fielding, EdwardRebecca
Fieschi, Jean-AndréAlphaville
Finch, JonFrenzy
Finckh, BeateRun Lola Run
Fiore, ZitaLa nuit fantastique
Firbank, AnnThe Servant
Fischler, PatrickMulholland Drive
Fitzgerald, BarryThe Sea Wolf
Fix, PaulZabriskie Point
Flamand, DidierIndia Song
Fleetwood, SusanThe Sacrifice
Fleming, RhondaSpellbound
Flemyng, RobertThe Quiller Memorandum
Floersheim, PatrickDiva
Florency, JackVivre sa vie
Fodrini, GracielaWild Tales
Fondra, HelenRoman Holiday
Fontaine, JoanRebecca
Fontaine, RobertBlack Girl
Fontan, GabrielleJuliette, or the Key of Dreams
Ford, HarrisonZabriskie Point
Blade Runner
Ford, WallaceShadow of a Doubt
Forlani, RémoMade in U.S.A
Forster, KateMulholland Drive
Forster, RobertMulholland Drive
Forsythe, JohnTopaz
Fortunati, UgoLa notte
Foster, BarryFrenzy
Fouquet, LouiseJuliette, or the Key of Dreams
Fourneau, Marc ErnestL'argent
Fowley, DouglasThe Naked Jungle
Fox, JamesThe Servant
Francione, Tan HungFull Metal Jacket
Francis, ChristineSherlock Jr.
Francis, CliveA Clockwork Orange
Franco, CamilaWild Tales
François, MichelThe Assassination of Père Noël
Francomme, ÉdouardMonsieur Hulot's Holiday
Franko, IvanEarth
Franzén, FilippaThe Sacrifice
Frasca, MarceloWild Tales
Fraser, ElisabethSeconds
Frechette, MarkZabriskie Point
Frega, ÁngelWild Tales
Frégis, LucienMonsieur Hulot's Holiday
Freindlich, AlisaStalker
Frémont, Marie-ClaireAu hasard Balthazar
Fresnay, PierreThe Hand of the Devil
Fresson, BernardHiroshima mon amour
Frey, SamiCléo from 5 to 7
Band of Outsiders
Fridell, ÅkeWild Strawberries
Fridh, GertrudWild Strawberries
Friðriksson, Friðrik ÞórThe Boss of It All
Friedrich, WilhelmHeart of Glass
Froboess, CorneliaVeronika Voss
Fronko, DeborahMelancholia
Frot, DominiqueLa cérémonie
Fuchsberger, JoachimI Knew Her Well
Fujikawa, JerryChinatown
Fujiki, YuThe End of Summer
Fujimatsu, ShotaroI Was Born, But...
Fukuda, KenichiThe Man Who Left His Will on Film
Fukuoka, SukioThe Man Who Left His Will on Film
Fuller, SamuelPierrot le fou
Funaki, YoichiConflagration
Funakoshi, EijiFires on the Plain
Furdui, DumitruRoselyne and the Lions
Furse, JudithBlack Narcissus
Futaba, KaoruMr. Thank You


Gabay, ClaudineBaxter, Véra Baxter
Donald Glover - The Martian - close-up
Donald Glover in The Martian
Gabel, MartinMarnie
Gabison, DavidLa cérémonie
Gable, ClarkIdiot's Delight
Gabriel, BettyGet Out
Gabriello, AndréThe Hand of the Devil
Gadd, RenéeDead of Night
Gadon, SarahEnemy
Gaël, JosselineThe Hand of the Devil
Gagnon, KarenThe Martian
Gaillard, RogerLes enfants terribles
Gainsbourg, CharlotteMelancholia
Galéa, GenevièveLes carabiniers
Gallagher, RichardIdiot's Delight
Gallardo, LucyThe Exterminating Angel
Gallaudet, JohnHoliday Inn
Gallini, MoMulholland Drive
Galvani, GraziellaPierrot le fou
Gambon, MichaelThe Cook the Thief His Wife and Her Lover
Gangopadhaya, RamaPather Panchali
Gantzler, PeterItalian for Beginners
The Boss of It All
Ganz, BrunoThe Counselor
Garaway, BillZabriskie Point
Garcia, Al ErnestCity Lights
Modern Times
García, Luis Manuel AltamiranoWild Tales
García Álvarez, EnriqueThe Exterminating Angel
Garcia-Ville, LuceLast Year at Marienbad
Nathalie Granger
Gardner, CharlieThe Martian
Gardner, JimmyFrenzy
Garfield, JohnThe Sea Wolf
Gargan, WilliamI Wake Up Screaming
Garland, JudyThe Wizard of Oz
Garrote, AndreaWild Tales
Gaslini, GiorgioLa notte
Gattegno, CésarPickpocket
Gaup, MikkelBreaking the Waves
Gavin, JohnPsycho
Gaye, GregoryCasablanca
Gaynor, JanetSunrise
Gazda, MichałNight Train
Gazzara, BenDogville
Geer, WillSeconds
Gégauff, PaulWeekend
Gelardi, LucreciaWild Tales
Génin, RenéGoupi Mains Rouges
Juliette, or the Key of Dreams
Genn, LeoGreen for Danger
Gentile, DiegoWild Tales
Geoffroy, OdileVivre sa vie
Les carabiniers
George, GladysThe Maltese Falcon
George, MelissaMulholland Drive
Gérard, HenrietteVampyr
Gérard, MargueriteMonsieur Hulot's Holiday
Geray, StevenSpellbound
Germon, NaneBeauty and the Beast
Gervasoni, MartínWild Tales
Gerving, ClausItalian for Beginners
Ghanem, HakimRoselyne and the Lions
Ghatak, GitaThe Cloud-Capped Star
Gheri, AlvaroLes carabiniers
Ghobadi, BahmanThe Wind Will Carry Us
Ghobadi, ShahpourThe Wind Will Carry Us
Gholami, NaderWhere Is My Friend's Home?
Ghosh, BankimCharulata
Ghoshal, ShyamalCharulata
Gi, Ju-bongThe Day He Arrives
Giamatti, PaulThe Truman Show
Giannini, GiancarloHannibal
Gibbs, NigelMatchstick Men
Gibson, BillieThe Shining
Gibson, MosesBlue Velvet
Gibson, ThomasEyes Wide Shut
Gifuni, FabrizioHannibal
Gil, AriadnaPan's Labyrinth
Gilchrist, ConnieA Letter to Three Wives
Gill, IngaCries and Whispers
Gilles, MauriceL'Atalante
Gillespie, EmerThe Cook the Thief His Wife and Her Lover
Giordano, DomizianaNostalghia
Giovagnoli, ElianeMade in U.S.A
Girard, DanièleBand of Outsiders
Girard, MarcelMonsieur Hulot's Holiday
Girardot, AnnieCaché
Gish, LillianThe Night of the Hunter
Gísladóttir, GuðrúnThe Sacrifice
Gist, RobertStrangers on a Train
Glaser, VaughanSaboteur
Glass, PhilipThe Truman Show
Glazer, CoriMulholland Drive
Gleason, JamesThe Night of the Hunter
Gleason, PatDetour
Glover, BruceChinatown
Glover, DonaldThe Martian
Głowacki, RolandNight Train
Glyn, GruffuddThe Martian
Go, Hyun-jungThe Day He Arrives
Goba, GaryEyes Wide Shut
Godard, Jean-LucCléo from 5 to 7
Goddard, PauletteModern Times
Godet, SylvainMade in U.S.A
Goldrup, JimZabriskie Point
Good, AbigailEyes Wide Shut
Goodman, HazelleHannibal
Goodwin, BillSpellbound
Gordon, ChristineI Walked with a Zombie
Gori, GorellaRoman Holiday
Goring, MariusA Matter of Life and Death
Goto, KazuoThe Man Who Left His Will on Film
Gough, LloydSunset Boulevard
Gover, MichaelA Clockwork Orange
Grable, BettyI Wake Up Screaming
Gråbøl, SofieThe Boss of It All
Grabowski, NormanZabriskie Point
Grace, WayneMulholland Drive
Graham, MarcusMulholland Drive
Granach, AlexanderWarning Shadows
Grandinetti, DaríoWild Tales
Grando, Miguel Ángel PlatinadoWild Tales
Granger, FarleyStrangers on a Train
Grant, BethMatchstick Men
Grant, CarySuspicion
Grant, LeeMulholland Drive
Granval, CharlesLa nuit fantastique
Grapewin, CharleyThe Wizard of Oz
Graves, PeterThe Night of the Hunter
Gravey, FernandLa nuit fantastique
Gray, SallyGreen for Danger
Gréco, JulietteOrphée
Greco, MarcoHannibal
Green, DickBlue Velvet
Green, MarikaPickpocket
Green, RichardMulholland Drive
Green, WalterAu hasard Balthazar
Greenstreet, SydneyThe Maltese Falcon
Gregg, EverleyBrief Encounter
Grenfell, JoyceStage Fright
Grey, JoelDancer in the Dark
Grey, VirginiaIdiot's Delight
Grimm, DanielThe Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Grinko, NikolaiAndrei Rublev
Grinszpan, PaulaWild Tales
Groth, Ann ElisabethOrdet
Grotti, AldoRed Desert
Grüning, IlkaCasablanca
Gruszka, KarolinaInland Empire
Guðmundsdóttir, BjörkDancer in the Dark
Guegan, AnneMade in U.S.A
Guérault, WilliamLe boucher
Guilbert, Jean-ClaudeAu hasard Balthazar
Guillain, BrunoThe Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Guillén, FernandoWomen on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown
Guilmáin, OfeliaThe Exterminating Angel
Guinan, FrancisHannibal
Guinness, AlecThe Quiller Memorandum
Gülstorff, MaxWarning Shadows
Güttler, StefanHeart of Glass
Gwiazdowski, TadeuszNight Train
Gyllenhaal, JakeEnemy


Hackett, JonathanBreaking the Waves
Setsuko Hara - Late Spring - eating
Setsuko Hara in Late Spring
Hafner, AlexThe Counselor
Haggiag, BrahimThe Battle of Algiers
Hainia, MarcelleGoupi Mains Rouges
Haiwen, YangThe Martian
Hale, JonathanStrangers on a Train
Haley, JackThe Wizard of Oz
Hall, Philip BakerZabriskie Point
The Truman Show
Hallatt, MayBlack Narcissus
Halprin, DariaZabriskie Point
Hamaguchi, YoshihiroFires on the Plain
Hamamura, JunThe Burmese Harp
Fires on the Plain
Hamilton, GayBarry Lyndon
Hamilton, MargaretThe Wizard of Oz
Hamilton, MurraySeconds
Hammid, AlexanderMeshes of the Afternoon
Hampden, WalterAll About Eve
5 Fingers
Hanabu, TatsuoFloating Weeds
Hanamura, NorikatsuThe Burmese Harp
Hanin, PierrePierrot le fou
Hannah, DarylBlade Runner
Hannigan, DeclanThe Martian
Hansson, MaudWild Strawberries
Hara, SetsukoLate Spring
Early Summer
Tokyo Story
The End of Summer
Harding, ElizabethChinatown
Hardwicke, CedricSuspicion
Harewood, DorianFull Metal Jacket
Harlow, JeanRed-Headed Woman
Harnisch, WolfRoselyne and the Lions
Harper, BenInland Empire
Harper, RandRear Window
Harring, LauraMulholland Drive
Inland Empire
Harris, EdThe Truman Show
Harris, RichardRed Desert
Harris, TheresaI Walked with a Zombie
Harrison, RexThe Ghost and Mrs. Muir
Hartley, MarietteMarnie
Harvey, JackBlue Velvet
Harvey, PaulSpellbound
Hashemi, NaserNo Bears
Hashimoto, KazuoThe Man Who Left His Will on Film
Hauer, RutgerBlade Runner
Hayama, MasaoI Was Born, But...
Hayami, TeruyoI Was Born, But...
Hayashi, KuniyasuI Was Born, But...
Hayat, DavidThe Exterminating Angel
Haye, HelenThe 39 Steps
Hayes, BernadeneIdiot's Delight
Hayward, LouisLadies in Retirement
Heath, DodieSeconds
Hedaya, DanMulholland Drive
Hedren, TippiMarnie
Hedström, TinaTopaz
Heidari, ReihanThe Wind Will Carry Us
Heidari, RezaNo Bears
Heigh, HeleneMonsieur Verdoux
Helmore, TomVertigo
Helpmann, RobertThe Quiller Memorandum
Hemmings, DavidBlow-Up
Hencz, JanInland Empire
Henderson, MarcusGet Out
Hendry, IanThe Passenger
Henfrey, JanetThe Cook the Thief His Wife and Her Lover
Hennie, AkselThe Martian
Henreid, PaulCasablanca
Hepburn, AudreyRoman Holiday
Herd, RichardGet Out
Herder, AndrzejNight Train
Herder, LilliWarning Shadows
Herlin, JacquesThe Moon in the Gutter
Hermann, IrmThe Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant
Hernández, ElodiaThe Exterminating Angel
Hernin-Helbaut, ClaudeThe Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Heston, CharltonThe Naked Jungle
Heuring, LoriMulholland Drive
Heydt, Louis JeanThe Big Sleep
Hickman, BillZabriskie Point
Hicks, MicheleMulholland Drive
Hieronimko, JanVampyr
Higashiyama, ChiekoEarly Summer
Tokyo Story
Hijikata, HiroshiThe Burmese Harp
Hillerman, JohnChinatown
Hilliard, Jr. EarlThe Truman Show
Hills, GillianBlow-Up
Himori, ShinichiOrnamental Hairpin
Hindrich, HeinzRoman Holiday
Hinds, CiaránThe Cook the Thief His Wife and Her Lover
Hinds, NanduChinatown
Hisseine, AzizaDry Season
Hitchcock, PatriciaStage Fright
Strangers on a Train
Hjejle, IbenThe Boss of It All
Hodiak, KeithFull Metal Jacket
Hofer, JohannaVeronika Voss
Hoffman, GérardVivre sa vie
Hoffman, MargaretMonsieur Verdoux
Hoffman, ThomDogville
Hoffmann, RobertI Knew Her Well
Hogan, Siobhan FallonDogville
Holden, WilliamSunset Boulevard
Born Yesterday
Holguin, DanielThe Counselor
Holliday, JudyBorn Yesterday
Holloway, StanleyBrief Encounter
Holm, CelesteAll About Eve
Holmes, MarkThe Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
Holtz, TenenExit Smiling
Hong, JamesChinatown
Blade Runner
Hong, LeanneFull Metal Jacket
Hopkins, AnthonyHannibal
Hopper, DennisBlue Velvet
Hopper, HeddaMidnight
Sunset Boulevard
Horawianka, BarbaraNight Train
Hörbiger, PaulThe Third Man
Hörich, NóraThe Martian
Horikoshi, KazuyaThe Man Who Left His Will on Film
Horino, TadMulholland Drive
Horne, VictoriaThe Ghost and Mrs. Muir
Hoshi, HikaruFires on the Plain
Floating Weeds
Housman, ArthurSunrise
Hove, AndersThe Boss of It All
Howard, AlanThe Cook the Thief His Wife and Her Lover
Howard, ArlissFull Metal Jacket
Howard, EstherDetour
Howard, Kevyn MajorFull Metal Jacket
Howard, TrevorBrief Encounter
Green for Danger
The Third Man
Howery, Lil RelGet Out
Howes, Sally AnnDead of Night
Hubczenko, RomanThe Eighth Day of the Week
Hubrenne, BernardDiary of a Country Priest
Hudson, RockSeconds
Hunter, BillThe Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
Hunter, J. MichaelBlue Velvet
Hunter, KimA Matter of Life and Death
Huppert, IsabelleLa cérémonie
Hurt, JohnMelancholia
Huston, JohnChinatown
Huston, WalterThe Maltese Falcon
Hutchinson, HarryBlow-Up
Hyams, LeilaRed-Headed Woman
Hyde-White, WilfridThe Third Man


Ibrahim, DjibrilDry Season
Ichikawa, RaizoConflagration
Igawa, KunikoEarly Summer
Igawa, TogoEyes Wide Shut
Iijima, ZentaroI Was Born, But...
Inaba, YoshioFires on the Plain
Infanti, AngeloLa rupture
Infuhr, TeddySpellbound
Irie, YosukeFloating Weeds
Irons, JeremyInland Empire
Ishiguro, TatsuyaFires on the Plain
Ishikawa, KinichiThe Flavor of Green Tea over Rice
Ishiwatari, TeruakiI Was Born, But...
Ishiyama, RyujiMr. Thank You
Isogai, HiroshiThe Man Who Left His Will on Film
Israil, MohammedDevi
Issa, GarbaDry Season
Ito, ToshiakiThe Burmese Harp
Ivanek, ZeljkoDancer in the Dark
Iwasaki, EmikoThe Man Who Left His Will on Film
Iwataki, IanHannibal


Jackson, AnneThe Shining
Erland Josephson - The Sacrifice
Erland Josephson in The Sacrifice
Jadah, ChristianArrival
Jade, ClaudeTopaz
Jager, LucienThe Blood of a Poet
Jamali, AliWhere Is My Friend's Home?
James, BrionBlade Runner
Jang, Won-hyeongBurning
Jarema, WładysławThe Structure of Crystal
Järvet, JüriSolaris
Jeans, IsabelSuspicion
Jeanson, BlandineWeekend
Jeayes, AllanDead of Night
Jecchinis, KieronFull Metal Jacket
Jeffries, RayBreaking the Waves
Jelinek, Anne-MarieBlack Girl
Jenkins, MegsGreen for Danger
Jennings, DeWittExit Smiling
Jens, SalomeSeconds
Jensen, Sara IndrioItalian for Beginners
Jenson, RoyChinatown
Jeon, Jong-seoBurning
Jeon, Seok-chanBurning
Jeong, Ji-hyeongThe Day He Arrives
Jewell, EstelleShadow of a Doubt
Joano, ClotildeLes bonnes femmes
Johansson, UlfWild Strawberries
John, RosamundGreen for Danger
Johns, MervynDead of Night
Johnsen, KathleenRoselyne and the Lions
Johnson, CeliaBrief Encounter
Johnson, NoelFrenzy
Jojot, LouisWeekend
Jones, Caleb LandryGet Out
Jones, DarbyI Walked with a Zombie
Jones, DougPan's Labyrinth
Jones, HenryVertigo
Jones, John RandolphDogville
Jones, Julie AnnGet Out
Jones, MalThe Truman Show
Jørgensen, Ann EleonoraItalian for Beginners
Josephson, ErlandCries and Whispers
The Sacrifice
Joslyn, AllynI Wake Up Screaming
Joyaut, NathalieAu hasard Balthazar
Juan, ClaudeIndia Song
Junco, TitoThe Exterminating Angel
Junco, VictorFever Mounts at El Pao
Jurno, FaimeStalker


Kaalund, LarsItalian for Beginners
Anna Karina - Vivre sa vie
Anna Karina in Vivre sa vie
Kabyabyakarantirtha, NagendranathDevi
Kagawa, KyokoTokyo Story
Kagawa, RyosukeUgetsu monogatari
Kahara, NatsukoFloating Weeds
Kahler, WolfBarry Lyndon
Kaidanovsky, AlexanderStalker
Kalfon, Jean-PierreWeekend
Kaliz, ArmandMidnight
Kaluuya, DanielGet Out
Kaoiyenpour, KadiretWhere Is My Friend's Home?
Kapadia, DimpleAntareen
Karen, JamesMulholland Drive
Karewicz, EmilThe Eighth Day of the Week
Karina, AnnaA Woman Is a Woman
Cléo from 5 to 7
Vivre sa vie
Band of Outsiders
Pierrot le fou
Made in U.S.A
Karlin, MiriamA Clockwork Orange
Karlweis, Oskar5 Fingers
Karoubi, JimmyPierrot le fou
Kassagi, HenriPickpocket
Kassovitz, PeterVivre sa vie
Kasuga, ShunjiThe Burmese Harp
Katims, RobertMulholland Drive
Kato, DaisukeThe End of Summer
Kato, SeiichiI Was Born, But...
Kato, YoshiakiThe Burmese Harp
Katsuragi, YokoLate Spring
Kaufmann, GüntherWhity
Veronika Voss
Kavani, MinaNo Bears
Kawaguchi, HiroshiFloating Weeds
Kawahara, KanjiOrnamental Hairpin
Kawasaki, HirokoOrnamental Hairpin
Kean, MarieBarry Lyndon
Kearney, JosephMulholland Drive
Kearns, BillyPlein soleil
Keaton, BusterSherlock Jr.
Sunset Boulevard
Keaton, JoeSherlock Jr.
Kebbell, TobyThe Counselor
Keener, CatherineGet Out
Kelleher, TimMatchstick Men
Kelley, SheilaMatchstick Men
Kellie, DanielThe Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
Kelly, GraceRear Window
Kelly, JudyDead of Night
Kelly, MikeThe Martian
Kerbash, SamiaThe Battle of Algiers
Kerjean, GermaineGoupi Mains Rouges
Kerr, DeborahBlack Narcissus
Kestner, BoydHannibal
Keyes, EvelynLadies in Retirement
Khalil, Abdel AzizCairo Station
Khan, Ustad WaheedThe Music Room
Khani, Agakhan KaradachWhere Is My Friend's Home?
Khanpour, Ehsan AhmadNo Bears
Kidman, NicoleEyes Wide Shut
Kiely, PatArrival
Kier, UdoBreaking the Waves
Dancer in the Dark
Kilian, VictorSpellbound
Kim, Bo-kyungThe Day He Arrives
Kim, Eui-sungThe Day He Arrives
Kim, Sang-joongThe Day He Arrives
Kim, Shin-rokBurning
Kim, Soo-kyungBurning
Kindahl, JullanWild Strawberries
King, CleoDogville
Kinskey, LeonidCasablanca
Kinski, NastassjaThe Moon in the Gutter
Inland Empire
Kitabayashi, TanieConflagration
Kjellqvist, TommyThe Sacrifice
Klein-Rogge, RudolfThe Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
Klöckner, BrunhildeHeart of Glass
Klossowski, PierreAu hasard Balthazar
Knapp, CharlesChinatown
Knaup, HerbertRun Lola Run
Knight, EsmondBlack Narcissus
Knox, AlexanderThe Sea Wolf
Chase a Crooked Shadow
Knudsen, KolbjörnWinter Light
Knudsen, PeggyThe Big Sleep
Knutzon, LarsGertrud
Ko, EddyThe Martian
Kobayashi, KeijuThe End of Summer
Kodo, KokutenEarly Summer
Kofujita, ShoichiI Was Born, But...
Kogure, MichiyoThe Flavor of Green Tea over Rice
Kolthoff, SonjaTopaz
Koma, DioucCaché
Kononov, MikhailAndrei Rublev
Kopel, GilFull Metal Jacket
Korber, SergeCléo from 5 to 7
Kornel, HélénaLast Year at Marienbad
Körner, DianaBarry Lyndon
Kortner, FritzWarning Shadows
Kosaka, KyôkoMade in U.S.A
Koshiba, TakashiThe Burmese Harp
Kosono, YokoThe Flavor of Green Tea over Rice
Kostic, VladicaDancer in the Dark
Kostin, EvgeniyStalker
Koyal, BholanathDevi
Kranz, FranMatchstick Men
Krasenko, VasiliyEarth
Krause, PeterThe Truman Show
Krauss, WernerThe Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
Kristiansen, CayOrdet
Król, JoachimRun Lola Run
Krook, MargarethaPersona
Krueger, LorraineIdiot's Delight
Kruger, AlmaSaboteur
Krüger, BumThe Eighth Day of the Week
Krüger, HardyBarry Lyndon
Kruger, OttoSaboteur
Kumari, RoshanThe Music Room
Kun, MagdaDead of Night
Kusuhara, EijiEyes Wide Shut
Kuwano, MichikoMr. Thank You
Kyo, MachikoUgetsu monogatari
Floating Weeds
Kyris, MarcoMatchstick Men


La Morte, SilvinaWild Tales
Beatrice Lillie - Exit Smiling
Beatrice Lillie in Exit Smiling
Labarthe, André S.Vivre sa vie
Labro, PhilippeMade in U.S.A
Labry, PierreGoupi Mains Rouges
Lacey, CatherineThe Lady Vanishes
The Servant
Lackteen, FrankThe Sea Wolf
Lacourt, RenéMonsieur Hulot's Holiday
Ladd, DianeChinatown
Inland Empire
Ladd, JordanInland Empire
Ladmiral, NicoleDiary of a Country Priest
Lafarge, FrançoisAu hasard Balthazar
Laffan, PatBarry Lyndon
Lafitte, XavierIn the City of Sylvia
Lafont, BernadetteLe beau Serge
Les bonnes femmes
Laforêt, MariePlein soleil
Lagrange, ValérieWeekend
Lahiri, TulsiThe Music Room
Lahr, BertThe Wizard of Oz
Laird, JennyBlack Narcissus
Lambertini, DominiqueThe Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Lambertini, PascalThe Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Lampreave, ChusWomen on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown
Lanchester, ElsaLadies in Retirement
Landis, CaroleI Wake Up Screaming
Lane, PriscillaSaboteur
Lang, CarolineL'argent
Lang, ChristaAlphaville
Lange, HopeBlue Velvet
Lanier, JeanLast Year at Marienbad
Lapeyre, BrunoL'argent
Lapikov, IvanAndrei Rublev
Larkey, Caren L.Get Out
Larquey, PierreThe Hand of the Devil
LaSalle, MartinPickpocket
Latham, LouiseMarnie
Latimore, FrankPlein soleil
Latorre, WaleskaThe Martian
Latzko, PierreThe Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Lau, WesleyZabriskie Point
Launer, S. JohnMarnie
Laurent, MélanieEnemy
Laurie, JohnThe 39 Steps
Lawrence, BarbaraA Letter to Three Wives
Lawrence, John D.Seconds
Laydu, ClaudeDiary of a Country Priest
Le, NgocFull Metal Jacket
Le Carpentier, JacquesRoselyne and the Lions
Le Clainche, CharlesA Man Escaped
Le Coq, BernardCaché
Le Vigan, RobertThe Assassination of Père Noël
Goupi Mains Rouges
Leake, BarbaraDead of Night
Léaud, Jean-PierreAlphaville
Pierrot le fou
Made in U.S.A
Leaver, PhilipThe Lady Vanishes
Lebeau, MadeleineCasablanca
Lebel, Jean-Patrick2 or 3 Things I Know About Her
Lecomte, GérardLumière d'été
Lecourtois, DanielLa rupture
LeDeaux, MarieSaboteur
Lederer, FrancisMidnight
Ledoux, FernandThe Assassination of Père Noël
Goupi Mains Rouges
Ledoyen, VirginieLa cérémonie
Lee, AnnaThe Ghost and Mrs. Muir
Lee, AuriolSuspicion
Lee, BernardThe Third Man
Lee, Bong-ryunBurning
Lee, FlorenceCity Lights
Lee, Joong-okBurning
Lee, Soo-jeongBurning
Lefebvre, LouisL'Atalante
Legrand, MichelCléo from 5 to 7
Leguizamo, JohnThe Counselor
Leiber, FritzMonsieur Verdoux
Leigh, JanetPsycho
Leigh-Hunt, BarbaraFrenzy
Lemaire, MartineDiary of a Country Priest
Lemeri, RaymondBlack Girl
Lemeri, SuzanneBlack Girl
León, LolesWomen on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown
Leonard, JovonieInland Empire
Leonard, QueenieLadies in Retirement
Lesaffre, RolandJuliette, or the Key of Dreams
LeSaint, EdwardModern Times
Leterrier, FrançoisA Man Escaped
Lettinger, RudolfThe Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
Leveridge, Lynn AnnMatchstick Men
Lévesque, MarcelLa nuit fantastique
Lumière d'été
Lévy, Raoul2 or 3 Things I Know About Her
Lewis, RobertMonsieur Verdoux
Leymarie, PierrePickpocket
Lillie, BeatriceExit Smiling
Limas, Jim AdhiDiva
Linari, Juan SantiagoWild Tales
Lindblom, GunnelWild Strawberries
Winter Light
Linder, CecZabriskie Point
Lindgren, TildeDogville
Lindig, JuliaRun Lola Run
Lindström, JörgenPersona
Linka, PeterThe Martian
Linney, LauraThe Truman Show
Lion, MargoLa rupture
Liotta, RayHannibal
Liss, FedericoWild Tales
Liu, YangThe Martian
Livesey, RogerA Matter of Life and Death
Livingston, MargaretSunrise
Lloyd, DannyThe Shining
Lloyd, DorisExit Smiling
Lloyd, NormanSaboteur
Lo Verso, EnricoHannibal
Locke, JenniferInland Empire
Lockhart, GeneThe Sea Wolf
Lockwood, Gary2001: A Space Odyssey
Lockwood, MargaretThe Lady Vanishes
Łodyński, JózefNight Train
Lohman, AlisonMatchstick Men
Lom, HerbertChase a Crooked Shadow
Lomelí, LuisThe Exterminating Angel
Lommel, UlliWhity
Łomnicki, TadeuszThe Eighth Day of the Week
Longo, TonyMulholland Drive
Lonsdale, MichaelIndia Song
López de Ayala, PilarIn the City of Sylvia
López Ottonello, María Rosa Wild Tales
López, ChelThe Exterminating Angel
Lopez, PerryChinatown
Lopez, SalFull Metal Jacket
López, SergiPan's Labyrinth
Lorenz, JulianeVeronika Voss
Lorin, GérardLast Year at Marienbad
Lorne, MarionStrangers on a Train
Lorraine, LouiseExit Smiling
Lorre, PeterThe Maltese Falcon
Lowe, LeslieEyes Wide Shut
Loyá, XavierThe Exterminating Angel
Lubosch, UteRun Lola Run
Lucas, Peter J.Inland Empire
Lucas, WilfredModern Times
Lukas, PaulThe Lady Vanishes
Lundquist, GöranWild Strawberries
Lundqvist, EvelinaDogville
Lupino, IdaThe Sea Wolf
Ladies in Retirement
Luppi, FedericoPan's Labyrinth
Luttazzi, LelioL'avventura
Luu, Thuy AnDiva
Luzi, Maria PiaLa notte
Lyashenko, LukaEarth
Lyhne, MiaThe Boss of It All
Lynn, JeffreyA Letter to Three Wives


Ma, TziArrival
Jean Marais - Les parents terribles
Jean Marais in Les parents terribles
MacDonald, EdmundDetour
MacDonald, J. FarrellSunrise
MacGregor, EduardoSimón of the Desert
MacGregor, HectorStage Fright
Machado, PabloWild Tales
Machowski, IgnacyNight Train
MacInnes, AngusEyes Wide Shut
Mack, James T.Red-Headed Woman
MacLachlan, KyleBlue Velvet
MacLane, BartonThe Maltese Falcon
MacQuarrie, MurdockModern Times
Maculan, TimMatchstick Men
Macy, William H.Inland Empire
Madoc, PhilipThe Quiller Memorandum
Madsen, Alex NyborgItalian for Beginners
Magee, PatrickThe Servant
A Clockwork Orange
Barry Lyndon
Magidow, AaronSeconds
Magrini, GittLa notte
Maiden, RitaMade in U.S.A
Maïga, AïssaCaché
Mairesse, ValérieThe Sacrifice
Majchrzak, KrzysztofInland Empire
Makedonsky, LesterCaché
Maksimova, YelenaEarth
Malanowicz, ZygmuntKnife in the Water
Malatesta, FredModern Times
Malawski, ZygmuntNight Train
Malberg, AnnaGertrud
Malberg, HenrikOrdet
Malleson, MilesThe 39 Steps
Dead of Night
Stage Fright
Malone, DorothyThe Big Sleep
Malone, JadynArrival
Mandel, RenaVampyr
Manfredi, NinoI Knew Her Well
Mangone, LucilaWild Tales
Mann, ClaudeIndia Song
Mann, HankCity Lights
Modern Times
The Maltese Falcon
Mannheim, LucieThe 39 Steps
Manson, HélénaThe Assassination of Père Noël
Mansouri, MasoodThe Wind Will Carry Us
Mantell, JoeChinatown
Mánver, KitiWomen on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown
Mara, KateThe Martian
Marais, JeanBeauty and the Beast
Les parents terribles
Marchal, GeorgesLumière d'été
Marchand, CorinneCléo from 5 to 7
Marchand, LucienneCléo from 5 to 7
Marcus, JamesA Clockwork Orange
Marescotti, IvanoHannibal
Margaritis, GillesL'Atalante
Marken, JaneLumière d'été
Such a Pretty Little Beach
Marlowe, HughAll About Eve
Marlowe, Jo AnnMildred Pierce
Marquet, DanielMonsieur Hulot's Holiday
Marquet, HenriMonsieur Hulot's Holiday
Marriott, MooreGreen for Danger
Mars, MarjorieBrief Encounter
Marsan, Guido A.La notte
Marsh, GarryDead of Night
Marsh, JeanFrenzy
Marsh, JoanIdiot's Delight
Martin, JeanThe Battle of Algiers
Martin, MelvynLes enfants terribles
Martínez, OscarWild Tales
Marull, MaríaWild Tales
Mascolo, DionysNathalie Granger
Mascolo, ValerieNathalie Granger
Masé, MarinoLes carabiniers
Masokha, PyotrEarth
Mason, James5 Fingers
Mason, LauraSaboteur
Massari, LeaL'avventura
Massé, XavierThe Exterminating Angel
Massey, AnnaFrenzy
Massey, RaymondA Matter of Life and Death
Masterson, FayeEyes Wide Shut
Mastroianni, MarcelloLa notte
Mathys, ÉmileLes enfants terribles
Mathou, JacquesRoselyne and the Lions
Matsumoto, KojiOrnamental Hairpin
Mattes, EvaThe Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant
Mature, VictorI Wake Up Screaming
Maude, JoanA Matter of Life and Death
Mauloy, GeorgesThe Assassination of Père Noël
Maura, CarmenWomen on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown
Maurey, NicoleDiary of a Country Priest
Maurice, BernardMonsieur Hulot's Holiday
Maury, Jean-LouisLes bonnes femmes
Max, EdwinA Matter of Life and Death
May, AdaMonsieur Verdoux
Mazzacurati, RosyLa notte
Mazzeo, LuisWild Tales
McCall, PhilBreaking the Waves
McCowen, AlecFrenzy
McDonald, FrancisThe Sea Wolf
McDowell, MalcolmA Clockwork Orange
McElhone, NataschaThe Truman Show
McGill, BruceMatchstick Men
McGuire, KathrynSherlock Jr.
McIntire, JohnPsycho
McKinney, MiraModern Times
McNaughton, GusThe 39 Steps
McQueen, ButterflyMildred Pierce
Mead, RichardMulholland Drive
Medveczky, BalázsThe Martian
Meisner, GünterThe Quiller Memorandum
Roselyne and the Lions
Mejding, BentItalian for Beginners
Melford, JillThe Servant
Melvin, MurrayBarry Lyndon
Menzer, ErnestA Woman Is a Woman
Band of Outsiders
Made in U.S.A
Merchant, VivienFrenzy
Meredith, BurgessIdiot's Delight
Merino, ÁngelThe Exterminating Angel
Simón of the Desert
Méritz, MichèleLe beau Serge
Merkel, UnaRed-Headed Woman
Merlet, ValentinLa cérémonie
Merrall, MaryDead of Night
Merrill, GaryAll About Eve
Phone Call from a Stranger
Merrill, PeterFull Metal Jacket
Merwicer, DanielWild Tales
Messine, MoniqueVivre sa vie
Meyer, HansPierrot le fou
Meyer, HansRoselyne and the Lions
Mezzogiorno, VittorioThe Moon in the Gutter
Michael, RalphDead of Night
Michi, MariaLa rupture
Middlemass, FrankBarry Lyndon
Mieritz, LouiseThe Boss of It All
Mihashi, TatsuyaThe Burmese Harp
Mikhaylov, VladimirEarth
Mikuni, RentaroThe Burmese Harp
Miles, SarahThe Servant
Miles, VeraPsycho
Miller, AnnMulholland Drive
Miller, CharlottaMelancholia
Miller, ClaireMelancholia
Miller, Claude2 or 3 Things I Know About Her
Miller, Elizabeth LeeThe Blood of a Poet
Mills, EdwinMonsieur Verdoux
Mills, Gary LandonFull Metal Jacket
Mills, MortPsycho
Mimura, HidekoOrnamental Hairpin
Min, Bok-giBurning
Mine, SanpeiThe Burmese Harp
Mirren, HelenThe Cook the Thief His Wife and Her Lover
Misharin, AleksandrSolaris
Mishima, MasaoLate Spring
Missirini, GiulianoRed Desert
Mitani, SachikoTokyo Story
Mitchum, RobertThe Night of the Hunter
Mito, MitsukoUgetsu monogatari
Mitra, AnilDevi
Mitsui, KojiFloating Weeds
Miyaguchi, SeijiEarly Summer
Miyahara, TokuheiThe Burmese Harp
Miyake, KunikoLate Spring
Early Summer
The Flavor of Green Tea over Rice
Tokyo Story
Mobasseri, VahidNo Bears
Mochizuki, YukoThe Flavor of Green Tea over Rice
The End of Summer
Modine, MatthewFull Metal Jacket
Mohammed, NickThe Martian
Molfino, MargaritaWild Tales
Monnet, GabrielThe Moon in the Gutter
Roselyne and the Lions
Monod, RolandA Man Escaped
Monroe, MarilynAll About Eve
Montemurri, DavideLast Year at Marienbad
Montesco, OfeliaThe Exterminating Angel
Montesinos, GuillermoWomen on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown
Montgomery, MontyMulholland Drive
Monthil, MarcelleThe Assassination of Père Noël
Montsoret, Roger2 or 3 Things I Know About Her
Moon, Sung-keunBurning
Moore, JulianneHannibal
Moore, MurielThe Truman Show
Mora, JaneVampyr
Moradi, AkbarWhere Is My Friend's Home?
Morán, PatriciaThe Exterminating Angel
Morange, MartialDiary of a Country Priest
Moreau, Jean-JacquesDiva
Moreau, JeanneLa notte
A Woman Is a Woman
Nathalie Granger
Morell, AndréStage Fright
Barry Lyndon
Morgan, EulaMonsieur Verdoux
Morgan, FrankThe Wizard of Oz
Mori, KikueUgetsu monogatari
Mori, MasayukiUgetsu monogatari
Mori, MitsuhiroTokyo Story
Morishige, HisayaThe End of Summer
Moritzen, HenningCries and Whispers
Morley, DavidBarry Lyndon
Morris, AubreyA Clockwork Orange
Morris, ChesterRed-Headed Woman
Morris, TomMulholland Drive
Morse, DavidDancer in the Dark
Moruzzi, FrancoThe Battle of Algiers
Moseinco, PabloWild Tales
Moss, BerthaThe Exterminating Angel
Mouafi, BimanWhere Is My Friend's Home?
Moullet, PatriceLes carabiniers
Movin, LisbethDay of Wrath
Mowbray, AlanI Wake Up Screaming
Moxzer, JienoI Walked with a Zombie
Moyá, CarlosWild Tales
Mueller-Stahl, ArminVeronika Voss
Mukherjee, GyaneshThe Cloud-Capped Star
Mukherjee, KamuCharulata
Mukherjee, MadhaviThe Big City
Mukherjee, PurnenduDevi
Mukherjee, ShailenCharulata
Mukherjee, SukuCharulata
Muller, PaulPlein soleil
Müller, SeppHeart of Glass
Mulvehill, CharlesThe Passenger
Mura, CorinnaCasablanca
Murase, ZenEarly Summer
Tokyo Story
Musa, DanielThe Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Muse, ClarenceShadow of a Doubt
Myers, HarryExit Smiling
City Lights
Mynster, Karen-LiseItalian for Beginners
Mysłowicz, JanThe Structure of Crystal


N'Goua, Hadjé FatiméDry Season
Leon Niemczyk - Night Train
Leon Niemczyk in Night Train
Nademsky, NikolaiEarth
Naderi, Ali RezaThe Wind Will Carry Us
Nag, HarimohanPather Panchali
Nagaoka, TerukoTokyo Story
Naito, TaketoshiThe Burmese Harp
Nakadai, TatsuyaConflagration
Nakahara, KeishichiThe Burmese Harp
Nakamura, GanjiroConflagration
Floating Weeds
The End of Summer
Nakamura, NobuoTokyo Story
Nakamura, TamaoConflagration
Nakata, TsutomuFloating Weeds
Nanbu, ShozoUgetsu monogatari
Nance, JackBlue Velvet
Nandy, TarapadaDevi
Naniwa, ChiekoThe End of Summer
Napier, AlanMarnie
Narboni, Jean2 or 3 Things I Know About Her
The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Nash, David AndrewThe Truman Show
Nash, MarilynMonsieur Verdoux
Natheaux, LouisModern Times
Nazarov, YuriyAndrei Rublev
Neal, TomDetour
Neckels, BruceZabriskie Point
Nedell, BernardMonsieur Verdoux
Negro, GiorgioLa notte
Neiiendam, SigridDay of Wrath
Nell, KristaPierrot le fou
Nell, NathalieBaxter, Véra Baxter
Nelli, BarbaraI Knew Her Well
Nelson, BarryThe Shining
Nelson, DianeMulholland Drive
Nère, ChristianeLa nuit fantastique
Neri, FrancescaHannibal
Neri, TommasoThe Battle of Algiers
Nero, FrancoI Knew Her Well
Neudorfer, SonjaVeronika Voss
Nicholson, JackChinatown
The Passenger
The Shining
Nielsen, GerdaOrdet
Niemczyk, LeonThe Eighth Day of the Week
Knife in the Water
Night Train
Inland Empire
Nierman, Jean-PhilippeMade in U.S.A
Nihonyanagi, HiroshiEarly Summer
Nikulin, YuriAndrei Rublev
Nilsson, Anna Q.Sunset Boulevard
Ninchi, AvePlein soleil
Les bonnes femmes
Nishimura, KoThe Burmese Harp
Nishimura, SeijiI Was Born, But...
Nishiwaki, TomikoEarly Summer
Niven, DavidA Matter of Life and Death
Noble, ShaunBlack Narcissus
Noiret, PhilippeTopaz
Nolan, DorisThe Servant
Nomura, AkioI Was Born, But...
Nordwall, YngveWild Strawberries
Norée, EvaWild Strawberries
Noro, LineGoupi Mains Rouges
Norris, DeanThe Counselor
Norville, HerbertFull Metal Jacket
Novak, KimVertigo
Nozoe, HitomiFloating Weeds
Núñez, OsmarWild Tales


O'Brien, BenThe Martian
Laurence Olivier - Rebecca - close-up
Laurence Olivier in Rebecca
O'Brien, GeorgeSunrise
O'Brien, MarkArrival
O'Casey, RonanBlow-Up
O'Connell, JackL'avventura
O'Hara, JennyMatchstick Men
O'Malley, RexMidnight
O'Neal, MarkThe Martian
O'Neal, RyanBarry Lyndon
O'Ross, EdFull Metal Jacket
O'Sullivan, ArthurBarry Lyndon
Oakland, SimonPsycho
Oganesyan, BagratSolaris
Ogorodnikova, TamaraSolaris
Ohsugi, TsuneoOrnamental Hairpin
Ok, Ja-yeonBurning
Okada, EijiHiroshima mon amour
Olbrychski, DanielThe Structure of Crystal
Oldenburg, SusanneItalian for Beginners
Oldman, GaryHannibal
Oliva, Nadia HaroThe Exterminating Angel
Oliver, CharlesThe Lady Vanishes
Oliver, LarryBorn Yesterday
Olivier, LaurenceRebecca
Olmos, Edward JamesBlade Runner
Olofsson, HelgaDogville
Olsen, GaryThe Cook the Thief His Wife and Her Lover
Olsen, MoroniMildred Pierce
Olson, NancySunset Boulevard
Olsson, GunnarWild Strawberries
On, LeyBlack Narcissus
Onetto, MaríaWild Tales
Opher, JamesHannibal
Ordon, LechThe Eighth Day of the Week
Ormond, JuliaInland Empire
Oroszlán, SzonjaThe Martian
Osaka, ShiroTokyo Story
Osakura, YokoThe Flavor of Green Tea over Rice
Oshima, TomoyoThe Man Who Left His Will on Film
Otsuka, MasayoshiOrnamental Hairpin
Ottieri, OttieroLa notte
Otto, FrankBorn Yesterday
Outari, IranWhere Is My Friend's Home?
Owe, BaardGertrud
Owen, AlunThe Servant
Owen, GarryMildred Pierce
Oyama, YasuhikoGet Out
Ozawa, EitaroUgetsu monogatari


Page, JoyCasablanca
Gérard Philipe - Such a Pretty Little Beach
Gérard Philipe in Such a Pretty Little Beach
Palau, PierreThe Hand of the Devil
Paletti, UgoThe Battle of Algiers
Paley, ChantalThe Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Palmer, BelindaChinatown
Palmero, DanielleMade in U.S.A
Panahi, JafarNo Bears
Pangborn, FranklinExit Smiling
Panjeei, BakhtiyarNo Bears
Paquin, NicoleA Woman Is a Woman
Parain, BriceVivre sa vie
Parédès, JeanThe Assassination of Père Noël
La nuit fantastique
Parély, MilaBeauty and the Beast
Park, Soo-minThe Day He Arrives
Parker, CecilThe Lady Vanishes
Parker, EleanorThe Naked Jungle
Parlo, DitaL'Atalante
Parrish, RobertSunrise
City Lights
Parvaneh, Mohammad RezaWhere Is My Friend's Home?
Pascaud, NathalieMonsieur Hulot's Holiday
Pasco, IsabelleRoselyne and the Lions
Passalia, AntonioLe boucher
La rupture
Paterson, PatIdiot's Delight
Paterson, VincentDancer in the Dark
Patey, ChristianL'argent
Patrick, LeeThe Maltese Falcon
Mildred Pierce
Paull, MorganBlade Runner
Pavel, PaulVivre sa vie
Pavlidis, CarlosRoselyne and the Lions
Pavlova, TatyanaI Knew Her Well
Pawley, WilliamRed-Headed Woman
Payen, LoyeCléo from 5 to 7
Peace, JoshuaEnemy
Pearce, GuyThe Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
Peck, GregorySpellbound
Roman Holiday
Pedersoli, JavierWild Tales
Pedrazzini, FiorellaWild Tales
Pélégri, JeanPickpocket
Pellegrino, MarkMulholland Drive
Peña, MichaelThe Martian
Pérault, LouisMonsieur Hulot's Holiday
Percy, EsméDead of Night
Pérès, MarcelThe Assassination of Père Noël
Goupi Mains Rouges
Pérez, JeanneLe beau Serge
Perez, RosieThe Counselor
Périer, FrançoisOrphée
Perioli, MarikaMade in U.S.A
Perkins, AnthonyPsycho
Perrier, Jean-FrançoisLa cérémonie
Peterson, DorothySaboteur
Petré, GioWild Strawberries
Petri, NinaRun Lola Run
Petrik, PavelEarth
Petrucci, GiovanniL'avventura
Philipe, GérardSuch a Pretty Little Beach
Juliette, or the Key of Dreams
Fever Mounts at El Pao
Phong, Nguyen HueFull Metal Jacket
Picardi, Cesarino MiceliI Knew Her Well
Piccoli, MichelTopaz
Picken, LeightonThe Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
Pickford, JackExit Smiling
Pickler, FredBlue Velvet
Pierdel, AndréMonsieur Hulot's Holiday
Pierson, RaymondThe Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Pinal, SilviaThe Exterminating Angel
Simón of the Desert
Pinard, LancelotI Walked with a Zombie
Pinciroli, RenatoL'avventura
Pinon, DominiqueDiva
The Moon in the Gutter
Pinter, HaroldThe Servant
Piper, FrederickThe 39 Steps
Pistor, LudgerRun Lola Run
Pitoëff, SachaLast Year at Marienbad
Pitt, BradThe Counselor
Platen, KarlWarning Shadows
Platte, RudolfVeronika Voss
Pleitgen, FrederikThe Martian
Pleshette, JohnThe Truman Show
Plowden, Roger5 Fingers
Pniowsky, AbigailArrival
Podalydès, DenisCaché
Pointer, PriscillaBlue Velvet
Poirot, GérardLes carabiniers
Polesello, FrancaI Knew Her Well
Poliakoff, AlexisMade in U.S.A
Pollack, SydneyEyes Wide Shut
Połomska, BarbaraThe Eighth Day of the Week
Pommereulle, DanielWeekend
Pons, HenriLumière d'été
Pons, IsabelleMade in U.S.A
Ponto, ErichThe Third Man
Porraz, Jean-LucDiva
Post, TimEnemy
Postec, RobertCléo from 5 to 7
Potente, FrankaRun Lola Run
Potter, BettyA Matter of Life and Death
Pouzenc, PhilippeMade in U.S.A
Power, HartleyDead of Night
Roman Holiday
Pozzi, MarceloWild Tales
Prechtel, VolkerHeart of Glass
Presle, MichelineLa nuit fantastique
Price, VincentLaura
Prip, HenrikThe Boss of It All
Prowse, DavidA Clockwork Orange
Pujszo, MariuszRoselyne and the Lions
Purinton, MilesDogville
Pyke, HyBlade Runner


Qualen, JohnCasablanca
Quasimodo, SalvatoreLa notte
Quéant, GillesLast Year at Marienbad
Vivre sa vie
Quigley, GodfreyA Clockwork Orange
Barry Lyndon


Raab, KurtWhity
Chishu Ryu in Floating Weeds
Rabal, FranciscoL'eclisse
Radford, BasilThe Lady Vanishes
Dead of Night
Radley, KenThe Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
Rafferty, TommyThe Big Sleep
Ragas, RoefBreaking the Waves
Rahsepar, FrangisThe Wind Will Carry Us
Rains, ClaudeCasablanca
Rambal, EnriqueThe Exterminating Angel
Ramirez, ÉdgarThe Counselor
Ramon, MitsusaburoUgetsu monogatari
Rampling, CharlotteMelancholia
Randell, RonWhity
Randolph, DonaldTopaz
Randolph, ElsieFrenzy
Randolph, JohnSeconds
Rasp, FritzWarning Shadows
Ratoff, GregoryAll About Eve
Raush, IrmaAndrei Rublev
Rawlings, MargaretRoman Holiday
Rawlins, AdrianBreaking the Waves
Ray, NiranjanThe Cloud-Capped Star
Raye, MarthaMonsieur Verdoux
Raymond, BillDogville
Raymond, CyrilBrief Encounter
Raymond, TedThe Truman Show
Raynaud, JeanThe Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Raynor, SheilaA Clockwork Orange
Reading, BerticeThe Moon in the Gutter
Rebbot, SadyVivre sa vie
Redgrave, MichaelThe Lady Vanishes
Dead of Night
Redgrave, VanessaBlow-Up
Redwood, VickyThe Big City
Rees, JohnThe Quiller Memorandum
Reeves, SabrinaArrival
Reid, FrancesSeconds
Reiguera, FranciscoSimón of the Desert
Rémy, AlbertGoupi Mains Rouges
Renaud, MadeleineLumière d'été
Renner, JeremyArrival
Rennie, MichaelPhone Call from a Stranger
5 Fingers
Reno, JeanThe Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Renoir, RitaRed Desert
Revel, MauriceLes enfants terribles
Rex, EugenWarning Shadows
Rexiane, MarcelleThe Hand of the Devil
Rey, DanielMulholland Drive
Reynolds, CecilModern Times
Reynolds, MarjorieHoliday Inn
Rheims, LiliRed Desert
Ribeiro, CatherineLes carabiniers
Ricci, RenzoL'avventura
Ricciardi, MirellaL'eclisse
Richard, NathalieCaché
Richards, AddisonSpellbound
Monsieur Verdoux
Richardson, MarieEyes Wide Shut
Ridgely, JohnThe Big Sleep
Ridges, StanleyThe Sea Wolf
Rietty, RobertHannibal
Riffel, RenaMulholland Drive
Rifkin, RichardThe Martian
Rigby, EmmaThe Counselor
Risterucci, VincentL'argent
Ritter, ThelmaA Letter to Three Wives
All About Eve
Rear Window
Riva, EmmanuelleHiroshima mon amour
Rivas, EricaWild Tales
Riveros, EnriqueThe Blood of a Poet
Riveyre, JeanDiary of a Country Priest
Rizzo, AlfredoRoman Holiday
Roach, PatBarry Lyndon
Robain, Jean-MarieLes enfants terribles
Robert, YvesJuliette, or the Key of Dreams
Cléo from 5 to 7
Roberts, BobA Matter of Life and Death
Roberts, NancyBlack Narcissus
Robertson, RobertBreaking the Waves
Robin, DanyTopaz
Robinson, Edward G.The Sea Wolf
Robinson, MadeleineLumière d'été
Such a Pretty Little Beach
Robson, FloraBlack Narcissus
Robson, MayRed-Headed Woman
Rochefort, JulienLa cérémonie
Rockwell, SamMatchstick Men
Roddan, AllisonMonsieur Verdoux
Rode, EbbeGertrud
Rode, Nina PensGertrud
Rödel, TonyThe Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Rogers, JohnChinatown
Rogers, KaseyStrangers on a Train
Rohde, ArminRun Lola Run
Roland, VictoriaWild Tales
Rolla, MichelineMonsieur Hulot's Holiday
Rollin, GeorgesGoupi Mains Rouges
Roman, RuthStrangers on a Train
Romand, AnnyDiva
Romanoff, KatiaLa rupture
Romay, AliciaDeath of a Cyclist
Romer, JeanSaboteur
Romero, IsidroThe Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Ron, NoemíWild Tales
Ronet, MauricePlein soleil
Roose, ThorkildDay of Wrath
Root, StephenGet Out
Roquevert, NoëlThe Hand of the Devil
Rory, RossanaL'eclisse
Rosar, AnnieThe Third Man
Rosemond, ClintonI Walked with a Zombie
Rosing, BodilSunrise
Ross, WillieThe Cook the Thief His Wife and Her Lover
Rossellini, IsabellaBlue Velvet
Rossiter, Leonard2001: A Space Odyssey
Barry Lyndon
Rostom, HindCairo Station
Roth, TimThe Cook the Thief His Wife and Her Lover
Rothe, BendtGertrud
Rougeul, JeanThe Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Rouhi, Mohammad HosseinWhere Is My Friend's Home?
Rouleau, RaymondThe Assassination of Père Noël
Rouvel, CatherineLa rupture
Roy, GitaliCharulata
Rud, OveOrdet
Rud, SusanneOrdet
Rudel, RogerLe boucher
Rudolph, LarsRun Lola Run
Runacre, JennyThe Passenger
Ruspoli, EsmeraldaL'avventura
Russell, PaulThe Cook the Thief His Wife and Her Lover
Ruud, SifWild Strawberries
Ryan, EdmonTopaz
Ryan, JasonThe Martian
Ryan, MadgeA Clockwork Orange
Ryan, TimDetour
Rye, Preben LerdorffDay of Wrath
Ryen, RichardCasablanca
Ryu, ChishuI Was Born, But...
Ornamental Hairpin
Late Spring
Early Summer
The Flavor of Green Tea over Rice
Tokyo Story
Floating Weeds
The End of Summer


Saburi, ShinThe Flavor of Green Tea over Rice
Stefania Sandrelli - I Knew Her Well - close-up
Stefania Sandrelli in I Knew Her Well
Saint-Simon, LucileLes bonnes femmes
Saito, BillMatchstick Men
Saito, TatsuoI Was Born, But...
Ornamental Hairpin
Sakall, S.Z.Casablanca
Sakamoto, TakeshiI Was Born, But...
Ornamental Hairpin
Sakura, MutsukoTokyo Story
Floating Weeds
Salerno, Enrico MariaI Knew Her Well
Salimi, MasoamehThe Wind Will Carry Us
Salvage, MarkWhity
Sampedro, Matilde MuñozDeath of a Cyclist
Sanders, DirkPierrot le fou
Sanders, GeorgeRebecca
The Ghost and Mrs. Muir
All About Eve
The Quiller Memorandum
Sanderson, WilliamBlade Runner
Sandford, StanleyModern Times
Sandoz, GérardRoselyne and the Lions
Sandrelli, StefaniaI Knew Her Well
Sanford, ErskineSpellbound
Sano, AsaoFires on the Plain
Sano, ShujiEarly Summer
Santoveña, HortensiaSimón of the Desert
Sanyal, TathagataAntareen
Sargsyan, SosSolaris
Sarkar, KaliThe Music Room
Sarkar, PrasenjitThe Big City
Sato, MichioI Was Born, But...
Saulnier, EricThe Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Savage, AnnDetour
Savage, DominicBarry Lyndon
Savident, JohnA Clockwork Orange
Sawamura, IchisaburoUgetsu monogatari
Sawiris, JackieEyes Wide Shut
Sazanka, KyuFires on the Plain
The End of Summer
Sbaraglia, LeonardoWild Tales
Scal, DollyPickpocket
Schaake, KatrinWhity
The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant
Schade, DorisVeronika Voss
Schanz, HeidiThe Truman Show
Scheitz, ClemensHeart of Glass
Schildkraut, JosephIdiot's Delight
Schipper, SebastianRun Lola Run
Schlumberger, EricVivre sa vie
Schlumberger, GuylaineVivre sa vie
Schmiedt, AngelThe Truman Show
Schmiedt, NastassjaThe Truman Show
Schmitz, SybilleVampyr
Schnass, JorgRoselyne and the Lions
Schneider, EdithThe Quiller Memorandum
Schneider, MariaThe Passenger
Schneider, RomyPlein soleil
Schorpion, FrankArrival
Schroeder, BarbetLes carabiniers
Schroeder, DavidMulholland Drive
Schueller, PeterThe Martian
Schumann, ErikVeronika Voss
Schutz, MauriceVampyr
Goupi Mains Rouges
Schygulla, HannaWhity
The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant
Scipion, RogerMade in U.S.A
Ściwiarski, JanuszThe Eighth Day of the Week
Scott, AlanCléo from 5 to 7
Scott, HelenWeekend
Scott, ZacharyMildred Pierce
Segal, GeorgeThe Quiller Memorandum
Seigner, LouisGoupi Mains Rouges
Selzer, MiltonMarnie
Sembène, OusmaneBlack Girl
Sémonin, LaurenceRoselyne and the Lions
Semyonov, YulianSolaris
Sene, Momar NarBlack Girl
Sengupta, PinakiThe Music Room
Sensharma, SubrataCharulata
Sepúlveda, JoséDeath of a Cyclist
Serbedzija, RadeEyes Wide Shut
Sergeyev, NikolaiAndrei Rublev
Serpico, TerryHannibal
Serrano, JulietaWomen on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown
Servais, JeanSuch a Pretty Little Beach
Fever Mounts at El Pao
Sessions, AlmiraMonsieur Verdoux
Séverin, GastonDiary of a Country Priest
Sevigny, ChloëDogville
Sewruk, AleksanderNight Train
Seymour, CaraDancer in the Dark
Seyrig, DelphineLast Year at Marienbad
India Song
Baxter, Véra Baxter
Shandor, StéphaneThe Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Sharp, AnthonyA Clockwork Orange
Sharp-Bolster, AnitaSaboteur
Shaver, AndrewArrival
Shaw, JanetShadow of a Doubt
Shaw, PeterHannibal
Shaw, VinessaEyes Wide Shut
Shawqi, FaridCairo Station
Shayne, KonstantinVertigo
Shearer, HarryThe Truman Show
Shearer, NormaIdiot's Delight
Sheffield, ReginaldSuspicion
Shiga, MatsukoEarly Summer
Shiiya, KenjiThe Man Who Left His Will on Film
Shim, ShaunaDogville
Shimazu, MasahikoFloating Weeds
The End of Summer
Shiraishi, NaomiThe Man Who Left His Will on Film
Shirakawa, YumiThe End of Summer
Shirosawa, IsaoEarly Summer
Shkurat, StepanEarth
Sigman, MarianoWild Tales
Silva, GenoMulholland Drive
Sim, AlastairGreen for Danger
Stage Fright
Sim, GeraldFrenzy
Simmons, JeanBlack Narcissus
Simon, MichelL'Atalante
Simpson, PeggyThe 39 Steps
Singer, GeraldineGet Out
Sinoël, JeanThe Assassination of Père Noël
Sipperly, RalphSunrise
Siyahi, JavadNo Bears
Sjöberg, GunnarWild Strawberries
Sjöstrand, PerWild Strawberries
Sjöström, VictorWild Strawberries
Skarsgård, AlexanderMelancholia
Skarsgård, StellanBreaking the Waves
Dancer in the Dark
Skaruch, WitoldNight Train
Skiba, SonjaHeart of Glass
Skimenti, VincentThe Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Skjær, HenryOrdet
Skoczylas, WłodzimierzThe Eighth Day of the Week
Skogsberg, PerWild Strawberries
Slater, BlairThe Truman Show
Smith, C. AubreyRebecca
Smith, Gerald OliverCasablanca
Smith, LizThe Cook the Thief His Wife and Her Lover
Snipes, Jon JonBlue Velvet
Sobieski, LeeleeEyes Wide Shut
Sofaer, AbrahamA Matter of Life and Death
The Naked Jungle
Sohrabi, FarzadThe Wind Will Carry Us
Solari, LauraRoman Holiday
Soler, AndrésFever Mounts at El Pao
Soler, DomingoFever Mounts at El Pao
Soler, EmilioWild Tales
Soleymani, YousefNo Bears
Solimani, TebaWhere Is My Friend's Home?
Solntseva, YuliyaEarth
Solo, ManoloPan's Labyrinth
Solonitsyn, AnatolyAndrei Rublev
Soltani, LidaThe Wind Will Carry Us
Song, Seon-miThe Day He Arrives
Soo, PapillonFull Metal Jacket
Soriano, RaymondThe Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Sothern, AnnA Letter to Three Wives
Spengler, VolkerVeronika Voss
Speroni, RobertaLa notte
Spinx, JeronimoGet Out
Spira, FrançoiseLast Year at Marienbad
Spradlin, G.D.Zabriskie Point
Spruell, SamThe Counselor
Spurr, CameronMelancholia
St. John, HowardBorn Yesterday
Strangers on a Train
Stafford, FrederickTopaz
Stafford, JonFull Metal Jacket
Stamp, TerenceThe Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
Stan, SebastianThe Martian
Stanfield, LaKeithGet Out
Stanislawski, MarianInland Empire
Stanton, Harry DeanInland Empire
Staquet, GeorgesBand of Outsiders
Pierrot le fou
Starosta, DiegoWild Tales
Steele, BobThe Big Sleep
Steele, TomZabriskie Point
Steenburgen, MaryInland Empire
Steentoft, ElsebethItalian for Beginners
Stehli, EdgarSeconds
Stein, SammyModern Times
Steinmetz, HerbertVeronika Voss
Stéphane, NicoleLes enfants terribles
Stephenson, HenryRed-Headed Woman
Steppat, IlseThe Eighth Day of the Week
Stevens, CraigPhone Call from a Stranger
Stevens, WarrenPhone Call from a Stranger
Stewart, EwanThe Cook the Thief His Wife and Her Lover
Stewart, JamesRear Window
Stewart, SallyThe Lady Vanishes
Stockwell, DeanBlue Velvet
Stone, LewisRed-Headed Woman
Stone, PaulaIdiot's Delight
Stone, PhilipA Clockwork Orange
Barry Lyndon
The Shining
Stormare, PeterDancer in the Dark
Stössel, LudwigCasablanca
Støvelbæk, AnetteItalian for Beginners
Stovitz, KenBlue Velvet
Straight, BeatricePhone Call from a Stranger
Strøbye, AxelGertrud
Strong, LeonardThe Naked Jungle
Stubing, SolviI Knew Her Well
Stuhlbarg, MichaelArrival
Subor, MichelTopaz
Sugai, IchiroEarly Summer
Sugawara, HideoI Was Born, But...
Sugawara, MichisumiFloating Weeds
Sugimura, HarukoLate Spring
Early Summer
Tokyo Story
Floating Weeds
The End of Summer
Sugita, YasushiFires on the Plain
Sullivan, Sean2001: A Space Odyssey
Sundquist, FolkeWild Strawberries
Sutherland, KieferMelancholia
Svare, SteenItalian for Beginners
Svashenko, SemyonEarth
Svierkier, AnnaDay of Wrath
Swanson, GloriaSunset Boulevard
Sweeney, BobMarnie
Świderski, JanThe Eighth Day of the Week
Swift, CliveFrenzy
Sylvester, William2001: A Space Odyssey
Sylwan, KariCries and Whispers
Szabó, LászlóLes bonnes femmes
Vivre sa vie
Pierrot le fou
Made in U.S.A
Szmigielówna, TeresaNight Train


Ta, Duc HuFull Metal Jacket
Ingrid Thulin - Winter Light
Ingrid Thulin in Winter Light
Tabourin, BéatriceL'argent
Taggart, RitaMulholland Drive
Tagore, SharmilaDevi
Takahashi, ToyoLate Spring
Early Summer
Tokyo Story
Floating Weeds
Takarada, AkiraThe End of Summer
Takizawa, OsamuFires on the Plain
Talazac, OdetteThe Blood of a Poet
Tamiroff, AkimAlphaville
Tanaka, HaruoFloating Weeds
Tanaka, KinuyoOrnamental Hairpin
Ugetsu monogatari
Tanizaki, JunLate Spring
Tansley, DerekThe Servant
Tarn, MichaelA Clockwork Orange
Tati, JacquesMonsieur Hulot's Holiday
Taylor, DonThe Truman Show
Taylor, HollandThe Truman Show
Taylor, KirkFull Metal Jacket
Taylor, PaulineA Clockwork Orange
Taylor, RodZabriskie Point
Taylor, RonThe Truman Show
Taylor, VaughnPsycho
Tazawa, NaeInland Empire
Tearle, GodfreyThe 39 Steps
Terada, KayokoOrnamental Hairpin
Terra, RenatoI Knew Her Well
Terreno, PatriziaNostalghia
Terry, JohnFull Metal Jacket
Teykh, GeorgiySolaris
Thate, HilmarVeronika Voss
Theroux, JustinMulholland Drive
Inland Empire
Thiollier, Jean-DamienThe Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
Thomas, GeoffreyThe Martian
Thompson, WendyGreen for Danger
Thorndike, SybilStage Fright
Thulin, IngridWild Strawberries
Winter Light
Cries and Whispers
Thunberg, OlofWinter Light
Tiémélé, Jean-BaptisteThe Passenger
Tiemroth, LeneItalian for Beginners
Tierney, GeneLaura
The Ghost and Mrs. Muir
Tilvern, AlanChase a Crooked Shadow
Toake, HisaoThe Flavor of Green Tea over Rice
Tokyo Story
Todd, RichardStage Fright
Chase a Crooked Shadow
Toeche-Mittler, KarinLast Year at Marienbad
Tognazzi, UgoI Knew Her Well
Togo, HarukoThe End of Summer
Tohidi, SadikaWhere Is My Friend's Home?
Tollaire, AugustRed-Headed Woman
Tomei, AdamThe Truman Show
Tonai, TomokoThe Burmese Harp
Tono, EijiroTokyo Story
Toomey, RegisSpellbound
The Big Sleep
Topić, VeliborThe Counselor
Toso, OtelloDeath of a Cyclist
Towers, JimThe Truman Show
Towne, KatharineMulholland Drive
Travers, HenryShadow of a Doubt
Travers, LindenThe Lady Vanishes
Treherne, RogerA Man Escaped
Tremaine, KathleenThe Lady Vanishes
Trowbridge, CharlesMildred Pierce
Truppel, RicardoWild Tales
Tsogtsaikhan, NarantsogtThe Martian
Tsubouchi, YoshikoLate Spring
Tsuji, KiyokoThe Man Who Left His Will on Film
Tsukasa, YokoThe End of Summer
Tsukida, MasayaFires on the Plain
Tsukiji, MayumiMr. Thank You
Tsukioka, YumejiLate Spring
Tsuno, TetsuroThe Man Who Left His Will on Film
Tsuruta, KojiThe Flavor of Green Tea over Rice
Tsushima, KeikoThe Flavor of Green Tea over Rice
Tulli, MarcoRoman Holiday
Turkel, JoeThe Shining
Blade Runner
Tuttle, LurenePsycho
Tyler, IanFull Metal Jacket
Tyzack, Margaret2001: A Space Odyssey
A Clockwork Orange


Uchida, AsaoThe End of Summer
Liv Ullmann - Cries and Whispers - close-up
Liv Ullmann in Cries and Whispers
Ueda, KichijiroUgetsu monogatari
Uehara, KenMr. Thank You
Ullmann, LivPersona
Cries and Whispers
Umecka, JolantaKnife in the Water
Urabe, KumekoFloating Weeds
Uria, Horacio NinWild Tales
Usami, JunLate Spring
Ushio, MantaroFires on the Plain
Floating Weeds
Ussing, OlafDay of Wrath


Vainstein, AbiánWild Tales
monica vitti - l'avventura - painting - montaldo
Monica Vitti in L'avventura
Valderi, XeniaRed Desert
Valese, MatteoItalian for Beginners
Valk, FrederickDead of Night
A Matter of Life and Death
Valli, AlidaThe Third Man
Valmy, AndréSuch a Pretty Little Beach
Van den Elsen, SylvieL'argent
Van Dreelen, JohnTopaz
Van Oldenbarneveld, LucyArrival
Vandenberg, DominiqueInland Empire
Varden, EvelynPhone Call from a Stranger
The Night of the Hunter
Varden, NormaCasablanca
Strangers on a Train
Varennes, AndréThe Hand of the Devil
Varennes, JacquesOrphée
Vaughn, JudsonThe Truman Show
Vavassori, Carlos AlbertoWild Tales
Vay, HoracioWild Tales
Vayo, RamiroWild Tales
Vaz Dias, SelmaThe Lady Vanishes
Vea, CésarPan's Labyrinth
Veidt, ConradThe Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
Velázquez, DiegoWild Tales
Vendell, VéroniqueI Knew Her Well
Verdú, MaribelPan's Labyrinth
Verno, JerryThe 39 Steps
Vernon, HowardAlphaville
Vernon, JohnTopaz
Vernon, RichardThe Servant
Vickers, MarthaThe Big Sleep
Vigneault, SoniaArrival
Vignon, VirginieWeekend
Vigus, LarryMatchstick Men
Villa, MónicaWild Tales
Vincent, RomoThe Naked Jungle
Višnjić, GoranThe Counselor
Vissières, CharlesSuch a Pretty Little Beach
Vitali, LeonBarry Lyndon
Eyes Wide Shut
Vitold, MichelLa nuit fantastique
Vitti, MonicaL'avventura
La notte
Red Desert
Vizner, JaroslavRoselyne and the Lions
Vlady, Marina2 or 3 Things I Know About Her
Voe, SandraBreaking the Waves
Volkmann, ElisabethVeronika Voss
von Alten, FerdinandWarning Shadows
von Borsody, SuzanneRun Lola Run
von Deek, WilhelmLast Year at Marienbad
von Eltz, TheodoreThe Big Sleep
von Lehndorff, VeruschkaBlow-Up
von Stroheim, ErichSunset Boulevard
von Sydow, MaxWild Strawberries
Winter Light
The Quiller Memorandum
von Trier, LarsThe Boss of It All
von Twardowski, Hans HeinrichThe Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
von Wangenheim, GustavWarning Shadows
Vukotic, MilenaThe Moon in the Gutter


Wakao, AyakoFloating Weeds
Naomi Watts - Mulholland Drive
Naomi Watts in Mulholland Drive
Walder, ErnstThe Quiller Memorandum
Waldron, CharlesThe Big Sleep
Walker, ArthurI Walked with a Zombie
Walker, RobertStrangers on a Train
Walsh, KayStage Fright
Walsh, M. EmmetBlade Runner
Walshe, PatThe Wizard of Oz
Walters, MeloraMatchstick Men
Warner, Henry ByronSunset Boulevard
Warnick, AllanChinatown
Wasfy, NaimaCairo Station
Watkins, LeonardBlue Velvet
Watson, EmilyBreaking the Waves
Watson, WilliamZabriskie Point
Watson, WylieThe 39 Steps
Watts, NaomiMulholland Drive
Inland Empire
Wayne, NauntonThe Lady Vanishes
Dead of Night
Weaving, HugoThe Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
Webb, CliftonLaura
Webb, JackSunset Boulevard
Webb, RitaFrenzy
Weimer, LilianaWild Tales
Welch, ElisabethDead of Night
Welden, BenThe Big Sleep
Welles, OrsonThe Third Man
Welsh, FinlayBreaking the Waves
Wengraf, John5 Fingers
Werle, BarbaraSeconds
Werner, GabrielLast Year at Marienbad
West, FordSherlock Jr.
Westcott, HelenPhone Call from a Stranger
Westmoreland, StoneyMatchstick Men
Weyher, RuthWarning Shadows
Whaley Jr., EddieBlack Narcissus
Whitaker, ForestArrival
Whitaker, GaryMelancholia
Whitelaw, BillieFrenzy
Whitford, BradleyGet Out
Whitty, MayThe Lady Vanishes
Wiazemsky, AnneAu hasard Balthazar
Wicki, BernhardLa notte
Wifstrand, NaimaWild Strawberries
Wiig, KristenThe Martian
Wilamowski, KazimierzNight Train
Wilding, MichaelStage Fright
Wilkins, MartinI Walked with a Zombie
Wilkins, RegBlow-Up
Willes, PeterIdiot's Delight
Williams, AllisonGet Out
Williams, HarcourtRoman Holiday
Williams, MelvinI Walked with a Zombie
Willy, SuzyMonsieur Hulot's Holiday
Wilmot, JohnGet Out
Wilson, DooleyCasablanca
Wilson, JohnnyZabriskie Point
Wilson, JosephineThe Lady Vanishes
Wiman, Ann-MarieWild Strawberries
Windheim, MarekHoliday Inn
Winnicka, LucynaNight Train
Winston, IreneRear Window
Winters, ShelleyPhone Call from a Stranger
The Night of the Hunter
Winton, JaneSunrise
Withers, GoogieThe Lady Vanishes
Dead of Night
Wittman, NickThe Martian
Wójcik, ZbigniewThe Eighth Day of the Week
Wölck, RikkeItalian for Beginners
Wolfe, IanSaboteur
Wollter, SvenThe Sacrifice
Wonacott, Edna MayShadow of a Doubt
Wong, BenedictThe Martian
Wood, NatalieThe Ghost and Mrs. Muir
Woolley, MontyMidnight
Worms, RenéOrphée
Wright, TeresaShadow of a Doubt
Wrzesińsk, BarbaraThe Structure of Crystal
Wulff, RandallMulholland Drive
Wyllie, MegMarnie
Wyman, JaneStage Fright
Wyndham, RobertDead of Night
Wynn, KeenanPhone Call from a Stranger
Wyprächtiger, HansVeronika Voss


Xuxing, XueThe Martian


Yacef, SaadiThe Battle of Algiers
Shoji Yasui - The Burmese Harp
Shoji Yasui in The Burmese Harp
Yamamura, SoTokyo Story
Yanagi, EijiroThe Flavor of Green Tea over Rice
Yankovsky, OlegNostalghia
Yanne, JeanWeekend
Le boucher
Yasui, ShojiThe Burmese Harp
Yeun, StevenBurning
Yokoyama, JunOrnamental Hairpin
Yoo, Ah-inBurning
Yoo, Jun-sangThe Day He Arrives
Yoshikawa, MitsukoI Was Born, But...
Yoshino, KenjiThe Man Who Left His Will on Film
Young, BurtChinatown
Young, Dee DeeSeconds
Young, NedrickSeconds
Young, Scott AlexanderThe Martian
Young, SeanBlade Runner
Yui, MunenobuOrnamental Hairpin
Yusufoglu, SinanNo Bears


Zabriskie, GraceInland Empire
Die Sehnsucht der Veronika Voss - Rainer Werner Fassbinder - Rosel Zech
Rosel Zech in Veronika Voss
Zadek, PeterVeronika Voss
Zapiór, JerzyNight Train
Zardi, DominiquePickpocket
Les bonnes femmes
A Woman Is a Woman
Pierrot le fou
La rupture
Żarnecki, AndrzejThe Structure of Crystal
Zbiróg, JózefInland Empire
Zech, RoselVeronika Voss
Ziemann, SonjaThe Eighth Day of the Week
Zinn, JeffZabriskie Point
Zintel, ZygmuntNight Train
Zwerling, DarrellChinatown
Zylberberg, JulietaWild Tales